Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3562: Sea of ​​true blood

The little stone man said with great pride, it is a kind of pride that emerges from the bones and from the soul.

Ling Han is a glimpse, ancestors?

The monkey brother also said that his ancestors had a ancestral king, invincible to Xingyu, and led an era.

Is there such a presence in Panshizu?

"The Panshi adults were originally a hard rock between heaven and earth. After many years, they opened up a sense of wisdom, slowly absorbed the power of the heavens and the earth, embarked on the avenue, and finally turned to the enemy of the world, and achieved the strongest." The little stone man continued to say that he was very proud.

It is no wonder that there are stones everywhere, and since the stone ancestor is a stone, this makes sense.

It’s just that a piece of stone can be the strongest. How inspirational it is.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "So, my roots are general and my talents are flat. I may not have the possibility of becoming a ancestors in the future."

The little stone man wants to refute. What do you think is the ancestor? I don’t know how many geniuses are fascinated. The reason is so confident.

But before it was taken as an example of Pan Shizu Wang, since the hard stone can get it, why can't Ling Han not?

You know, the foundation of this guy is beyond all geniuses and only seen for it.

You can see that Ling Han is so confident and full of appearance, it still can't help but say: "Boy, you are so crazy, do you know what the ancestors represent? The emperor between heaven and earth can be called the emperor, can be called holy Emperor, invincible synonym!"

Ling Han nodded, his face did not matter, he did not climb from the ordinary people to the strongest position in the Yuan world, for him, this is a light car, and once again.

The little stone man is crazy, and the young man is confident and does not move at all.

Forget it, don't have a general knowledge of him.

"To say this, just let you know how powerful Panshi adults are!" it said.

Ling Han nodded and swept over the twelve stone statues: "Is the real body of Panshi adults in it?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xiao Shiren laughed. "You kid is too naive. If the real body of Pan Shi Daren is here, can you stand up endlessly? It has already been shattered by the powerful atmosphere."

"Don't say you, that is, the saints are coming, and they have to succumb to the ground."

Although Ling Han is somewhat swaying, he still calms down the nature. He firmly believes that he can climb to the peak of Wudao.

"What about the stone giant?" he asked.

"Oh, it is the invincible ancestor who is not immortal. Panshi adults have long since disappeared." The little stone man said, "However, adults laid this peak in the late life and can be endless in the stars. Shuttle through the ground, give some people help, and better cross the fairy road."

"But for the real genius, the adults have other arrangements."

Ling Han is a little excited. Since the stone man said so much, he obviously will receive special treatment.

"Hey, you know, what are these so-called sacred stones?" The little stone man is proud of himself, as if he is selling.

"I don't know." Ling Han shook his head, but deliberately revealed the color of expectation, greatly satisfying the vanity of this stone man.

Sure enough, the little stone man was more proud, saying: "The adult left a drop of real blood and turned into a sea, and these so-called stones are ordinary stones thrown in the sea of ​​true blood, only affected by the real blood of adults. There will be endless magical powers."

Ling Han has revealed the color of shock, and the foundation stone that was taken as the treasure by everyone is only a stone.

How powerful is the ancestors?

A drop of true blood turned into a sea, nourishment does not know how many stone, all turned into a **** stone, gifted to others from generation to generation, always exhausted.

"Now I know the power of Panshi adults?" Xiaoshiren said proudly, "Being able to become a ancestor is not the strongest person of an era, but after several times of history, the power of Panshi adults can also be ranked among all the ancestors. Top ten, no, top three!"

"The more common the existence, the harder it is to get it, but it is really climbing the peak, but it is absolutely strong, and it is invincible."

Ling Han couldn’t help but be a long-awaited, an ordinary stone, exposed to the sun and rain, trampled by people, smashed by wild beasts, and silently endured for countless years, but it was finally enlightened by the wisdom of the heavens and the earth, slowly cultivating, Started the road to cultivation.

How difficult is this?

But this is the existence, but in the end it has become the world's first, invincible an era.

Ling Han could not help but imagine in his mind, what kind of genius was this Panshi adult.

“Is this what the Panshi adults look like?” he asked.

The little stone man nodded and cherished the authenticity: "Just a good sculptor can't describe the charm of an adult. The stone statue that you can't see is once touched by an adult. It is just like this. ”

This is really strong.

"Building the foundation with the **** stone, even the stone foundation of the fairy road is from the adults. No matter how amazing you are, you can't jump out of the shackles of the adults. The highest achievement is limited to the saints. It is impossible to go further." Turn, the end is to pull back the right path.

"So, ordinary people, I am responsible for sending them a piece of stone, which will be of great help to them, but for true genius, I will bring him the sea of ​​true blood, let him feel the mood of adults."

"Only by getting out of your own path, you can reach the strongest."

Ling Han nodded. In fact, he was also very disgusted with integrating foreign objects into his body. Before he was in the Yuan World, he also took the position of Tianzun himself. It was because he came out of a completely different way and became the strongest god. .

"Come on." The small stone grabbed the cold, and the two disappeared from the hill.

Ling Han had a flower in front of him, and he saw himself on a vast ocean. This piece of sea was red and bloody, but it was steaming and radiant, and it was magnificent.

A drop of blood, turned into a sea, and there is such a weather?

How strong is the ancestral king?

"The adult refining the hegemony in the real blood. Otherwise, a drop of blood can kill the saint." The little stone man said proudly, then loosened his hand, and Ling Han went down. "You have three days to realize. When time is up, I will take you out."

Wu Tong, Ling Han fell into the sea, this water did not have a little buoyancy, he immediately went straight down.

At the top of the head, the light quickly disappeared, but Ling Han did not feel the nausea at all, as if every pore in the body would breathe.

He is so heavy and sinking, this sea seems to have no bottom.

If there is no bottom, there will be no bottom. Ling Han calms the soul and goes to experience the Taoist ancestors.

Between the hustle and bustle, he saw a piece of stone, was subjected to wind and rain, and there was a big eagle flying over it, stopping on the fish for hunting and hunting, and there were beasts on it, leaving a breath of life.

(End of this chapter)

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