Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3606: Sword teenager

That is Pang Shu, who built the foundation, but was knocked over by a fist.

How do you believe?

These people have been basically repaired by Ling Han, knowing that he is very bullish, but the cows can get a punch to the base of the base, still making them unacceptable.

Strongly no reason.

Pang Shuzheng struggled to get up. He did not lose to Ling Han, but was shocked by a fierce anger. Otherwise, he was interrupted and could not be overturned by Ling Han.

Only he climbed halfway, one foot was heavily stepping on his back, and he was hard and pressed back.

He knows that this is definitely Ling Han.

Damn, a little secret search environment dare to step on his head?

Are you impatient?

If it weren’t for the valley, he would suffocate and suffocate.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "The flame essence, let it come out."

Pang Shu did not care, if he was to be coerced by Ling Han, would he still see someone in the future?


Ling Han, which is the base of the other party, immediately slammed the past with a fist, not to mention building the foundation. Now he is coming to the spiritual world and he dares to swear.

After a few fists, Pang Shu was honest and handed over a box.

Ling Han opened it and saw that there were more than half a box of flame essence.

"It's so shabby." He shook his head and put the essence of his collection into it, almost a box.

Everyone did not know how much the harvest of Ling Han turned around. He only thought that this was his robbery of others. Naturally, they were all jealous and angry.

Ling Han swept a circle and smiled: "Why, I still want to attack and attack?"

"Up and up, kill him!" Pang Shu said, he did not believe, so many people can not get the cold.

Everyone looked at each other and rushed up.

Twenty people play one, will this lose?

Ling Han smiled and violently launched the suffocating impact. Suddenly, everyone was slightly stiff. He launched Lei Guangquan again, and his fists were like rain. Hey, the figures suddenly flew like straw, and fell to the ground.

In front of him, bullying is not true unless the other party can resist his suffocating shock.

Ling Han put away the box and said faintly: "If you want to find revenge on me, I will not go before I get a horse and I won't get a flame."

"Hey, next time you want to find someone who is a little bit better!" Xiao Loli made a face, then grabbed Ling Han's clothes and followed him to another cave.

At the scene, there was a mourning, but Ling Han’s hand was not heavy. After a while, everyone climbed up with their teeth, only Pang Shu was still there, this guy was under heavy cold, anyway, you Don't you go into the hole and fight, why do you keep it in good shape?

"Pang seven less." The people quickly went to help him.

Pang Shu was framed by everyone, his face was **** and his face was slammed into the sand and stone, and his face was naturally scratched.

He was sullen, and this time he was not only defeated by a small secret search, but also humiliated in public and robbed Pang’s efforts in the past three years. What made him feel so embarrassed?

Pang Yunfei is the genius of Pangjia, and also the future of Pangjia. Pangjia can not return to the height of the past to see him.

Therefore, every Pang family is willing to pay for Pang Yunfei, this family is strong, and will be fully embolded after going out.

The five elements of the creation of Dan are extremely important, and nothing can be lost.

"You continue to collect the essence of the flame, I will go find someone to come, I will certainly suppress this!" He said, madly.

"Good." Everyone only has a nod. In the heart, I hope that the Pang family will not rely on the account. After all, the essence of the flames they delivered before has been recorded. It was Pang Shu’s thing that was robbed.

Pang Shu left, this place is suppressed, so the light is the realm of use, you have to find the invincible genius of the same order.

"In the vicinity, Zhang Qihua, the fourth son of Zhang’s family, is a star genius. Ok, look for him!"


Ling Han believes that his speed will be much faster than the seven milk cows. Therefore, he did not wait outside, but decided to sweep another cave.

He cleared the holes one by one and finally went to the Flame King.

Destruction of energy is raging, and the Flame King is also a part that is easily killed. This time, in addition to the essence of the flame, there is also a fire stone!

"Haha, made it!" Ling Han laughed.

He returned, and after leaving the hole, he found that Dawa, Erwa and Sanwa were waiting outside. When asked, they didn’t come out for a long time. After a while, Siwa, Wuwa and Liuwa also followed. Come out, there is not much time difference.

In addition to the seven baby.

The seven babies are not immune. It is reasonable to say that they are the strongest of the seven milk babies. If you can count her narcolepsy, that is another matter.

- Little girl must have fallen asleep in the corner of the hole.

Hey, don't let her go next time.

The luck of the baby's dolls is also good and bad. On the other hand, the two baby and the four baby got a piece of fire stone. Others only have the essence of flame.

Ling Han calculated that they should be able to make up a flame wafer at most for two months.

Is the speed so fast?

Doesn't people have to be a hundred years old?

One is Ling Han, but they have eight, oh, according to seven and a half, the seven babies are too unreliable, and secondly, their seven and a half strength is too strong, the milk babies are congenital, master A powerful abilities, not afraid of fire poison, and the destruction energy of Ling Han, even the flame king is a moment of surrender.

This is the reason why they can be so efficient. Otherwise, others will need to refine the fire poison if they play for a while, otherwise they will be burned down. In fact, most of the time is wasted on expelling fire.

Ling Han’s mood was very pleasant. He thought he was going to spend a year or two here, but now it seems that it may be enough for two months, and the efficiency has been improved ten times, plus Firestone. When he returned to the sky starfish, he can say with certainty that he is already building a foundation.

He whistled, a cave in a cave, and after the flames in the cave were killed, it took almost five days to re-condense into the heavens, and the flame king was much slower, at least until now. No new ones were found.

Ten days, half a month, it seems that the flame king will not appear again.

On this day, Ling Han just came out of the cave and saw a young boy sitting in the valley sitting on the ground with a sword on his leg, and a shining flame essence around him. ring.

At this moment, a flame blame condensed out of the air, not far from the boy. When it was completely shaped by the heavens and the earth, it immediately flew toward the boy and launched an attack.

Brush, Jianguang crossed, the flame monster was immediately cut off by a sword, the flame suddenly extinguished, leaving a sparkling flame essence.


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