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"It's stupid, looking for a dead end." He San waved his sleeve, but his heart was somewhat puzzled.

Why does Ling Han not run this time, but he is desperately trying to fight with him, otherwise Ling Han does not have to use the sinister sinister weapon, which is riddled with yin and self-destruction.

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao, said: "What you think is just what you think."

Are you tongue twisters?

He San did not shoot, now he does not need to shoot, Ling Han was riddled with yin, the death period is near.

Ling Han is reaching out and drinking to himself: "Hey!"

Boom, the Buddha's voice is soaring and thought-provoking.

The six-character Ming Dynasty Mantra can be evil in the town, but it can be used to smash the evil spirits, and to overcome the evil spirits.

A word spit out, Ling Han's palm suddenly had a black death, and then turned into ashes, as if annihilated.

"Super-dead, Buddha means!" He San blurted out, "You are a Buddha!"

Your sister is the bald monk!

Ling Han said something in his heart, but he ignored him at all, but continued to drink his own hands: "Hey!"

Boom, another black gas was forced out by him.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

As Ling Han continued to drink, a group of black gas was forced out and then annihilated.

He San’s mouth is a little twitching. How come you squat back and forth is just a “唵”? Doesn't the six-character king curse have six mantras, and the other five are eaten by you?

In fact, Ling Han also wants to use the complete six-character Ming Dynasty curse, why is it six characters? That must be the complete set, the power can be maximized, just a word, the effect of exorcism must be limited.

There is no way, he will only have such a slogan.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

He continued to call this.

Look at your sister!

He couldn't stand it anymore. He screamed and killed the past with Ling Han. Now he is dead in the cold body, and the squirt is immediately annihilated, and he can't hurt him.

Ling Hanxin thought of a move, Zhou Tianyu points together to shine, if there is a sky, a circle of light in his body.


He San’s attack came up, but he was blocked by the stars.

"What?" He San stunned, this is what the ghost defense, it is too horrible. He screamed, the blue energy was launched, and finally broke through the defense of the star light curtain, and continued to fight toward Ling Han.

There are so many times that it is enough for Ling Han to retreat. He did not fight back, but just drank himself: "Hey!"

The urgent task now is to repel the dead air. This is terrible. He has already felt that the vitality of the organs is greatly reduced and is depleting. If he does not force it out, there will be big problems.

He San chased again, but this time Ling Han did not use the star light curtain, but to retreat.

It’s not that Ling Han doesn’t want to use it, but after it’s been smashed, there’s no way to re-aggregate in the first place, there is a cooling period.

Fortunately, when He San chased again, the cold days of Zhou Tian's big hole once again glowed, forming a star light curtain.


He Sanyi hit it up, but he couldn't break the defense.

He must use blue energy, only this can destroy the light curtain of stars.

It is a bit like destroying energy, but it is inferior in quality, but still extraordinary. But the problem is also here, this energy is too strong, and the load on He San is also large, and it can't run for a long time.

Hey, there is no blue energy. He has smashed the Xingchen light curtain by breaking the seventeenth foot, but it also gave Ling Han enough time to recover, and once again launched a long journey.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The black gas in his body was continuously discharged, and the state was picking up. The original face was too dark to be seen, but now it has not only restored white, but also became ruddy.

It won't take long for him to return to perfection.

He San was sullen at home, how did Ling Han suddenly have a powerful defense?

No, this is by no means an ordinary secret, but a supernatural power, otherwise it is definitely not so powerful.

Why can't Ling Han not show it early?

Is it just mastered?

Was chased to the point where the mountains were running out of water, and then broke out and awakened a magical power?

He San really wants to slap his face. If this is the case, is he not the second person in the world?

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" He waved his long sword, his eyes were red, and he was a little bit mad.

After Ling Han’s drink of “唵”, the dead body in the body was completely exhausted. He laughed: “He San, stop here today, see you next time, see how I hang you!”

He continued to work in the end of the world, and after he completely smashed it, he followed the steps, so that he would have to catch up with him for at least half an hour.

Ling Han is full of confidence. He has already opened Zhou Tian's acupoint. Now, as long as he goes further, he will go to the secret, and who can be his opponent in the same battle?

He only needs a few days now.

Ling Han carried out the final cultivation of this realm. After the life level is upgraded, the meridians can expand. As long as this step is completed, he will reach the real end of the opening.

He three, you are waiting.

Ling Han did not hit the essence of the soil again. In the past few days, he only has to do one thing, that is to perfect the Kailuan.

He tried to hide his whereabouts and cover his body with a void skin, which played a very good effect. He San could not find him.

One day, two days, three days, Ling Han draws the power of the heavens and the earth every morning, and the meridians continue to expand, impacting the ultimate situation.

When he was practicing, his own breath could not be concealed, but only half an hour. He was lucky to catch up after the end of the practice of Ling Han, and he was easily taken away.

After nine days, Ling Hanjin could not enter.

The expansion of the meridians has reached the extreme, and the Zhoutian big hole is also the appearance of completely opening the light curtain of the stars, letting him realize that it has been repaired to the extreme, and there will be a magical power similar to the sword of the martial arts and the sword of Gengjin. .

That is to say, now he has perfected the opening situation.

Then, start to attack the secret.

In theory, there is no difficulty in finding the secret.

What is the search for secrets?

It is to find a secret in the body to store secret power, which is the source of energy in the future.

If you still use the meridian as the secret warehouse, then after you step into the fairy road, you will use the power to hit the sea, not to exhaust the secret power in an instant?

Doesn't that mean that the expansion of the meridians is meaningless?

Of course not, the wider the meridian expansion, the stronger the strength of the blow is naturally stronger.

In other words, the broadness of the meridians determines the explosive power of the warrior, and the size of the mystery determines the endurance of the warrior.

Both are equally important.

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