Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3549: Ice stone

No wonder these people are not willing to leave here.

The ice stone can gather the power of the heavens and the earth, even after entering the path of the fairy, it still has a strong auxiliary effect.

However, the ice stone is difficult to take, so these people are negotiating how to get this treasure.

Ling Han quietly left, according to the words of these people, came to the place.

This is a steep mountain wall, and there is a pine tree on the mountain wall, which is one person high. On the top of the pine tree, there is a jade stone smaller than the fist, which emits a faint light.

That is the ice stone.

Why is it difficult to take?

Although Bingyuan Stone is indeed placed in a very high place, it is not a simple matter to find a secret to climb a rock.

Let's take a step back, does the demon and the sea people have no "birds"? It is not a simple matter to fly into the original form and fly down.

That is because there will be tremendous pressure after leaving the ground. Otherwise, the lakes before are too good to cross. As long as the wings are flying, the octopus monsters have nothing to do.

Because of this, everyone can't do anything, just look at it.

Can ice stone be so precious, who is willing to leave?

Ling Han also looked up, how should he get this treasure?

Unfortunately, the people behind are too close, otherwise, Ling Han can use the sky jade to try it.

Wait, can't you do six baby?

Ling Han called out the six baby and said: "There is suppression here. Can you break through this barrier?"

"I try." Liu Wa milk sounds authentic.

She has her own invisible effect and is naturally not afraid of exposure.

Ling Han can't see people, can only wait.

After a while, the sound of Liuwa sounded up: "Auntie, this suppression is too great, and I have no way."

Even the six baby is no way?

Ling Han sighed, can you really watch it?

He decided to take the risk and try it. This treasure is so precious. He already has a Wanxing stone, so the trip to the peak can be said to be complete, even if he can't get other gods, he doesn't care.

But Bingyuan Stone, this treasure he must get.

He began to climb the summit and slowly climbed up.

After climbing a few feet, a strong pressure hit, and the empty skin suddenly fell off his body.

This is just wrapped, naturally not reliable, a lot of pressure, and immediately fell off.

Ling Han grabbed the animal skin, but did not wear it. At present, this gesture is not easy to get.

Fortunately, Hong Tianbu, who are discussing how to get the ice stone, even if Hong Tianbu IQ is higher, will not guess that Ling Han actually dare to take such a risk.

Ling Han continued to climb, the pressure was like a mountain, and the sweat on his head was rolling.

However, he still can't live.

The colder climbs higher and higher, in fact he has exceeded the limit that most people can reach, because this pressure varies from person to person, not absolute.

It is getting higher and higher, leaving only a distance of about one foot.

But at this time, the pressure is like a mountain, and now it is barely moving.

The speed of Ling Han is getting slower and slower, and moving it makes his bones sound like Kaka.

"Hey, there seems to be a voice?" Not far away, Hong Tianbu, they are discussing, but there are always people with special ears, and they hear the sound of the bones.

When he looked back, he was shocked and said: "Someone is on it!"

When others heard it, they all looked at it.

"who is it?"

"Heaven, he can climb so high!"

"I am going to get the ice stone."

Everyone was exclaimed, which shocked them. This height made them envious, and no one could achieve it.

"Ling, Ling Han!" Hong Tianbu blurted out, his face full of surprises.

Ren he thought that how to understand Ling Han, and would not think that Ling Han dare to appear so blatantly, take the ice stone.

However, he immediately showed a sneer, this time Ling Han is self-investment.

"Listen to me." Hong Tianbu said, "Don't alarm him, let him get the ice stone, and then surround him. Master Jin, you have to lock the dragon array, so that he can't show his bounds."

He arranged it casually, but it eliminated all the routes that could escape, and showed strong control ability.

Everyone is obeying orders. Although they will definitely avoid a fight after winning the cold, they are willing to work together before this.

Ling Han naturally saw the situation underneath, but since he decided to take risks, he naturally expected that there would be such a possible appearance, and he did not panic in his heart, but continued to climb upwards.

His current speed is calculated in inches, one inch and one inch upward, and every inch up, he has to pay a great price, the bones are violent, and it seems to be broken at any time.

It can be said that the bones are hard, and Ling Han is definitely the first person under the path of Xian.

Because he experienced seven times of hardening, the hardness of the bone can not be compared even if it is a secret.

There are also seven feet, five feet, and one foot!

Ling Han reached out and Ice Element Stone was at your fingertips.

Everyone is watching, and the heart is hanging up. They all hope that Ling Han can succeed. After success, they can take the ice stone from Ling Han.

Ling Han’s hand stretched out and touched the ice stone. He grasped the stone and smashed it into the gourd.

He looked down to the bottom, everyone was waiting for him to come down, and once he landed, everyone would attack him for the first time, to capture the ice stone, the Wanxing stone and so on.

However, since he dares to take risks, he must have followed.

Ling Han took out the sky jade, and then tied the nourishing gourd to the mind to compress.

"Everyone, there will be a period later." He smiled and threw the sky jade out. Hey, his mind was caught up, and the whole person immediately entered the nourishing gourd.

The sky jade cuts through the space and blasts out.

It immediately recovered to the weight of tens of thousands of pounds, and used to go out with unstoppable momentum.

No one dares to stop.

Thousands of pounds, even now only seven times the speed of sound, the power is still terrible, at least not to find the secret can be blocked, who is blocking who died, after all, the sky jade itself is still a two-star material.


The jade of the day shot a distance, and the air suddenly appeared a slap, as if it had been worn.

That was the array under the golden jade, but it was completely unable to bind the sky jade and was directly bombarded.

This is what Hong Tianbu did not expect. Ling Han will break through in this way, and he will succeed.

For a moment, the sky jade shot a very far distance, and there was a loud noise in the distance. The sky jade was heavy, and then hit at such a speed, how horrible the destructive power.

"Catch!" After everyone saw it, they rushed out.

They suddenly realized that the coldness suddenly disappeared, and it must have entered the gourd, and this gourd can contain living things, which is extremely precious, and it is the spirit of the real spirit.

Whether it is the Wanxing Stone, or the Ice Stone, or the Yuan Hulu, which one is the treasure, you can break the head.

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