Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3750: Self recommendation

A courtier’s ceremony, Chen Fengyan actually stood up.

Oh, this is too exaggerated, right?

Chen Fengyan also realized that he was in a state of disobedience. There was no way. Before, he was suspected of being alive by the monkey brother. He sat back again and waved his hand and said: "Love Qing does not have to be polite."

Ling Han nodded and retired to the ministers.

Brush, every minister is involuntarily retreating a few steps, keeping an absolute distance from Ling Han.

No one wants to have a relationship with this disaster.

Ling Han can't help but be speechless. Is he so afraid of people?

Chen Fengyan looked at the name and made it faint: "You come on behalf of the Qinglong Dynasty. What is the intention to convey?"

The messenger finally recovered a little bit of arrogance, but when Ling Han was staring at him, this arrogance immediately vanished.

Others have scruples, this guy does not. Others dare not move him, this guy dares.

The messenger quickly and honestly said: "The Majesty of the DPRK asked Xuanbei Wang to offer a descending book and sent an emissary representative to represent the Xuanbei Kingdom forever."

It is very compliant to offer a book, and it is impossible for the Qinglong Dynasty to allow uncontrollable forces within its territory, but also to have a messenger in Xuanbei.

Isn't this obviously a hostage?

The princes are all ugly, and the messenger must have chosen from among them.

Among them, the top ten princes are the most nervous, their talents are the best, the highest level, is definitely the first choice.

—— The more the hostage is important to Chen Fengyan, the more obedient Chen Fengyan is, the simple truth to think about it.

Who wants to be this hostage?

Speaking well, messengers, messengers, in fact, are hostages, and what good treatment can a hostage get?

They are all princes, now they are all right, how strong?

Can go to the Qinglong dynasty, that is a worm, called every day should not, called the ground is not working.

The princes are all looking at Chen Fengyan, hoping that the father loves the mountain, never choose yourself.

"I am going." A voice sounded, and it seemed very awkward in the silence.

Brush, all eyes are looking towards Ling Han.

It was just the mouth of Ling Han.

All the courtiers are shaking their heads, and you are too flattering, but the question is, how can you be favored by Ren Biao, and what qualifications do you have as hostage?

This hostage is not something that can be done casually, and has enough identity.

Without waiting for Chen Fengyan to open his mouth, the messenger rushed to say: "That...the messenger is best to be the son of Xuanbei Wang. Otherwise, if you go, it may be useless."

He was scared by Ling Han, and he was very careful in wording. He was afraid of Ling Han and he was embarrassed.

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao: "Reassured, my weight is enough."

He paused and said to Chen Fengyan: "Is it a big man?"

Brush, all eyes look at Chen Fengyan.

Big, big scorpion?


Chen Fengyan’s heart is depressed, and the coming is still coming. This relationship can’t be saved! However, he is also grateful, Ling Han is willing to come forward for the Chen family.

He nodded: "Ling Qing is indeed an elder of embarrassment."

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

What, Ling Han is really Chen Fengyan's elders?

God, how is this possible?

The second emperor they suddenly thought that before Ling Han was teaching them, they did say that they were their uncles. They thought that Ling Han was deliberately taking advantage of them. I didn’t expect it to be true.

The messenger is also amazed.

Chen Fengyan is the prince of a country. He is also a sacred person. If he dares to confess his elders, then his face will be thrown away.

Therefore, Ling Han is really the elder of Chen Fengyan.

It is no wonder that before Ling Han was so arrogant that Chen Fengyan did not stop it, wouldn’t it be a big rebellion?

"I have more than a hundred sons in this big scorpion, and I will take one of them as a hostage, and I will not put it in my heart." Ling Han said, "But my uncle is not the same, only this one, the meaning is completely different."

Hey, how do you still sell yourself?

Everyone is speechless, but to be a hostage, not to enjoy the blessing, why are you so active?

The messenger couldn’t help but nod. Yes, there are more than a hundred sons in the family. No matter which one is chosen, can it threaten Chen Fengyan?

Moreover, as long as Ling Han went to the Qinglong Dynasty, wouldn't it be his site?

It is possible for him to take revenge.

At the thought of this, his heart could not help but beating.

"Okay, it's you." He nodded.

Everyone is speechless, such a big event, Ling Han, a self-promotion, the messenger nodded and decided?

It’s too fun to play.

"Ling Han!" Chen Fengyan opened, this is the uncle's brother-in-law. If he sent Ling Han to the Qinglong Dynasty, he would definitely kill himself.

Ling Han smiled and said: "I have decided!"

Chen Fengyan only shut up, but people put on the posture of the elders, he dare not to follow, but also to be fattened by the monkey.

Hey, it’s really hard to be a scorpion this year.

Soon, Chen Fengyan issued a sacred meaning. After three days, Ling Han will take the book and go to the moon with the emissary of the Qinglong Dynasty.

Ling Han is so so upright, paying for Chen?

Of course not. This is the decision he made after careful consideration.

First of all, on the starfish, Ling Dan's strength of Dan Dao can't be played at all. It is equal to burying it. He must go to a resource-rich star.

Second, he is now connected to the Star Network, and there is no shortage of money, you can buy what you want to buy, but the sky starfish, huh, huh, not 包邮.

Third, he wants to spy on the reality of the Qinglong Dynasty and prepare for the future.

Therefore, he would rather take the risk to be the hostage.

——I really want to annoy him. I can’t let go of the fire of the heavens, and make the Qinglong dynasty screaming at the end of the day, then call the monkey brother to meet, and it’s good to leave the Golden Dollar Holy Land far away.

Going back to the Foreign Affairs Office, Ling Han arranged.

He is a hostage this time, it must not be with the Queen, but the Queens have also stepped into the building, leaving the sky starfish on the entrance is too slow, so the Queen they have to start, let Tang Yuner The shuttle is delivered, anyway, there is a nourishing gourd, which can be loaded with many people.

The Queens certainly do not have to ask, they are their own daughter-in-law, and Lin Luo, Zhou Heng, Yuan Sheng Tian Zun and others also expressed their willingness to go to the moon.

Ling Han smiled, and when the monkeys stepped into the four poles, they should also grow up and become the arms of the monkey brother, overthrowing the Qinglong Dynasty.

This time I went to the Qinglong Dynasty, but I have to plant countless hopes.

The Queen is okay, but Hu Niu is not a reasonable person. She is going to go with Ling Han, and finally she is suppressed by the Queen. She can only scream.

Three days later, Ling Han left the Foreign Affairs Office and sat on an empty ship with the messenger of the Qinglong Dynasty. He set off for Yuehuaxing.

And with him, there are **** dogs and color pigs.

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