Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3757: One day free

At this moment, everyone’s heart is broken.

Are you too embarrassed?

Didn't have enough people, this deliberately broke the ball and started again?

Rely on, it’s not really black.

The rule is the rule, the colored ball burst, this round is equal to white, and needs to start again.

Everyone is like eating a dead child, and his face is ugly.

That is, Liu Xunyu’s three people are also eccentric, and the winner himself has broken the colored balls. This strange thing only appeared today.

Come on, come back.

The lottery contest started again, but no one went into the battlefield.

Who wants to be jealous, stupid?

Ling Han cut a pair of hands and walked slowly and slowly. The appearance of pulling hatred was very ridiculous.

Can you hate your teeth again? How can you beat the cold?

"Hey, invincible is really lonely." Ling Han shook his head, went to the middle of the battlefield, took the ball up, and slowly walked back.

Everyone called it a gas, especially Tan Zhengjie, this time was full of a meal, the former hatred new hate is simply.

In one step and two steps, although Ling Han went slowly, the battlefield was so big. After a few minutes, he still came out.

The winner, Ling Han.

This result is the same as the previous one, but once again, the people are all hated and itch, wanting to smother the cold.

"Congratulations to Ling Han, won the victory of this lottery contest." Liu Xunyu said with a smile, looking at Ling Han's eyes is quite meaningful.

Ling Han smiled at the people around him: "Thank you for your humility."

Modestly let your sister, if you beat you, you will definitely peel your skin.

Everyone was in a bad mood. Seeing that Ling Han is still doing group ridicule, it is called a temper. How can there be such a poisonous person under the sun?

Ling Han turned and went to Liu Xunyu: "Captain, when can I go out?"


Ling Han nodded and went away.

"Oh, this person seems to have some thorns." Zhao Xiao came over and looked at the back of Ling Han.

"It's very unruly." Han Bing also said.

Liu Xunyu reveals a confident smile: "I will let him do things!"

This sentence exports, Zhao Xiao and Han Bing at the same time exposed the jealousy, the expression is extremely strange.

"Xunyu, it is just a small building base, give him a little color, he will be obedient." Zhao Xiao could not help but said.

"That is, the reality here is a prison. If you don't kill people, who cares about a protagonist?" Han Bing also nodded. "Or let me come first."

Liu Xunyu shook his head: "The strong melon is not sweet. The guy is a Dandao genius. He must be arrogant. You will coerce him. His heart is definitely contradictory. How can he do things seriously?"

"But!" Han Bing still wants to persuade.

"I have a few in my heart." Liu Xunyu faintly said.

Han Bing and Zhao Xiao didn't talk any more, but the expression on their faces was all hateful, and they didn't know what they hated.

This night, Ling Han was a little excited. Although he had not been in Jiayuan for a few days, it was in jail, which naturally gave him a sense of oppression.

After one night, after Linghan practiced, he immediately walked toward the gate.

This time, the guard did not stop him, but said: "You must come back before midnight. Otherwise, we will report to the Clan House and pass you as a fugitive."

Ling Han nodded, this is the rules and regulations, and he did not mean to care about this little person, striding out of the Jiayuan House.

After the same sky, you can walk out of the high wall, but the mood of Ling Han is suddenly loose.

The time is short, and the goal of Ling Han is clear. He did not go to the Queen to meet them, but to take the holy pharmacy.

This is the Dandao holy land of Yuehuaxing, which gathers the highest level of the Danshi of the whole star. The old elders of the Sanctuary Hall have the title of the Qinglong Emperor, and it is the duke of the Tang Dynasty. The highest title obtained will naturally push the status of the holy pharmacy to a very high level.

Because the old man of the three medicines is the teacher of the prefecture level, even the main class of the teacher must ask him to refine the alchemy, and the status is naturally respected.

Of course, you can't expand your body in the city, and you can't fly the machine. It will be regarded as disrespectful. The cold will go on foot, and the speed is fast anyway.

Twenty minutes later, he came to the Holy Pharmacy.

This is a splendid building complex with a large area, with towers towering, some silver and some gold.

Ling Han learned from the star network that the silver tower is the place where the human-level Danshi lived, and the golden tower is the land-level Dan teacher to live in, whether it is martial arts, Dandao or the circuit, it is all hierarchical. .

He strode into the holy pharmacy, which was followed by a lobby with a large amount of medicinal herbs for sale.

The clerk here is very proud, although Ling Han is looking everywhere, but no one asks him to need some aspects of the remedy, a look you love to buy or not.

Ling Han did not mean to communicate with the clerk. He went straight through the lobby and went to the inner area.

"The idler stops." Someone stopped immediately.

Ling Han smiled: "I want to certify Dan."

"You?" The man looked at Ling Han, because Ling Han is too young, but in the early 20s, is there such a young Dan teacher?

However, the Dan teacher certification is open to everyone, as long as you bring your own materials, the Holy Medicine Hall will provide an alchemy room.

"Well, you come with me." The man led Ling Han back. "Don't look around, there are many Dan teachers here, and I hate being stared, it is very rude," he reminded.

Ling Han nodded, from good to good.

They came to a large room with many people staring at a wall.

This is a projection wall, there is a Dan teacher in alchemy, Ling Han can be sure at a glance, this furnace is about to be refined.

The person who rushed into the cold rushed to the front and sneaked to the front. After a while, he came back and said, "You are waiting here, someone will arrange for you to be certified."

"it is good."

Ling Han sat down, closed his eyes and raised his mind, and had no interest in the ongoing alchemy.

"Hey, what to install, have come here, and actually closed your eyes!" Someone sneered.

Ling Han was amazed, my eyes closed and still hinder you?

"That is, the first day of our holy pharmacy, Luo Jun attacked Dan Shi today, specially invited everyone to come and observe, you actually do not look seriously?" Another person said to Ling Han, the tone is a bit harsh.

Luo Jun is only twenty-nine years old this year. He is talented and talented. After 15 years, he has advanced from the junior Danish to the advanced level. Now it is the impact of the human level, and this talent is amazing.

Now, Luo Jun is willing to let everyone watch his alchemy techniques, you still close your eyes?

Is this loading or deliberate ridicule?

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