Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3729: True biography

Everyone went with the wolf high priest and came to the end of the small valley. Then the wolf high priest read a word to the mountain wall. He didn’t know what to say, then took a cane on the mountain wall and saw the mountain wall silent. Opened a hole without interest. m.

This is the sky hanging hole?

"There is a ban on the werewolf, and the old can't go in." The wolf priest sighed. "Let's go, hope you can succeed and save the future of my wolf."

Everyone is nodding, this is in line with the setting, otherwise people have to go in, then what are they doing?

"Please rest assured the high priest!"

Everyone is scrambling, this is the final test, they can come here, indicating that they are all recognized by the saints, then there is great hope for the inheritance of saints.

Sure enough, they are the strongest arrogance.

Ling Han is a bit amazed, this is too easy, right?

To say that there is any challenge here, that is, there is an ancient battlefield before, there is a rock formation behind, and then a muddy land. But that can be teamed up, the difficulty is low.

If you come all the way, you will be recognized and enter the final stage.

What a joke.

Don't say that the saints have passed down, that is, which one is hanging, and will not find a passerby so casually?

Moreover, it is so easy, then the saint inheritance will not be taken away for so long?

Ling Han always felt that something was wrong. He held Liuwa in his hand and turned his head and whispered to Princess Bixi: "Everything is careful, there may be drastic changes."

Princess Bismuth is puzzled, and then "suddenly", is it that the cold is afraid of the sage's inheritance, causing a big fight?

"Good." She nodded.

Ling Han knew that she didn't understand what she meant, but it didn't matter, as long as she raised her alertness.

They walked away, at most ten minutes of things, suddenly there was a huge cave in front, 30 feet high, about a thousand feet at the widest point, and two hundred feet at the narrowest place.

In the middle of this cave, there is a stone pillar, which is three feet tall and looks very awkward.

And here, it is the end of the whole cave.

“What about the saints?” someone called, full of unwillingness.

just this?

It is no wonder that for thousands of years, no one has gained anything. It turned out to be a scam.

Everyone was bullied by the saints of ancient Yang, and there were any saints who passed down, were jokes, and were deceived.

This makes many people violent.

"Go, go back and ask what high priest, maybe he is cheating us."

"Yes, go back and find the old guy."

Some people are going to go back, but there are always curious people who walked to the stone pillar in the middle and reached up and touched it. Hey, this stone pillar actually glowed. Then, hey, a book appeared in the air.

"Sage, saint inheritance!" the man said with a trembling, very excited.

He can see clearly that there are four words on the book:

Is this not a saint inheritance?

It turns out that the saint inheritance is true.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes are staring, and many people are even more fierce.

"Handed over!" someone called immediately.

The sages pass on, let alone them, that is, if the sages come, they will also die and die.

Where did the man listen, and quickly borrowed the book into the space instrument, such a heritage, killing him can not be handed over.

"You are really looking for death!" Hey, someone immediately killed the man.

There are two, hey, more and more people can not help but shot, that is, those who wanted to go back have also come back and joined the battle group.

boom! boom! boom!

The melee is fierce, and it is fierce. For the sake of the saints, no one of them will be merciful. They are all trying their best to beat everyone, and they have a chance to be alone.

However, some people did not join the battle, but went to the stone pillar and reached out to press the past.

Oh, another book appears in the air. !

The man was overjoyed and quickly borrowed the book.

However, although his movements are hidden, they are still seen by others.

Those people did not fight, but they went forward and reached out to touch the stone pillars. As a result, hey, one book after another appeared, all of which were ancient Sun Tianjing.

This book has appeared too much, that is, those who are fighting are also seeing, and some people have withdrawn from the battle group, and then there are more and more such people.

The melee ended, but there were also seventeen bodies left. How could this kind of fierce battle not kill people?

Everyone is speechless, and they go to touch, but not everyone will get it. Some people will not respond when they reach out.

"We seem to be being played again."

Everyone compares the ancient yang scriptures. As a result, each one is different.

Maybe which one is true, maybe all is fake.

"Hey, aunt, let's try." Liu Wa waved a small white hand.

"Good." Ling Han smiled.

He held the six baby up, first the six baby reached out and pressed up, the light column flashed, hey, a book appeared in the air.

Well, I don't know the first few books.

Ling Han smiled and reached out and pressed up.


He was surprised to find that the "chapter" in his hand suddenly lighted up, and then a vicissitude of life suddenly poured into his knowledge of the sea.

"After the world, you are finally here."

"The old man has been waiting for you for a long time. Since you can hear this passage, it means that you passed the test of the first stage of the old man, and you can get the practice of the ancient world."

"There are three secrets waiting for you, which correspond to Zhuding, Shengdan and Zhenzhou."

"Only if you pass all the tests, you can get the complete inheritance of the old man."

Suddenly, a lot of information rushed toward Ling Han. This is a practice, but only the cultivation method of the foundation stage, then three coordinates, and three secrets.

Ling Han slightly discerned, he immediately can be sure, this should be the true ancient Yang Tianjing, broad and profound, even if there is no cultivation, Ling Han can be sure, this is definitely better than his current cultivation of the big lotus Ten times twenty times.

This ancient sage is really going to play, actually gave everyone a bunch of fake exercises, but also divided into one two three four, there are three secrets to pass, in order to get the complete ancient Yang Tianjing.

However, no one knows this way. In fact, the true saint inheritance falls into his hands.

Before those **** battles were not white waste, his persistence and his efforts paid off.

It can also be seen that the idea of ​​selecting a descendant from the saints not only requires strong strength, but also has sufficient persistence.

Persistence, on the way to practicing martial arts is indeed a valuable quality, and in many cases it is the determination to hit the South Wall and not look back.

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