In three different directions, are you on the ancient battlefield?

Ling Han can only think that the place where they are now is convenient in the ancient battlefield, but there is no body in this area.

"That doesn't matter, we just go looking for a direction." He said irresponsibly.

"I really don't rely on the aunt." Liu Wa shrugged, a very helpless look.

They waited until the evening, but they still did not see the extraordinary return.

"Hey, aunt, it seems that you have run this younger brother!" Liuwa laughed at Ling Han.

Ling Han wiped his nose, it is rare that he wants to accept a younger brother. For the sake of reason, his tiger body is shocked and the king’s temperament is emitted. Shouldn’t he be thrown into the ground in an instant?

If you see the kid again next time, you must make him a pig.


They set off and, after a few hours, came to the edge of the ancient battlefield.

At this time, all the corpses have stood up, but in the scope of their sights, there are no warriors entering them. These corpses are just standing in vain, with statues.

But when the three of Ling Han approached, these corpses seemed to be excited, and they turned their heads and looked at the three of them.

Why are they three very special?

Fortunately, the corpse army was strictly restricted to the ancient battlefield and could not be ran out.

"How can this be done?"

"These are all these ghosts, surrounded us."

"Although it is possible to pass during the day, it is only half a day. With this battlefield, it is impossible to pass."

"I see the information left by the predecessors, it takes less than three days to pass through this area."

"Three days! That is to say, we must insist on at least two nights and be besieged by these soldiers."

“How can this be done?”

"I can't hold on for ten minutes."

There are many people around, and there is no disappointment.

With a passion, the confidence is full, and the result is good. Even if the first step is not able to go out, it has already fallen into the sand.

How does this make them not depressed?

"It's better, let's join hands?"

"Well, people are more powerful."

"That's it, you need to join hands to get through."

Some people proposed to join hands and get the approval of others. A small alliance soon formed.

Some people have already teamed up with other people outside. After they entered this place, they were sent to different places. Therefore, they have to temporarily set up a team.

"Ling Han, join us." Someone came to find Ling Han.

He took a kind of alms, and if he didn't look at the cold, he was too lazy to call someone behind.

Maybe it’s too busy to help, it’s just a drag.

Ling Han shook his head: "No, I like to act alone."

The man stunned, but did not expect that Ling Han would actually refuse, and could not help but reveal an annoyed color: "I don't want to give you a face, I really don't know what to do, I thought it was a squad, I took myself seriously?"

"Forget it, people are interested!" Someone came over, he persuaded the first person.

The man thought about it and there was no attack. After all, there were a lot of people who recruited the cold, and some of them were really not sinful.

Except for the three people of Ling Han, the others are teamed up together. They will not go to the ancient battlefield at this time. Isn’t this asking for trouble? But in order to get used to it, they still squatted in, just staying on the edge.

Mainly to practice the cooperation, but also to adapt to the intensity, if they can not help, so do not have to go in tomorrow, maybe they can not kill, to die inside.

They fought for more than half an hour and soon cooperated with each other. After all, they are all geniuses. As long as they let go of arrogance and cooperate sincerely, it is still very powerful.

The three people in Ling Han are resting. As soon as the sun comes out, they will set off immediately.

One night passed and the sun rose.

"Go." The two waves of people were dispatched at the same time and entered the ancient battlefield.

They are in the same direction, and in order to travel as much as possible during the day, they have not stopped to eat, they are desperate to hurry, but the ancient battlefield is murderous, their speed is not fast, at most one-third to one-half The speed of sound.

After half a day, the sun sank and the sky darkened.

When the last corner of the sun disappeared into the sky, the endless darkness suddenly surged.

Cards, cards, cards, that one of the bones did not climb up, the eyes in the smoldering fire, as if suddenly entered the ghost world.

"Stop, prepare to fight."

The people who teamed up immediately stopped, and they were divided into three batches and took turns to rest.

Ling Han, Princess Bis, and Liu Wa also stopped, and it was unwise to advance with the firepower of the soldiers.

“What to do?” asked Princess Bismu, she was actually in favor of teaming up with others, so that she could share the pressure of defense and also be able to work shifts.

"Cool simmering." Ling Han smiled, while walking, while laying the foundation.

Boom, but the army can not give him the opportunity to calmly arrange, have killed. The odd thing is that most of the squadrons have been killed by them, and the rushing to another wave is much less.

Why, is this also eccentric?

Ling Han was amazed, and he continued to deploy while slamming his fists.

Princess Bixi and Liuwa quickly helped, and the battle with the Lieutenant Army was fierce.

Ling Han can see clearly that the squadron is so "enthusiasm" for them, it is entirely because of the relationship between the six babies, because these squadrons almost ignored the tourmaline princess, that is, against the six babies.

He quickly said: "Six baby, stealth."

"Good aunt." Liu Wa immediately broke into the void.

When she disappeared, the army suddenly returned to normal, and the originally diverted corpse rushed toward another wave of people.

"Rely, what is the situation?"

“Why are there more soldiers?”

“Don't the three people on the other side have all gone?”

The pressure here is greatly increased, and naturally it is hard to complain.

"Mo Pan, we have already practiced yesterday, there is no problem at all." A red man said that he was the highest in the team and he did not let the captain's burden be provoked.

This person is called Jin Jingtian, a star-studded genius, and the strength is quite extraordinary.

Everyone nodded and stabilized their minds. According to yesterday’s exercise, some people rested and some of them fought.

As soon as the situation stabilized, they looked in the direction of the three people in the cold. The three of them should all die. Oh, it’s a pity that the beautiful girl is very tasteful.

Huh? by!

They were swept away and they were not shocked.

What did they see?

The three people in Linghan were sitting in a good life, and they were cooking on fire, and one by one, they rushed over, and they were not hit by the moving light column, and they burst in an instant.

The array has become! Nt

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