Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3654: Chikusen Motoki

Ling Han opened his eyes and suddenly shot two beams of light in his eyes. Hey, the nearby trees immediately collapsed.

This is not what he has cultivated, but after leaping through the fairy door, the power of reading and secret power have been amazingly improved, and it is still unable to adapt to the current strength. The eyes are broken and the trees are broken.

Jumping over Xianmen, but still has no foundation, he can now say that it is a quasi-sin.

But by this time, Ling Han naturally did not have a half-way reason.

Continue to build the fairy base.

There was a doubt in his heart. Why is there a broken fairy door? This has never been heard by people. Is it because he has perfected everything and this will happen?

But he also saw another person appearing in front of Shimen. Can it be said that there are still people who have perfected the situation?

is it possible?

He can make a whole body because he has nurtured countless planes in his body, so that the creation will happen to the second person?

I don't want to do this first. If there is a chance to meet "the man" in the future, he will understand clearly.

It’s just a sea of ​​people, where is he going to find it?

Well, that must be a great genius, looking for it in this direction.

Ling Han began to build Xianji, he did not use the foundation stone, since he already knows that it was made by the blood of a great emperor, he wants to go out of his own emperor road, it is impossible to go back the other way.

Besides, he was previously immersed in the sea of ​​true blood, and the benefits he received were much stronger than any one.

What is the cornerstone I want to build?

Ling Han buried the invincible belief and never frustrated fighting spirit, as the cornerstone of the fairy tales, and then entangled with the power of mind, nourished by the secret force, and constantly grow.

He thought of the stone fairy door, could not help but move, intentionally molded into the shape, even the material is the same, with the rough texture of the stone.

By the way, there is the breath of the ancient wilderness.

Oh, at this moment, there was a sudden thunder between the heavens and the earth. The dark clouds rolled in, densely above the forest, and there was a flash of fire, which seemed to fall down at any time.

Ling Han could not help but be surprised. He mimicked the stone gate of Xianmen to construct the foundation stone of Xiandao, actually let the heavens and the earth be angry?

By the way, this stone fairy door is coming to the head, the heavens and the earth are regarded as taboos?

The more so, the more Ling Han will insist on doing it.

If he builds such a fairy base, it must be incomparably powerful.

Come, how is the wrath of heaven, and have the ability to smash the lightning down.

Hey, the lightning really fell down. Just a few feet away from Ling Han, a big tree was suddenly cut off and slammed in his direction.

Ling Han waved his hand at random, and the broken tree was shot by him.

Scared me!

He continued to build Xianji, hehe, the thunder was more dense, there were more lightnings, but no one was on him.

The day of the thunder and robbery, only the big evils and evils, Ling Han with which one does not touch.

Heaven is not good, and everything is a dog, how can you treat him differently now?

But at this moment, a purple lightning slammed down and fell into the sea of ​​Ling Han.

The purple lightning turned into a human form, full of majesty, and shouted: "Bold, dare to do right with the heavens and the earth, no respect, no fear, this **** is coming to marry you!"

Brush, purple human figure killed, very fast.


Ling Han immediately said in his heart that this world is not without annihilation, but it is not physically destroying a person, but destroying a person from the soul.

The heart is devilish, and people are enchanted. Heaven has a reason to drop the thunder and rob it.

And Ling Han's demons are more direct, not to disorder him, but to directly destroy his soul, lost the soul, his body is empty shell, what is the use of the sturdy fairy base?

When the heart is attacked, it is necessary to break the cold and know the sea and smash his soul.

"Hey!" Ling Han opened, hehe, the Buddha's voice is mighty.

Card, purple human form suddenly cracked, but only one.

"Hey!" Ling Han also sighed again, such as Huang Zhong Da Lu, thought-provoking.

Card, a crack appeared on the purple human figure.

Ling Han rushed up and launched a fierce battle.

Hey, the devil is of course relying on the soul, and the secret force can not be used.

The demons are very powerful. This is not because Ling Han has been cultivated as Xianji, and the heaven and earth routinely lowered the heart and the robbery, but because the fairy base he wants to build is too extraordinary, the heavens and the earth have lowered the demons in advance, preventing him from being so "big and bad." .

Can Ling Han mastered the six-character Ming Dynasty curse, specializes in evil, speciality, even if there is only one word, it is still very effective.

There were two more cracks in the demons, and the fighting power naturally fell, and it was completely crushed by Ling Han.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

Ling Han continued to drink, the cracks on the demons were more and more, and eventually collapsed.

The Buddhas are really fascinating, and the light of a slogan is so powerful. If the six characters are complete, how powerful is it?

Ling Han did not care, continue to build Xianji.

Hey, another purple lightning fell, and the shape was formed in the cold sea.

Ling Han shook his head, and the six-character Ming Wang curse continued to drink. The demons could not pose a threat to him.

He used it with one heart and one mind. This time, the demons are only suppressed but not disintegrated. On the other hand, he is accelerating the process of building Xianji. Obviously, he is not interrupted or completed. This day, the robbery is endless.

In the battle of war, Ling Han has calmed down and grasped it.

One day later, Xianji Cheng!

The foundation of humanity, but the size of the fist, is exuding the magnificent atmosphere, but also has the meaning of the ancient and ancient, as if this is the cornerstone of the beginning of the heavens and the earth, can prop up the heavens and the earth.

In the sky, the clouds are scattered, and the heavens and the earth can't stop him. The robbery cloud is naturally only scattered.

But the dark clouds have not been clean, but in the next moment, the dark clouds have gathered again.

The robbery is coming again.

Of course, this is not to prevent Ling Han from building a fairy base. It is because he has succeeded in building the foundation and the world has to drop the robbery. This is a routine.

However, in contrast, the strength of this demons is too weak, Ling Han just drank ten words, the demons will be completely resolved.

Ling Hangang wanted to stand up, but he suddenly realized that his body's acupoints were open, and the power of the heavens and the earth was coming, so that his secret power was greatly enhanced, that is, the mind is also the same.

This step in the past is the real stepping out of the real world.

Ling Han quickly sat down, running the monkey brother practice, desperately sucking the benefits.

The secrets of other foundations will not be very large. Maybe it will be filled in a while, but the secret of Ling Han is a bottomless pit. No matter how the power of heaven and earth is plugged in, he will accept all the photos.

It is a pity that only half a day is gone, and the heavens and the earth are calm.

"What is the strength of my current strength?" Ling Han touched his chin and looked forward to it.

However, the focus now is not to be curious about their strength, but to release the Queens!

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