Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3744: Returning to the monkey

The monkey brother screamed, and a golden light emerged from the top of his head, turning into a little monkey and flew toward the chaotic polar thunder.

Ling Han suddenly thought about it, and quickly said: "Monkey brother, there is a heavenly fire in this tower."

This fire can even burn to death, he does not want to accidentally give the monkey brother a pit.


The monkey brother quickly braked, the little monkey flashed, and he rushed back into the monkey brother.

"Really?" asked the monkey.

Ling Han nodded: "When I refining the Chaos Tower, I went to the land of fire."

"Yes, if there is no heavenly fire, it will not be able to shape the shape of the mother's gold." The monkey nodded.

"After I was converted into a soldier, I also used the internal space of the emperor to collect a little fire. But after the heavenly fire was taken away, the power was reduced a lot, and only the sages could be burned." Ling Han said.

This is forced to play, the monkey brother is not twitching from the corner of his mouth.

He is only teaching the main class, that is, in front of the weakened version of the Tiandao fire, he also has only a slap.

"If there is a heavenly fire, then it will be easier. Second brother, you will go to the top of the mountain and pour out the fire of heaven."

Ling Han was shocked and said: "Will it hurt you?"

"It is no problem, Tiandaohuo can easily burn this array of law, and the old Sun will be out of trouble before the flames are burned down." The monkey brother said proudly, but the words turned and said, "But, for the sake of it, Let the little ones quit first."

"it is good."

Ling Han began to evacuate the monkey group, leaving the Monkey Valley far away, including the Queen, the **** dog, etc., then he returned to the Monkey Valley alone and flew up the mountain.

"Monkey brother, I want to start."

"let's start."

Ling Hanxin read a move, and the fire of Tiandao immediately emerged from the eighth layer of the Chaos Tower, burning at the top of the mountain, and spreading rapidly, burning to the mountainside.

He quickly drove the chaotic polar thunder and flew away. The monkey brother was born, and it must be earth-shattering.

Boom, the fire of the heavens spreads very quickly, all the way to the bottom of the mountain, nothing to burn, nothing to destroy.

This is the ultimate flame that even the sage can burn, which can be regarded as a semi-holy level.

Ling Han is a little anxious, how is the monkey brother still not born?

This is really going to make the fire of heaven go down the mountain, it is not a joke.

He still went to the foot of the mountain to see if the monkey brother couldn't do it. Of course, it would be impossible for him to collect all the fires of the heavens, but it was only possible to take away the monkeys around. It should be no problem.

Just not waiting for Ling Han to move out, hey, just listen to the earth-shattering loud noise, then see the big mountain below blasted open, a stream of light like a figure flew out from underneath, straight through the sky.

"Oh, old grandson is out!"

Just a blink of an eye, I saw that the streamer was shot down from the sky and turned into a furry monkey.

The golden hair of the monkey's body is one foot tall and full of fire, and it is full of fierceness and enthusiasm. It seems that even the heavens and the earth are completely out of sight.

It is the monkey brother.

Ling Han felt a little spicy eyes, because the monkey brother was slick, but he was still full of hair, otherwise he really wanted to leave him a psychological shadow.

"Come on!" The monkey brother sighed softly. Hey, I saw countless golden light and shadows flying toward him. Hey, constantly affixed to him and turned into a pair of golden armor.

Then he reached out and slammed into his ear, and suddenly a golden needle was taken out by him.

Hey, such a mighty and overbearing monkey brother, the weapon used is actually a gold needle?

This is this, good mother, the eyeballs will fall to the ground.


When the monkey brother sighed softly, he saw that the golden needle was constantly enlarged, turned into a stick, and the whole body was golden, and there was a stripe road, which exuded the arrogance of the male.

It turns out that this can be scaled down.

The material that can be enlarged and reduced, it must be a small level, but the monkey brother is the master of the master, it is very normal to have such a stick.

"This is the holy material, and the imitation is also the wishful golden hoop of the ancestors." The monkey brother explained that he stands proudly between the heavens and the earth. As a master, he certainly can stand in the sky without a royal device.

Ling Han laughed and said: "Congratulations to the monkey brother!"

The monkey brother nodded: "The two brothers lost their luck, but they not only got the mother's gold, but also cast the emperor, and collected the heavenly fire, otherwise the old grandson will still bear for a while."

"Come on, let's talk."

The two landed, but the Monkey Valley has been completely destroyed, but since the Monkey is out of trouble, he is now the strongest on the Starfish, where can't go?

After converging the people and the monkeys, the monkey brother launched a great mana, and brought the people to a land of heaven and earth, first settled the monkeys, and then the monkeys took out the wine they brewed and began to celebrate.

Ling Han puts a happy heart, does not want anything, every day is to drink wine with the monkey brother.

After seven days, the banquet finally came to an end.

"Second brother, are you wondering why the demon monkey is not as good as the God of War?" The monkey brother took the initiative to talk about it.

I haven't mentioned it before Ling Han. I don't want the monkey to think that he is threatening. Although the monkey brother is not such a careful person, he does not want to have a misunderstanding between the two.

However, since the monkey brother took the initiative to raise it, Ling Han nodded.

The demon monkey fist is created by the ancestors. According to the truth, even if it is not the strongest in the world, it should be the first to be tied.

The monkey brother smiled and said: "There should be three types of God of War should be left by the God of War Palace. The God of War Palace is a holy place. How can the holy level technique compare with the Imperial level?"

"In addition, the God of War III is also the strongest school of the War God Palace, but you are still too weak in the realm, so the difference is not very obvious."

Ling Han was curious and said: "Why is that?"

"Because, before you pass your demon monkey boxing is just for you to practice in the real world, now you have entered the path of Xian, it is naturally different." Monkey brother laughed.

It's that simple!

Ling Han couldn’t help but be amazed. The boxing skills that apply to the world can still erupt in the power of Xiandao. It’s only a little weaker than the God of War, and how strong is the monster of the Fairy level?

"Come, the old grandson passed you."

Ling Han began to follow the monkey brother to practice the demon monkey boxing. This is the technique of the emperor. It is not the monkey brother who points to the point. After passing an idea, he can slowly try to figure it out.

This is the world's most advanced fairy tales. It requires not only words and deeds, but also a detailed understanding. Those who are less qualified may not be able to learn in a hundred years and a thousand years.

Even if the understanding of Ling Han is so bad, he can't grasp it in a short time.

After a whole month, he finally mastered the demon monkey box...just a few furs, far from the core.

Ling Han intends to go back to the emperor to see, the monkey brother is also quite interested, then decided to follow the cold to go to the emperor to see Chen Fengyan this junior, then he will leave the sky starfish, until after becoming a sage, then go to the Qinglong dynasty.


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