Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3598: Reaching the emperor

By relying on, one of my own unknown auras is beginning to work again?

Ling Han looked up at the sky, but found that it was really just a meteor, and not a stranger, let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Your luck is not that bad at the end.

Two days later, Ling Han returned to the Imperial Capital and his head was a few laps.

Tang Yuner is really a problem child, and the problem is super big. I don’t know how much trouble I have created along the way.

And the silver hair Lori is also very unhappy, along the way she is eager to arson and rob, all of them are stopped by Ling Han, making her too uncomfortable.

She came to be the big devil!

Ling Han felt that it is necessary to enlighten this little Lolita. There are so many people in this emperor. What a terrible destruction will this cause if this little Loli is really fun?

The key point is that there is a great possibility of standing behind a person who teaches the power of the main class, and it will cause great trouble.

"Little milk candy, why do you want to be the big devil?" asked Ling Han.

"Because the grandfather is the old devil, so I want to be the big devil!" said Little Loli, looking around and looking at the street when someone was selling candied fruit, she could not help but slobber, for sweet things she There has never been any resistance.

Oh, this crux is originally from the little grandfather's grandfather.

"What did your grandfather do before he was called the devil?" Ling Han asked.

Xiao Loli smiled: "The grandfather is self-defeating, and he is especially enemies with those who are self-proclaimed. When he was young, he caught a lot of saints and gave them sleep. Now they are my grandmother."

Ling Han could not help but flow out the cold sweat. This child is very precocious, and her grandfather actually put the saints of all major religions into a daughter-in-law but still live a good life. How powerful is this?

"My grandfather is only my mother and a daughter. My mother is too bad. I sneaked away from home when I was a child. I went to the sect of my father's house. The two men are arrogant and arrogant. "Liao Lili took a few bunches of candied fruit from her own."

Ling Han once again shed cold sweat, this little Loli likes to use idioms, but it is completely indiscriminate use, do you describe your parents?

Moreover, the problem of this little Lolita running away from home is actually hereditary!

"Wait, how old is your mother who left home?"

"Fifteen or sixteen years old." Little Loli bit the candied fruit, while counting her fingers, let Ling Han think of the idiot's two baby.

Ling Han sighed, it was normal, unlike this little Lolita, it was completely mad.

He paid the money and made Xiao Loli very unhappy. People are demon kings. How can I give money when I eat?

Ling Han haha ​​laughed: "Don't worry, the emperor has a dude. When I have time, I will take you to fight one by one."

"Well, wow!" Little Loli put the candied fruit in her mouth and patted her hand.

When the little devil arrives, ask if you are afraid of it?

Ling Han came to the Foreign Affairs Office with a small loli. Little Loli grabbed Ling Han’s clothes and looked a little scared.

By the way, this is to play pigs and eat tigers.

Ling Han began to regret it, and bringing this little loli back to the emperor is probably a very wrong decision.

"Hey, such a beautiful little girl?" Xuanyuan Dingguo just came out, and his mouth was unobstructed. "When you ran outside, you have an illegitimate daughter?"

"People are not pretty little girls." Xiao Loli quickly corrected. "Some people are beautiful, cute, well-behaved, filial, um... smart, brave little toffee!"

Xuanyuan decided to pay attention to the country, and after a while, he said: "Ling Han, this girl will not be what the old monster has changed?"

"You are the old monster, where is the old man?" Xiao Loli was dissatisfied. She pointed her finger at Xuanyuan and shouted, "Super Thunder Cannon, Level 1 Preparation, Level 2 Preparation, Launch!"

Hey, she suddenly had a beam of light in her palm, and the speed was so fast that she hit the Xuanyuan Dingguo in an instant.

"Your sister--" Xuanyuan Dingguo had no time to dodge, just made a scream, and was shot by the light column. He hit the wall heavily, Kakaka, and the wall immediately showed a crack. It’s not collapsed.

Xiao Loli smiled and became harmless to humans and animals, and she tasted the candied hazelnuts.

Ling Han did not stop, the power of this gun is also to find the level of the secret, not enough to kill Xuanyuan Dingguo.

Let this guy suffer a bit, and then dare not provoke this little loli.


In a series of shouts, the seven milk babies ran out. After so long, their heads were completely unchanged.

One two three four five six, the small Loli counted, could not help but open his mouth, even the sugar gourd forgot to eat.

It’s too powerful, so many births?

"Ling Han, people look at you!" Finally, she looked up at Ling Han.

What do you look at me?

Ling Han looked at Xiao Loli, decisively did not ask, intuition told him that this is not a good thing.

Princess Tourmaline also came out, and when she saw that Ling Han was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw Xiao Loli again, her beauty could not be seen.

Such a beautiful little girl is really unprecedented, and the pink carvings are like elves.

“Is it a little sweeter than you?” Xiao Loli smiled. “It’s ugly, you can only think about it!”

Princess Tourmaline suddenly turned black, this little girl is beautiful and beautiful, but her mouth is too damaged.

"Can't be polite, call my sister." Ling Han yelled.

Tang Yuner flattened his mouth and looked reluctant, but he still said: "Ugly sister."

Well, you might as well not call it.

"Where is this kid?" asked Princess Bismu, she was also full of curiosity. Isn’t Ling Han not going to the contest? How did he bring a child back?

"I said it was falling in the sky, I was picked up by you, do you believe it or not?" Ling Han smiled.

Princess Bixi is just a huh, but also turned a cold eye.

Ok, I know you are not convinced.

Tang Yuner was interested in the seven milk babies. She and the seven milk babies didn't know what to say, but they seemed to have become good friends.

Ling Han fangs, seven gourd dolls are not fuel-efficient lights, plus a small loli that is afraid of the world is not chaotic, this destructive power is increased in tons.

But these little gimmicks can't be closed, only to look at it more.

"There are no major events happening these days?" Ling Han asked Princess Bisui.

"Yes." Princess Bixi nodded. "Now all the major forces are expanding their territory, forming a super-power that is led by the four major spiritual worlds such as Jiu Ling Zhenjun. The remaining sects are attached, almost giving this world The partition is over."

"According to the Detective, these forces have been sending people to search, as if looking for something."

(End of this chapter)

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