Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3609: Directly slaughtered

Lei Jiujun, Lei Jun’s genius, the younger generation in Anwar County can also rank in the top 20.

Such a genius was actually taken down by a man.

How can it be?

Who can accept?

Ling Han strode over the past, this Lei Jiujun is already powerful enough, and the raw smudged jade has not been hung. Moreover, this is also too much for the Lei Jiujun. Otherwise, he will not be so miserable.

"Ling Han, you are too embarrassed to start, the hands of the handsome pot are broken, people can not be disabled!" Xiao Loli cried on the side.

Ling Han ignored her, her eyes fixed on Lei Jiujun, and the killing was already locked in the other side.

Lei Jiujun is not Zhang Qihua. When Zhang Qihua came up, he did not rush for his life. Moreover, this person was bright and upright, Ling Han naturally did not move his mind, and he did not even intend to break the other side.

The Thunder Nine Army is different. Whoever wants to kill him, he will kill him, and he will be righteous.

Feeling the cold cold sense of killing, Lei Jiujun could not help but tremble, he was still crying, but now it is a sudden stop, looking toward Ling Han.

"Hello!" He gritted his teeth and was full of resentment.

One hand is abolished, and it is still the right hand, enough to make his combat power a third.

Although the Lei family is extraordinary, it is impossible to obtain the holy medicine of the meat and bones. That is to say, he will always become a waste person in the future.

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled: "Nothing, don't worry about becoming a waste person in the future, because you will die soon."

"You still want to kill me?" Lei Jiujun was full of surprise.


Ling Han punched out and directly bombed the Lei Jiujun into slag.

He knew that Lei Jiujun would definitely say something threatening, such as who is the young master, or which of the sects, or a cousin.

But does he care?

After refining the five elements of Chenghua, he will turn the starfish, and you will find him slowly.

"You, you are in a big disaster!" someone trembled.

"That is the young master of Lei family, and the most anticipated family of Lei family, killing him, Lei family will turn the sky!"

"You know, the strength of the Lei family can be no weaker than that of the Pang family. Now that the Lei Jiujun is dead because of the Pang family, it is estimated that the Pang family will go crazy."

"Definitely dead, definitely dead."

“Are we going to be hurt?”

Everyone is pessimistic. They watched the Lei Jiujun being bombarded. If they were angered by the Lei family, they would all be unlucky.

Ling Han picked up the sky jade, he naturally could not explain to these people.

He continued to blame, almost nine days later, the seven milk dolls came together again, put the essence of the flames together, weird things, these shiny and shiny things themselves merged together, as if there is life.

Just after a moment, there was a reddish ball in the box, which seemed to have a flame, which was beating.

Ling Han reached out and touched it, hey, it was hot.

He closed the box, which is made of jade, so don't worry about burning the box.

OK, the trip to Shibuya has been done and you can go to the next place.

Ling Han took out the map that Li Xingchen gave him and quickly determined the next destination.

Cold water lake.

This is the closest to Shibuya, so of course it was arranged at the next stop by Ling Han.

Only nine people have not yet set off, and a group of people have come in.

"One two nine five six..." Erwa began to count.

Ling Han mouth corner slightly twitching, although Erwa's eyesight is the best, but in counts can not hold any expectations. He looked at himself and there were a total of seventeen people in the other party. Each of them exudes the confidence of the master.

At least it is also a step into the fairy road.

"Ling Han, you are so courageous, you dare to kill Lei Jialanzi!" A middle-aged man shouted to Ling Han, naturally there is a condescending trend.

This is natural, because he is a strong base builder, and he is polite to the last small secret search.

Ling Han looked sharply: "Since you know the prestige of the devil, are you still looking for death?"

"Ling Han, don't allow people to rob the nickname!" Xiao Loli was dissatisfied and immediately protested.

"Foreign borrowing for a while, I will give it back to you." Ling Han turned his head, but it was a smile.

"This is almost the same." Little Loli did not make trouble, and continued to pick up the sugar.

The seventeen people were all angry, and the two men were too arrogant, and they dared to ignore them.

"No nonsense, take it directly." Someone is impatient, and it is a waste of time to find a secret. Isn't that funny?

"Also, under the take, Ling is executed, to the ceremonial nine army." Someone nodded on the side.

Ling Han snorted: "Do you think it is time to eat me?"

"Little secret search!"

These seventeen people are the coalition forces of the Lei family and the Pang family. They know that no one is a cold opponent, and even the Lei Jiujun are killed, so they joined forces to kill.

- Originally they were waiting outside, after all, the valley will be suppressed and repaired, it is better to be foolless in the outside, but the cold has not come out, think about the other side is also in the flame of the crystal, how can we It will last for several years.

It’s been too long, they can’t afford it.

Oh, Leijia Tianjiao was killed. They actually have to wait for several years to take revenge. Isn’t this a joke to die?

Therefore, even if they have to pay the price of a few sacrifices, they will have to enter the valley to win the cold.

Pangjia was **** this time, no way, the death of Lei Jiujun, they can not escape the relationship, naturally it is impossible to stay out of the way.

However, the 17 strong base builders, even if they have been suppressed, should be enough to suppress a small secret search.

Ling Han reveals that he is killing: "If you have to come to death, then you will be all right!"

"Kill!" Seventeen people killed at the same time.

Ling Han greeted him, directly ran into the destruction of energy, and made a heavy punch.


Someone just turned positive, wanted to contain him, let other people take the opportunity to take the shot, but under the destruction of energy, the man was immediately smashed into slag.

This destructive power is terrible.

In one face, seventeen people became sixteen.

By relying on the strong people of Pang and Lei, they did not reveal the hustle and bustle. They knew that Ling Han was very strong. Otherwise, it would not be possible to kill Lei Jiujun and let Zhang Qihua smash.

It is possible to kill a building base with a single punch, which still makes them stunned and numb.

Doesn't it mean that as long as Ling Han has another 16 punches, will they all be finished?

Ling Han not only kills, but how can he keep his hands?

With the destruction of energy, he has a plan to destroy the mouth.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

His body shape is moving, destroying the raging energy, even if the opponent has defense, the same high-level energy meets, but the strength of the strong will also destroy one arm, the strength is still difficult to escape.

It’s just a few tricks, and the 17 people have been reduced to nine.

This made everyone sorrowful, and even if they could still kill the enemy, they quickly turned and ran.

(End of this chapter)

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