Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3559: one question

Ling Han stood firmly on the ground and was as stable as a rock.

Rely on, monster!

The people who rushed out before saw it, they were scared, and they quickly turned back, and they dared to attack again.

Ling Han is just a smile, his fierce name is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, seeing him innocent, no one dares to rival him.

He couldn't help but reflect. Was it just time to throw the color pig out to explore the road?

That guy can absorb all attacks and should not be killed.

Feeling that Ling Han was full of malicious eyes, the color pig couldn't help but scream, turning his head to look at Ling Han, a look of resentment.

Absolutely, it is absolutely not allowed to use the pig uncle as a pathfinder!

However, Ling Han only needs to test it. He once again entered the loofah, but this time, he tried to rely on bright fruits.

Of course, he did not relax his vigilance. Maybe his speculation is not accurate, so he still has to wait.

Close, near, and near, no response.

Ling Han smiled, but still did not care, because this may be just a coincidence.

Presumably, more examples are needed to prove it.

He moved back under his feet, or near the bright colored loofah, approaching, passing, and going, no response. After ten times, Ling Han was completely affirmed, and his speculation was correct.

"No, no!"

"This guy is not a person!"

"Just been bombed once, he figured out the rules here?"

"Hey, Hong Tianbu is also the same, is this the ability of peerless enchanting?"

The people in the vegetable fields are not exclaiming, this is amazing.

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao: "Don't escape?"

He approached one person, and the man yelled and hurriedly ran away. As a result, he was blown up. For the first time, he was only two legs less, but after the fall he unfortunately caused an explosion. This is a terrible thing, and it is directly smashed.

Everyone was a big man. Some people sneaked into the loofah in the cold, and quickly ran out of other fields and ran away.

For those who didn't force themselves too deeply, Ling Han didn't want to kill him. He just stared at the people who used to call the most powerful people. It must be killed.

Without the cold shot, he only needs to exert pressure to let those people continually run towards the depths of the vegetable fields. As a result, they see a golden mushroom cloud rising up. Those people are not badly wounded and killed.

After Ling Han killed those who had the most fierce jumps, he did not pursue it again, but headed for the depths of the vegetable fields.

He stopped and stopped, because every time he walked, he would observe it with scorpion surgery, which is naturally a great drain. After a while he will let his eyes rest well.

After a long time, Ling Han suddenly stunned.

When he first started his martial arts, he saw a strange scene. Some bright fruits turned into dark colors, while dark ones turned into bright colors, but some dark colors and bright colors did not change.


If Ling Han had to close the sputum early, it would be impossible to see such a change. If you stepped on it according to the situation observed before, it would be a big mold.

He quickly corrected the route and passed the area.

Is this piece of watermelon so, after a certain period of time, the entire vegetable field is changing?

In the next piece of pumpkin land, Ling Han has been opening the scorpion, but nothing has changed since the passage.

It seems that it should be time after the whole vegetable field will change together, not a certain piece.

Ling Han walked slowly, but the efficiency was too slow, so that the second baby came out, and two people took turns to open the scorpion.

This efficiency naturally increased, and two days later, they finally walked out of the vegetable field.

In front of it is a mountain road. After passing this section, Ling Han could not help but see.

Going to the top?

Really, the front is a huge platform, like an altar, cast in white jade stone, ten feet high from the ground, only one place can enter, but the intersection is standing with a huge stone man.

stone man? It is a stone.

Before the Stone Man, there were more than a dozen young people standing there, including Hong Tianbu, Jin Yulu, and some of the top geniuses in the cages and seas.

So many people have passed the vegetable field?

Is it brought by Hong Tianbu?

This person has the eyes of an ancient and fierce object, which is equivalent to having a martial art. It is not unusual to be able to walk out of the melon field.


Seeing that someone went up to the top of the mountain, Hong Tianbu and others turned around and looked around. When they found out that it was Ling Han, everyone was a ghost.

There are so many secrets in front of the melon field. How did you get here?

However, it is better to send it to your own door.

"Ling Han, it's a paradise. You don't have to go. There is no door to hell. You have to come in!" A sea powerhouse came out. He was an octopus, and his lower body was eight tentacles.

I don't know if I passed the big lake before, is it close to the big octopus set inside? After all, a family.

He just wanted to shoot, but a strong force was attacked, hehe, and he was suppressed to the ground.

"In the Holy Land, it is forbidden to fight." The stone man suddenly opened his mouth, oh, swaying in the sea of ​​everyone's knowledge.

This is not a sound, but a wave of knowledge.

Ling Han is also a glimpse, this stone man is not looking for a secret, but the existence of the Xiantu level.

No wonder it can sit on the top of the mountain. This altar-like platform should be the end of the trip.

The octopus Haizu climbed up, but did not dare to shoot again, just to Ling Handao: "Bug, you are lucky!"

Ling Han just smiled, if he really moved his hand, he must have won this guy shouting.

"There should be no one to come here again," said the stone man. In fact, it was just a mouth open, and there was no sound, but it was directly transmitted to everyone's knowledge of the sea with the volatility of the gods.

"Then it will not waste time."

"I have a question. After asking, you have a minute to consider."

"If you answer the right person, you can pass this level."

"On the altar, there are rewards for you."

When everyone listens, they are all gearing up. It is not easy to answer a question.

“Is one plus one equal to a few?” asked the stone man.


When this problem arises, everyone will not be surprised. This is not simple, is it not two?

If it is so simple, how can it be regarded as the ultimate problem?

Wait, is it deliberate to mislead people with such simple questions, in fact, the answer is so simple?

Everyone is hesitant, the key is to touch the mind of this stone man, this is a simple math problem, or it involves a messy thinking problem.

A minute's time is a natural turn.

"Answer, together, otherwise it is an answer." Stone man said.

Suddenly, everyone spoke up.

(End of this chapter)

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