Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3523: 砸场子

The purpose of today’s event is to create a momentum for Hong Tianbu. As for the face of the Foreign Affairs Office and the sweeping face, it is only incidental.

However, since Ling Han has to run over to make a fun, then step on it.

This kind of little person, stepping on death will not make people look more.

Lu Haiyuan looked at Ling Han, and his height was shorter than Ling Han, but he looked down with a condescending.

This is the general sense of superiority of the people who come out of the cage. Hehe, obviously he is a prisoner, but he is tall and looks down on the creatures on the original continent.

Ling Han looked at Lu Haiyuan, and the color gradually became cold: "What do you say?"

"I will let you kneel down!" Lu Haiyuan disdainfully, in fact, in the cage is to find the secret to want to marry him, he also wants to look at the mood, but not everyone is qualified to kneel in front of him.

Ling Han looked at the other side, and his feet slammed hard. Hey, he broke out with an astonishing speed, and immediately rushed to Lu Haiyuan’s face, and slap in the face.

"Cowardly!" Lu Haiyuan sneered, punching away with Ling Han, and actually dared to shoot himself, too bold.

Hey, Ling Han hit a suffocating impact.

This is the result of the seven changes, that is, how to open the border, still have to recruit.

Lu Haiyuan’s attack suddenly stagnate, but he can be turned into a disciple by the spiritual environment. Naturally, it is not possible to be a straw bag, but he will wake up in a flash.

But the master has made a move, can you afford this moment?

Hey, Ling Han’s palm was already falling, and Lu Haiyuan flew up. After crossing an arc, he fell heavily on the ground.

For a while, the audience was silent.

What kind of arrogance Lu Haiyuan had just made was that the emperors were not in the eyes, but the princes did not dare to take him, because he was a disciple of Hualing Zhenjun.

However, Ling Han is regardless of carelessness, directly slap in the face.

Everyone's expression is weird, and sure enough, Ling Han is still the cold, and he is not afraid of it. Before he even dared to be a strong man, it is not difficult to understand the slap in the face.

The question is, how can a disciple who is a spiritual person be so vulnerable?

In fact, Ling Han can make Lu Haiyuan appear a blank gap with the suffocating impact, and then wear the other side's attack with the scorpion, these two abilities can be produced when the seven changes.

Therefore, this shot flew to Lu Haiyuan, neither the cold luck nor the land and sea source is not strong enough, but Ling Han almost went all out, this is to stand up, of course, can not be dragged.

Lu Haiyuan climbed up and climbed up. Although his face was swollen with a large piece, he did not suffer any serious damage. He was only hit by a blow, and he was still on his face, making him very angry.

"Ling Han, are you really looking for death?" He gnawed his teeth.

"I have not been to the government to apply for a permit, who will allow you to stay in the Imperial City?" Ling Han faintly said, "Now give you a chance, immediately kneel down and return, otherwise, the Lord can only expel you."

Everyone is amazed. Lu Haiyuan is a disciple of Hualing Zhenjun. Do you dare to be hard?

Although the strength of Lu Haiyuan is far from being comparable to that of Sheng Dan, Chen Fengyan can still resist, but when the spirit is really out, Chen Fengyan has only lost.

Otherwise, why should the previous emperors swallow their voices?

"Ling cold, don't mess around!" The great emperor immediately yelled.

"This is not the time when you are tempted!" The three emperors also said.

Well, even the emperors are also against the cold.

Can not blame them for guilty, can only say that the deterrent power of the spirit of the real king is too great.

Everyone is shaking their heads, and there is even more sorrow. Even Chen Fengyan’s son is against the cold, what irony?

Lu Haiyuan laughed happily: "Ling Han, don't you think you are a clown? You jumped up and down, but the result was just a ugly person who screamed and sang a one-man show."

Ling Han shook his head: "Do you say this, does your face hurt?"

Lu Haiyuan suddenly changed his face, which poked his pain.

"Looking for death!" He screamed and killed the past with Ling Han. This time he kept his heart with the gods.

is that useful?

Ling Han once again hit the suffocating impact, even if Lu Haiyuan had some defenses, it was useless, and it was still a moment of embarrassment.

Ling Han raised his hand, and it was a slap in the face.

After all, after eating a loss, Lu Haiyuan subconsciously bowed, but was still wiped a trace by the palm of the hand, leaving a red mark on the forehead, but eventually no longer being beaten.

For Lu Haiyuan, this is still a huge failure, making his face more ugly.

Two shots, all ended in defeat, isn't this a joke?

"Bastard!" His right hand spurred, there is a small white jade tower, but seven inches high, floated out of the air, hanging over his head, hanging down a jade color.

Lu Haiyuan screamed and slammed for the third time. This time, he also used weapons and a long sword.

Ling Han was infused as usual, but found that the other tower's jade tower had the effect of defensive intrusion, and his suffocating shock declared no success.

This is a bit like a word, otherwise it is too wasteful, what a disciple of the spiritual world.

"Death!" Lu Haiyuan smashed through the sword, and the air around him was boiling.

Ling Han's eyes are condensed, and the sword in the other hand is a one-star implement. If he fights with a meat fist, he may not be hurt too much by his seven bones, but it will definitely break the blood.

This is not guilty.

He showed the warhammer, nourishment, and the thunder flashed and slammed away.

boom! boom! boom!

The warhammer and the sword collided, forming a big collision, and the glare of the brilliance flashed, so that many people could not open their eyes and could not look directly at it.

This is a very strong opponent, Ling Han said in his heart.

Kaikai and the genius of the genius of the martial arts, so that Lu Haiyuan has the strength to sweep the shackles, is not inferior to Ling Han, before being hit by a blow, it is a loss of suffocation, not his strength is low.

Now that he has been able to exert all his fighting power, it is terrible, so that several emperors are shocked very much. If they go to war, they will have a small chance of winning.

Of course, the reason why Lu Haiyuan can become the opponent of Ling Han is because he is a higher realm than Ling Han. Otherwise, the one-star genius of the district is nothing. It is impossible to be the enemy of Ling Han.

Ling Han launched the martial arts, the world's operation immediately became slow, Lu Haiyuan's attack was broken down one by one, completely mastered by him.

Lu Haiyuan’s situation immediately became terrible. The attack mode was mastered, and he was tied to his feet. Usually he did not hand it out, but he found that Ling Han was waiting for him in front.

How to fight this?

He constantly changed his mind, but it didn't work. It seemed that Ling Han was the locust in his stomach, and he knew everything about him.

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