Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3603: Terrorist destruction energy

This is the essence of flames?

Ling Han picked up the red and red things on the ground. It was a bit like a beating flame. It was very hot, but it was not burning, but the temperature was very high. m.

"Okay, everyone splits up." Ling Han nodded.

"Well!" the gourd dolls shouted, and ran away with the calf.

Ling Han brought them over, of course, they wanted them to help themselves "dangerous". He has tried the strength of seven baby-made babies, no less than him.

The congenital body is such a cow's fork, there is no need to practice, and it is natural to advance if you eat and drink.

However, Xiao Loli still follows Ling Han, she is a lazy person, who is willing to work hard.

Ling Han did not care. Without the help of this little Loli, it would not be possible for him to come to Yuehuaxing. This one effect is enough.

He rushed into the flames of life and launched a bombardment.

Hey, under the powerful strength, he has no opponents at all, and he has ruined all the way, leaving the flame essence of the land.

The seven baby babies are also tyrannical, all kinds of means to make it, all the way.

They went deep into the valley and went all the way.

Rao is a big valley, but it can't hold the strength of their eight people, but for a long time, they pushed to the bottom.

This is gone?

"The fire here is strong, and the fire elements are endless. It is estimated that the flames in the valley will be full again tomorrow morning." Xiao Loli said, holding the toffee.

The mistress is also awkward, and the seven milk dolls and the little loli are already a country. She said: "However, there are many caves in the valley. There should be more fire elements in it. Although I can’t see it, I can still Sensing strong fire energy fluctuations."

"Okay, then continue to split up, one person packs a cave, after the settlement, then meet here again." Ling Handao.

"Good aunt."

The milk-milk people have dispersed, and Ling Han also found a cave with a small loli. It is very big. The hole has a height of five feet. If you haven't entered it yet, you can feel a strong burning sensation.

The valley is already hot, but it is hotter in the cave.

Ling Han strode forward, and Xiao Loli took his clothes and followed him.

After a while, there was a humanoid flame in front of him.

It is very tall, two feet tall, and the body is more burly, but there is no foot in the hand, so it floats in the air, and there is a flaming long scorpion in the hand.

High-end, those outside the flames can be without weapons.

This flame has also discovered the cold, and immediately rushed over and launched an attack against Ling Han.

A stab, a raging bear.

This blow envelops a powerful high-level energy, and the burning flame can melt gold and iron.

Ling Han punched out, wrapped in flame energy, and banged on the tip of the dragonfly.


Ling Han’s body trembled, and the same monster was also so shocked that he flew out.

The strength is not weak, actually did not hit the spike.

Ling Han once again saved, hey, ten shots, and the fire blame collapsed.

The essence of the elements left this time is a little bigger than the outside.

Well, the same blame, obviously the harvest here is bigger, but the outside punch is fixed, but here is ten punches. If you count, it is cost-effective outside, but the flame outside is too slow. Not enough for him to do.

Unless... can improve his killing efficiency here.


Ling Han continued to move forward. Soon he saw the second large flame monster. He also held the long scorpion in his hand. Once he found the cold, he immediately floated over and launched an attack.

"Shuai pot, come on!" Little Loli, while holding the toffee, cheered Ling Han.

Ling Han is still a punch, but this time, the fist is wrapped with destruction energy, a dark.


A punch hit the long squat, the black energy suddenly spread along the body, quickly crawling full of flame blame, and then the giant crashed, leaving a flame essence.

So a cow fork?

Ling Han himself was shocked. He knew that the energy of destruction was terrible, but it was still far from his expectation.

"Hey, handsome pot, you beat the chicken blood?" Tang Yuner was shocked, even the toffee was not smashed, and the little head was drilled. "This high-level energy is terrifying and full of devastating."

Ling Han suddenly curious, where did Taikoo Zhenjun get this spiritual map?

Does it have anything to do with staying with the starfish?

He shook his head and put away the essence of the flame. Since his killing is so amazing, it is obviously a good idea to collect the essence of the flame in this cave.

"Confidential!" He made a snoring move toward Little Loli.

"Well, people will keep it secret for you." Little Loli spread her hand. "Adult is really troublesome."

Going forward again, Ling Han has no opponent at all, destroying energy, everything is extinguished, and the destructive power is infinite.

This cave is quite complicated, there are many roads, and Ling Han meets the road and turns right. First, a three-dimensional map is built in the mind.

He quickly swept a hole and returned to the original point, he continued to move forward.


After a while, he showed a strange color, because he had been away for a long time, he did not encounter a flame monster.

According to previous experience, this should not be. At most, it takes a minute to meet a new flame monster.

Unless... some people are also blaming.

Ling Han stepped up his footsteps. After a while, there was another flame monster in front, but no other people were found.

At this moment, brushing, a sword gas stabbed from the top of the head.

Ling Han showed a sneer, since he has already raised doubts, will he be unprepared?

He stretched out, oh, grasping the blade, the energy of the stone wrapped around his hand, his defensive power soared, and he could ignore the benefits of Jianfeng. Then, he pulled it hard and pulled it again, and a figure was used to fly to the ground.


Ling Han used enough strength, under the strong impact, the person suddenly vomited blood.

This is a man who looks like he is in his thirties. He has a sigh on his face, which makes him add a bit of anger. But now he is stunned and stunned. He couldn’t climb up for a while.

Ling Han took a look at it, and the long sword in his hand suddenly shot out and smashed into the flames in the distance.

The flame blame found the cold, has already killed, it reached out and flew the long sword, the speed was almost unaffected.

But Ling Han can make up a punch and destroy the energy. This flame monster is smashed into slag.

The man on the ground was still wicked. He could see that the flame blame was not the enemy of the cold, and after being directly annihilated, it was scared and courageous.

Ling Han put away the essence of the flame, then looked at the man and said: "Why do you want to attack me?"

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