"Steps, what did you find?" Hong Taishi also jumped out, some guilty, but full of anger.

What they just talked about can be said to be a big mistake. Although they can be denied if they are not recorded, they are somewhat guilty. The most important thing is that this is Hong Fu, who was actually sneaked in?

Hong Tianbu's brows were wrinkled. He clearly sensed what happened. He could run out but found nothing. It was strange.

He believes in his own feelings, and after blending the eyes of an ancient sinister object, his insight has increased by hundreds of times.

Is it suspicious?

Hong Tianbu turned another two laps, and this turned to Hong Taishi: "Maybe I am wrong."

Hong Taishi was relieved and not as scary as you.

"Not too early, you should rest early." He said to the grandson, he was so troubled, and he did not have the interest of talking.

Hong Tianbu nodded slowly, and after seeing Hong Taishi go out of the courtyard, he took another two laps in the yard, and he returned to the house.

On the roof, Ling Han was relieved, and the intuition of Hong Tianbu was really sensitive.

Then the eyes of the ancient and fierce objects are too forked.

After waiting for a while, Ling Han quietly leaped from the roof, carefully not making a sound.

In the house, Hong Tianbu did not immediately rest, but the table lamp was looking at a book and concentrated.

Ling Han quietly covered the past, holding a piece of rotten stone in his hand and holding it up.

Brush, he squatted.

After all, Hong Tianbu was Hong Tianbu. Even in such a situation, he still gave birth to a sense, and suddenly he turned back, but it was still late. Hey, brick-like heavy objects slammed on his head, he even A word could not be sent out, and it went straight to the ground and fainted.

Ling Han was amazed, this piece of rotten stone is really a cow fork, as strong as Hong Tianbu was overturned by his brick.

He looked at it again and couldn't help but laugh, because Hong Tianbu's forehead not only swelled a big bag, but also printed a word on it, which was on the rotten stone tablet. He couldn't recognize what it was, and it was very vague.

"The monkey brother said that this is a tombstone, and the yin is entangled. It is extremely ominous." Ling Han murmured, "When you use this knocking sap, should you be able to give people three years of bad luck?"

He smiled and began to search for it.

Hong Tianbu is not only amazing in martial arts, but also has great opportunities. There should be many treasures on the body.

Ling Han soon found a space instrument, infused with a "look", there are really a few treasures, precious materials, life treasures, and a lot.

"There is only that?"

Ling Han suddenly thought of the book that Hong Tianbu was reading before, and quickly picked it up from the table and suddenly showed a happy color.

This is a body of law, called the world.

Judging from the description of the body, this is a fairy, but mortals are not unable to learn, but because the level of power is too much, it is naturally impossible to show its strength, and it cannot be continuously applied.

This body method was found by Hong Tianbu from an ancient cannon's grave. Even if it was placed in the upper generation civilization, this method can be called the top.

From this point of view, Hong Tianbu's road is really good.

Entering a powerful burial chamber, you can smoothly acquire the treasures and return to the whole body. How many people can do it under the sun?

Plus this guy also blends the eyes of an ancient savage object, showing his strong path.

"This time you spared a life, you have been bullying several times, you can't let you die so cheaply." Ling Han murmured, leaving with Liu, and then looking for Hong Taishi.

This is simple, the area is in the name of the territory, Ling Han does not have to deliberately hide the breath, walked over is a brick underarm, the old guy fainted.

It’s just that there is not much oil in the body of Hong Taishi. Basically, it is some jade seeds. The most indispensable thing is the jade seeds.

Ling Hanyuan returned, look at the time is still early, he slept.

Early the next morning, he began to practice as usual, only to feel that the entrance to the country was amazing.

The world environment has changed and accelerated the pace of cultivation.

The speed of cultivation is of course a good thing, but it also means that some of the people in the cage have to be born again. The faster and the change, the more people will come out and become stronger.

The banned effect of the cage is based on the energy extraction of the star. The starfish was completely unsuitable for cultivation before, so the prison was stable and no one ran.

Therefore, when the starfish is completely restored, it means that the cage is completely open.

This is really a contradiction. On the one hand, Ling Han wants to cultivate faster, and on the other hand, he does not want the strong in the cage to come out so quickly.


Ling Han sighed, forget it, don't want it, whether he wants it or doesn't want it, this change is not something he can stop and influence, so don't worry about it.

After a few days, rumors have started.

- Hong Tianbu was smashed and a big bag appeared on his forehead.

This is not to say, once the unparalleled Tianjiao seems to be entangled in the bad luck, the Hong family's next person reported that when Hong Tianbu was practicing, the house suddenly collapsed, making him gray face.

Or eat, eat and eat, actually eat half a tooth from the dish.

For example, when walking, suddenly there is a big pit in front of it.

All kinds of incredible coincidences happened to him. It was like being deliberately arranged, but the smart people would not arrange such a coincidence. Therefore, it can only be said that Hong Tianbu’s luck suddenly became extremely bad.

After listening to Ling Han, I couldn’t help but lick my teeth. It’s really the same as the monkey brother’s. The broken stone tablet is an ominous thing, and the yin is too heavy. You see, Hong Tianbu is just being beaten, actually unlucky. It has become like this.

However, Hong Tianbu is Hong Tianbu after all, and under such circumstances, he has also steadily stepped into the search for secrets.

The news came out and the whole emperor moved.

Although the search for secrets has been springing up like an explosion, Hong Tianbu is the first genius of the past, and now is one of the emperors' arrogance. He has entered the search for secrets and has extraordinary significance.

Perhaps, in the near future, the emperor will emerge the second strongest.

Ling Han is also amazed, under the shackles of the bad luck, Hong Tianbu can still so triumphantly, this way is really against the sky.

Moreover, he does not seem to have found the treasures of Hong Tianbu's body clean, this guy actually has life treasures to attack the secrets?

Ling Han just sighed, and put his attention on himself.

After so many days, he also reached the peak of the second layer of the inscription. After two or three days, he could impact the three layers of the inscription.

The work of the Foreign Affairs Office has progressed in an orderly manner. More and more sects have been returned. It is also that some of the forces that cast the Dingjing have been sent to the books. The benefits of Ling Han are also increasing. I believe that he can make him rush. Looking for a secret.

However, the accident is also there.

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