Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3565: Out-of-band visitors

The sky is falling, and the meteorite is broken, actually coming out alone?

No, there is more than one.

The first thing that came out was a young man who looked like a 20-year-old, but behind him, he came out four old people one after another, all of which exude a strong atmosphere, not a secret.

Xiantu strong!

Ling Han took out the void animal skin on his body for the first time. He believed that after such a long distance, it was the Xiantu strong who could not find himself.

Of course, if it is a living environment or even a real world, then even if it is so far away, he can find him at a glance.

"Young Master, we have successfully arrived at the Starfish." Four old people said to the young man.

Ling Han was amazed. Although the young man was very angry, he did not step into the fairy road. However, the four Xiantu strong people were respectful to him. This completely violated the common sense of the strong martial arts.

Therefore, this young man is definitely a deep background, from a big family or a big force. These four old people are his guardians.

Ling Han has a speculation that these five people are from other stars, so they will descend from the sky and still come out of the meteorite.

As for why it is from the rock, not the empty ship, the star gate, the transmission of the array, then Ling Han did not know.

All in all, this is not like coming out of a cage.

Is there really a halo of trouble on my head? Why can't this piece of meteorite fall off his head?

The young man nodded. "You should go around and explore the situation. Ten days later, the emperors here meet."

"Young Master!" The four old men quickly dissuaded, "You are very expensive, here are barbarians, in case you hurt your noble..."

"Hey, you all said, this is a primitive place. Who can hurt this?" Young people seem very unhappy. "Although many strong people were imprisoned here, but for many years, I am afraid most of them. They are all dead."

"This star is recovering. In the past, there was also a great religion. It will inevitably leave many opportunities for creation and many opportunities."

"This is a special place to go to this original place, it is to seize these opportunities, and after a little time, there will be more competitors."

“So we have to hurry up.”

"Not going fast?"

After being so drunk by the young people, the four old people quickly agreed to turn around again and turned away.

Think about it too. In this wild land, who hurt their young master?

Hey, the four figures are all gone, and disappeared without a trace.

The young man’s original expression changed: "Being followed by these four old ghosts, how can you play with them? At home, they are controlled by the fathers, and they are still being controlled by four old ghosts here?"

"According to the picture of the sky, a weak dynasty was established here. I will take a look at it and see what the emperor has."

When it comes to beauty, he reveals a fascinating expression. In his 20 years of life, in addition to cultivation or cultivation, he is now a high-flying bird, and his heart is suddenly released.

"However, the business is still going to be done."

"The old man speculated that the summit will appear on this star. I have been pressing the realm without breaking through the path of the fairy. I want to get a top-level foundation stone."

"The vines here have been revived, so I will go and explore."

Ling Han heard clearly in the distance, relying on this guy, coming from the alien body, still want to come here to win the treasure, pick up the girl? dry! He quietly covered the young man and came behind the man.

"Well?" The young man was quite extraordinary, and immediately turned back, he felt a bit wrong.


But a piece of brick has been smashed over, and he suddenly slammed him to the ground, and his life was dizzy.

Ling Han opened the empty skin, and could not help but smile. The young man’s face was full of surprise, anger and panic.

This is just the time to the starfish, the young man's blood and fun, the first step has not yet crossed out, it was knocked on the sap, and this is naturally 10,000.

Ling Han searched the young man and found a space weapon. He could see the gods and see the color of surprise.

Good guy, really rich.

He saw two sets of armor in the spacecraft, and each armor was covered with mysterious lines, like the **** of war.

He tried to put it on, but even the dismantling was impossible.

"Auntie, this armor has been recognized by others, you have to erase this mark first." Erwa said on the side.

"How to erase?" asked Ling Han.

"Either your mind is stronger than the original master, forcibly erased, or you kill the original master, the spiritual imprint will naturally be invalid." Sanwa said.

Big baby immediately became murderous: "Auntie, I am going to kill this guy!"

This little violent madness.

Ling Han quickly waved his hand, although he shot and robbed, then this person has no evil, to say that the black hand to kill, this broke his principle.

He tried to erase the mark on the armor, and his face suddenly showed a smile. This imprint is not so powerful.

If he is in the battle, he certainly can't calmly crack the mark of God's identity, but now it is easy, after all, the young man will not fight back against him.

For a moment, he erased the mark of the gods on the armor, and it was two pieces.

His mind was moved, and a pair of armor immediately disintegrated, flew toward him, and then put it on him.


Ling Han moved his hands and legs, and suddenly there was a horrible force surging.

A strong sense of strength.

"This has at least doubled my strength." Ling Han muttered, he showed the color of surprise, this light can already be called the treasure, and the armor itself is also very strong, it is estimated to find the secret Power can't be broken at all.

made money.

Ling Han tried another armor and the effect was similar.

It’s a luxury. A person actually brought two armor. What do you want to see the young and strong in the cage?

From other cultivation stars, it is really rich.

"Dude, thank you."

Ling Han put away his armor and took a light shot on the young man’s body.

There is no killer, and it is contrary to his principle of behavior. Secondly, since this person can "ride" the meteorite to cross the star, there must be a strong backstage, and there should be a magic weapon for life.

If he is a killer, it is very likely to cause a counterattack, which is not good.

However, the first batch of people from aliens have arrived. Will the second and third batches be far behind?

It’s really a wave of unrest, and the strongest people in the cage have not yet been born. The aliens are rushing to get together, is this world really going to be messed up?

(End of this chapter)

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