Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3600: Go to Yuehuaxing

When I saw that the jade neck of the Princess of the Tourmaid was all red, Ling Han knew that Xiao Loli must have said it. The princess is now wearing red underwear.

Oh, I can't see it. The demon princess looks pure and has a wild side in her heart.

"Do you have any opinions?" Princess Bixi looked over and said coldly.

"Cough!" Ling Han quickly staggered the topic, lest he be murdered and smothered, and said to the little Loli, "What should the five elements make for Dan?"

"Simple, pick five elements of the crystal, and then alchemy." Little Loli spread the hand.

It's that simple?

Ling Han can't believe it, and asks: "How about the five elements of the crystal?"

"The power to go to the Five Elements is the most rich place, many stars have it." Xiao Loli does not care about the tunnel, she paused, as if thinking about something, only said, "The nearest and eligible condition is Yuehuaxing. It is."

"Moon Huaxing!" Ling Han suddenly a sigh.

Moon Huaxing... is the star where the Qinglong Dynasty is located, and it is also a big star, able to breed the four poles of the Supreme.

The strength of the five elements is rich, and it can form a five-line crystal. This is not the expectation of Ling Han. It is only that he is only a small opening dilemma. How can he cross the Xing Xingyu and go to another star?

"Your shuttle is borrowed for use." He immediately hit his mind to the little Lolita.

"Well, who makes you a handsome pot that people like!" Xiao Loli agreed to it.

Ling Han learned a little about it and couldn't help but frown.

Like the moon star, the power of the five elements is extremely strong, and it will be derived from the fields of extreme inflammation, extreme cold, and extreme gold. For example, in the extremely flaming land, the flame will be transformed into various forms, and the attack will enter. People, killing can get a trace of flame essence.

Countless countless flame essences come together and turn into a flame crystal.

In this way, the crystal elements of the five elements are all so. After the collection, they can be transformed into five elements.

The problem is that the flame essence needed to condense into a flame crystal is amazing.

Generally speaking, if you kill a hundred years, you should be able to make a flame crystal.

So, how long does it take to collect five kinds of crystals?

Five hundred years!

How many years can I live in search of mystery? In about five hundred years, this is all used to collect the five elements of the crystal, even if it is transformed into a five-line creation of Dan.

Even if it didn't die, the Shouyuan also dried up, and the vitality of the life fell to the bottom of the valley, but also forced to open the body?

Just sent to death.

However, there is no way to solve it. A powerful force can send many people to enter at the same time. Collecting together the essence of the flame, and finally giving it to one person, can reduce the time continuously.

However, no matter whether it is the essence of flame or the essence of other five elements, it can't be taken out, otherwise it will disappear immediately, only after it becomes a crystal.

This makes the five elements of the crystal become more rare and precious.

In theory, five-line wafers can be sold, but usually no one will do such a thing, and the cost is too much.

"In general, only the great teachers will use countless people to cultivate the descendants, not the saints are the Tao." Xiao Loli finally concluded.

"However, like a natural god, there is no such thing as a birth, so there is no need to be so troublesome, it is so perfect." She is very narcissistic.

Ling Han was amazed, this little Loli is actually a natural body?

Oh, it’s a godless eye.

He immediately made a decision to go to the moon.

"That the tourmaline, the Foreign Affairs Office will hand it over to you."

The demon princess is not depressed, in the end who is the head of the foreign affairs government? When your forefoot comes back, the hind foot will go away again, I owe you?

But in the end, she just nodded: "Be careful, don't make trouble."

Moon Huaxing is not here, it is a mature star of martial arts, the number of genius must be far more than here.

Ling Han can be said to be invincible at the same level, but it is hard to say there.

After returning to the Foreign Affairs Office, Ling Han began to actively prepare. He would bring the milk dolls to the past and help him collect the essence of the five elements, which will greatly save his time. Otherwise, it will take decades or even a hundred years to come back. I don't know what it will look like.

He firmly believes in his own strength. Others need a hundred years. He may only have ten years, and with the help of the baby, this time can be shorter.

Just right, he can still practice there, push the repair to the limit of the secret, and then come back after the journey to the fairy road. Then he will go to Hong Tian and step up to solve this historical problem forever.

"Sit well!" Xiao Loli took out the shuttle, which can only be used by one person, but who made her small, and squeezing it with Ling Han is no problem.

Hey, the shuttle immediately turned into a streamer, shooting toward the sky.

Looking back at Ling Han, the emperor instantly shrank into a point.

He will be back, wait.

The shuttle quickly entered the starry sky, and the little Loli rose his head and said to himself: "Well, go to the space node of the moon?"

Ling Han can't help but cold sweat, can't you do it?

"Found it!" Little Loli claped and laughed, manipulating the shuttle, in the dark universe, time seems to have lost its meaning, only eternal.

Suddenly, Ling Han felt a strong pull, and it was black and bright, and I saw that the shuttle was already in another starry sky.

It is not the original space. Ling Han can judge from the stars shining in the distance. Now this one is many times larger, and there is also a blue flame spewing, and the mighty energy surging.

"Chong!" Xiao Loli exclaimed excitedly, manipulating the shuttle's rampage, where there was a meteorite belt to hit, as if he was afraid that the shuttle would not hurt.

"Ha ha ha." She laughed and was happy.

"Little girl, find the next node." Ling Han quickly called.

"Oh." Little Loli nodded, her face reluctantly.

Space nodes are extremely special places in the universe, and can quickly jump from one node to another, saving a lot of time.

However, the node can be worn without the desire to wear, but to achieve a very high speed when passing.

Different nodes need different speeds for traversing, but in general, the higher the speed required, the larger the distance spanned.

The speed of this shuttle has reached the level of the leader, so it takes only two months from the sky star to the moon.

What makes Ling Han depressed is that he has no way to cultivate in these two months, because he can't fully absorb the power of heaven and earth, and the nourishing gourd can't transform the energy of nourishing the spirit. In short, Xingyu is definitely the most barren. local.

Two months later, the shuttle hit the atmosphere of Yuehuaxing, and it suddenly burned up and turned into a fireball.

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