Ling Han successfully got the star Luo Languo.

When he got the fairy fruit, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He also worried that Taikoo Zong did not keep his credit and did not give him a fairy fruit. After all, the martial arts competition was just a scorpion. The real purpose was to create a momentum for Liu Jun. Of course, it’s also a good thing to catch the cold and recruit talents. It is exactly one stone and three birds.

He forcibly inserted a foot and won the treasure. For Taikoo Zong, it is a slap in the face, and naturally he will worry that Taikoo is not trustworthy.


He immediately said in his heart that this is the safest only if he eats it into his stomach.

Ling Han yelled and ate, but he immediately frowned. The taste of this thing is really not delicious, there is an unspeakable sour smell, the flesh is also rustling, not smooth at all, he is forbearing With the urge to spit out, the fruit was completely swallowed.

Did I eat a fake fairy fruit?

Ling Han couldn’t help thinking, but after he had not finished his thoughts, he immediately felt the earth-shattering changes in his body. A powerful force rolled and moved, which led to a jump in the level of life.

啪, 啪, 啪, a road breaks open, but Ling Han clearly does not open a new acupoint.

Here, he can only sit and watch.

Whether he is guided by the secret force, or sitting down to rest, the changes in the level of life do not accelerate or slow down.

It seems that he has become an outsider.

One, two, three, four, five... Ling Han counts in his heart, more and more cockroaches open, let him be full of joy, this does not mean that the promotion of a small realm is equal to let him have a more realm, although not as good as Seven changes, seven bones are so horrible, but the benefits are very great.

If he was a four-star genius before, it could now reach four points of Samsung or even four or five stars.

For twenty minutes, the effect of the fairy fruit disappeared.

Ling Han licked his mouth, although this taste is extremely unpalatable, but he does not mind eating another one... If you can, you can eat it.

However, this is naturally delusional.

And even if there is an unlimited supply of fairy fruit, the space for him to make progress is limited, because even if it is a fairy fruit, it is only the most effective when taking the first one, and will continue to be halved in the future. Ignore it.

Unless he can get a higher level of fairy fruit.

"Oh, it will be possible in the future." Ling Han said in his heart, of course, if he repaired the six realms under the path of Immortal to perfection, and the level of life could not enter, then naturally no need to take the fairy fruit.


The door was kicked open and I saw one person striding in.

Liu Jun.

The ghost-stricken guy, just Ling Han is experiencing a leap forward in the life level, naturally manifesting the original face, almost failed to disguise in time.

Ling Han looked at the past and looked bad.

"Hand over the star Luo Languo, this sword sword sent you!" Liu Jun threw a book to borrow, hey, fell to the ground.

Ling Han walked over and picked up the book. This other person deliberately went to the door to deliver things. He naturally had no reason.

Seeing Ling Han put away the practice, Liu Jun showed a sneer, really did not see the world, a sword was sent. He snorted and said, "What about the star Roland?"

Ling Han smiled and then pointed to his stomach.

By, have you eaten?

Your sister, then you dare to put the swordsmanship together?

As far as he is concerned, although the swordsmanship is not so precious, how can it be a secret technique, which he got after paying some price, how can he be given away in vain?

"Trick or treat, do you dare to play with me?" He shouted.

Ling Han is a straightforward appearance, said: "I am also for your good, that star Luo Lan fruit is hard to eat, but also sour and smelly, eat will definitely spit."

You have gotten cheap and sold!

"The night, you are too much!" Liu Junsen said, he was thinking, now if he suddenly launched an attack, can you kill this guy?

"Oh, all family, Jun children can not be rude!" In a long laugh, I saw a man descending from heaven.

Ling Han’s heart is awkward, is this?

He looked at the past, this man is like a crown jade, looks like he is in his forties, and he has an incomparable elegance.

"Master!" Liu Jun quickly clenched his fist and said, "This person is so a playful disciple, but his disciples are angry!"

Liu Jun’s master, of course, is too ancient.

He smiled and said: "You think that you lost to the night because he has a armor, and you don't?"

Liu Jun was not convinced, saying: "Of course, fair war, he is not my opponent."

"Wrong, wrong." Taikoo Zhenjun shook his head. "If you let go of the fairy, you may indeed be tied with the night."

That doesn't end?

Liu Jun is screaming at Ling Han, and Taikoo Zong has only one two-star fairy tree. According to Taiko Shinjun, a star of Roland fruit can be produced every ten years. Ten years later, perhaps the next star, Roland, will still belong to him, but taking it under the path of Xian, and taking it after the path of Xian, the effect is not the same.

Moreover, even if it is the same, he will have lost an important level of life in the past ten years. Maybe he will not be able to break through some difficulties, and he may not be able to overcome some enemies.

The relationship is too big.

The more he wants to be angry, the more glaring at the cold.

Taikoo Zhenjun smiled a little and said: "So, fair war, you are not the opponent of the night."

Hey, what is this tongue twister?

Liu Jun was surprised to see his master, you said, let go of the factors of the fairy, and the strength of Ling Han, how do you say that fair war is not an opponent?

He is confused.

"A fool, the night is just a dilemma." Taikoo Zhenjun always tells the truth, but he is a spiritual environment, and it is natural to see that the real repair of Ling Han is natural.

Liu Jun suddenly took a breath.

What, Ling Han is still just a dilemma?

How is it possible, how can an open situation be able to fight against yourself? There can be no such enchanting things in the world!

However, will Taikoo Zhenjun look away? Will you deceive him?

He only understood that Taikoo Zhenjun said that he was fair. He was not the real meaning of Ling Han’s opponent. If he suppressed his cultivation to the open world, how could he be the opponent of Ling Han?

The difference is not a star or a half, but the sky and the earth.

He lost his soul and the blow was so great that he could not accept it.

Taikoo Zhenjun is looking at Ling Han, saying: "Will the night, can you be willing to worship this position as a teacher?"

Ling Han’s thoughts flew and he held his fist: “Nature is willing.”

"Ha ha ha ha!" Taikoo really laughed. "Good, after a month, this seat will open a conference for you to call the world."

This disciple's qualifications are very good. He must take this opportunity to announce the world. One is to show off, and the other is to tell others, don't make any thoughts on him.

Liu Jun just returned to the soul, heard this, suddenly received another 10,000 crit, hoping to vomit blood.

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