Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3567: Take your knife

This is a short sword, but three inches long, all white and silver, with shiny stripes on it.

This is the power of the instrument, was rushed to six times the speed of sound, amazingly fast.

However, the Seven Emperors did not throw the sword first. It was only driven by the power of mind. Although there was indeed an unexpected effect, the speed did not reach the limit. Otherwise, the ten times the speed of sound would definitely be achieved.

Ling Han smiled, although his hands have been played, it is impossible to save, but he has other tricks.

He spoke a mouth and spit out a golden sword.


Jin Jian hit the dagger and immediately slammed the short sword and lost his head. He crossed the ear of Ling Han.

"What!" The seven emperors were shocked. How can you still spit out a sword from your mouth? Are you juggling?

The short sword was inserted in the pillar behind Ling Han, still shaking slightly.

Obviously it is not a treasure like Tianyu jade. Otherwise, it will not be used for a thousand pounds. It only needs a few pounds to regain it. It will be smashed at six times the speed of sound to ensure that this stone pillar is broken.

Of course, he knows with a golden sword collision. This sword is only about two or two heavy, and it is light, otherwise it is not suitable to be driven by the power of mind.

This sword is very sharp and strong, otherwise it will not be able to penetrate into the stone pillar, but will break.

Therefore, although this is far less precious than the sky, it is also an extraordinary instrument.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to go to the House of Lords in the Foreign Affairs Office?" Ling Han said faintly.

This is a very big crime. The Foreign Affairs Office was established by Chen Fengyan. If the Seven Emperors tried to sneak the government in the Foreign Affairs Office, let alone he could not want to touch the throne again, or even himself could be cut off by the Emperor. In the position of being a civilian.

"The nonsense!" The seven emperors said coldly, "It is clear that you want to ban the king, and the lonely king is just self-defense."

"Oh, Your Highness is still smashing your hand." Ling Han shot again, this time he finally moved a few points of true character, the strength is full, it is not the seven princes can compete.

The power of the Seven Emperors is in the power of mind. He now only uses the power of thought as a weapon to counterattack against Ling Han.

It is a pity that his strongest point is not too cheap for Shangling, but the two sides’ minds have a tie. When it comes to combat power, how can the Seven Emperors be the opponents of Ling Han?

Even the ten strokes were not full, and the seven emperors were won by Ling Han.

Ling Han thinks that this emperor is good at reading power, even if it is not difficult to get rid of his hands and feet, he will take out the tombstone fragments and smash it into the head of his head.

Hey, the seven emperors hate to death.

The next day, Ling Han put the seven emperors in the cage and placed the public at the door of the government. On the side, he listed the sins of the seven emperors.

Ling Han also issued an ultimatum to other emperors, so that they can turn over the proceeds of extortion, but they can be lightly sent off. Otherwise, if the foreign affairs government comes to liquidate, then the seven emperors are the lessons of the past.

After learning the news, the entire emperor was in vain.

For Ling Han, everyone has only one word, that is, clothing.

Dissatisfied, this guy is really daring, even the seven emperors dare to start.

It must be known that since the news that Chen Fengyan was the spirit of the real spirit, the people’s admiration for the Holy Emperor has naturally increased countless times. This is the most powerful existence of the Sky Star.

This is the case, the status of the princes naturally rises.

But now?

Ling Han actually dared to start with the emperor, and it was not a fight, but closed up to show the crowd.

If you do this, can you really get used to Chen Fengyan?

The emperor and grandson like the Great Emperor are also angry. They are a member of this special group. Since Ling Han dare to start with the old seven, they naturally dare to start with them.

This can't be forbeared!


Just when the emperor was boiling, Ling Han left the imperial capital in a leisurely manner and went to the Seven Brass.

This is the first sect they want to visit. The lord is called Pang Haifeng, who is a strong base for heaven.

The Zongmen, who had been converted to the former, is basically the strongest person who built the people. Therefore, if you can conquer the Seven Brakes this time, the significance is extraordinary.

"You are so afraid of the seven emperors, you are not afraid to make you unhappy?" asked Princess Bisui, both of them walking on foot.

In fact, Princess Tourmaline now has the ability to fly, but she just got the warhammer. She hasn’t used it yet. Secondly, a beautiful woman is driving the warhammer. This picture is a bit spicy.

In any case, there is no more flying than her on the way of walking. As long as there is no terrain factor, there is no difference between running and flying.

Besides, she can fly, Ling Hanhao?

Let's run together.

Ling Han haha ​​smiled and said: "Nothing, with the wiseness of His Majesty, I will certainly understand my painstaking efforts."

Princess Beatitude shook her head: "Although you are very important to you, you must know that your Majesty and the Seven Emperors are a family. You are an outsider after all."

Ling Han Xiaoxiao, Chen Fengyan dared to worry about him?

On the status of generations, he is the uncle of Chen Fengyan. What is it for him to teach Chen Fengyan?

When Chen Fengyan dared to shoot him, then the monkey brother got out of trouble and guaranteed that the holy emperor's **** blossomed.

"What, worry about me?" Ling Han said with a smile.

Princess Bixi snorted: "Hello, you are also the head of the Foreign Affairs Office. If you are afraid of death, the Foreign Affairs Office will be withdrawn. Then I am not going to lose my job?"

"Oh, care about me, just say it, my person's popularity is very good." Ling Han smiled.

Princess Tourmaline even rolled her eyes: "Do you have a good relationship? Don't laugh at me, okay?"

Go to the emperor and ask, who is the most hated, the answer must be Ling Han.

Ling Han sighed: "It is a mediocrity not to be degraded."

Princess Bixi sees Ling Han and can make such a joke so easily. He can only think that he does have absolute certainty. The handling of the Seven Emperors will not cause him trouble.

After a few days, the seven brakes are already in sight.

The general Zongmen is built in the mountains, or built on the riverside. It is built on the plains, but it is strange.

This time, only Ling Han and the demon princess, they came to the door, self-reported, to see Pang Haifeng.

The Seven Champions almost circled the entire plain. As a Zongmen site, it was strictly forbidden for ordinary people to approach, and the herders who originally lived here were forced to move out.

After a while, I saw a man with a slender figure and a enchanting eyebrows coming out and glanced at Ling Han, and he was not cold or hot: "The teacher is retreating, and the two are still Come back in a year and a half."

One and a half years?

Ling Hanhe smiled: "Don't make a mistake, we are on behalf of Xuan Beiguo, on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Office, not to see Pang Haifeng! Let him immediately come out, otherwise we will flatten the Seven Brakes!"

(End of this chapter)

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