Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3775: Check case

Isn't this difficult for a strong man?

There is no soldier under Ling Han’s hand, and when he first arrived, he was asked to solve the case within ten days. How to break!

Ling Han looked at Yan Lesheng, and he said that he had no complaints and no enmity. Why did he give him a set when he came up?

This is not to be down, but to go to him.


Ling Han looked up and smiled: "Okay, make sure to complete the task."

"Then go." Yan Lesheng waved his hand. "Hurry up, after all, people are killed, and the murderer will not be caught in one day. Maybe more people will suffer."

Ling Han nodded and took the case to leave.

After Yan Lesheng left, he immediately opened the connector and said: "Ma Daren, I have already handed the case to him as you said. In ten days, he will never catch the murderer. I immediately let him resignation."


Ling Han turned over the file, revealing the color of thinking.

In fact, there are more than one case of homicide in this jurisdiction, but seven cases, and they are concentrated in half a month.

The first murder occurred fifteen days ago, the second was ten days ago, the third was seven days ago, and then more and more dense. In the last four days, there was a murder every day.

These murders were all identified as being committed by the same murderer, because the deceased were all drained from the body.

Surprisingly, no drops of blood were found near the body.

Ling Han immediately set off to the place where the first murder case occurred.

This is a man living alone, in his thirties, the body has long been carried away, and because he does not have a family, it is empty, full of empty and deserted.

Ling Han turned around in the house. The furnishings here are very simple, and they are still very chaotic, but they are not the mess that is caused by fighting, but the chaos that is not paid attention to.

Turning around in a circle, he did not find any clues.

But it doesn't matter.

Ling Han took out the jade, and now he has been able to use this treasure perfectly.

He put the jade on the ground for a while, then collected it and went out of the house to the second victim's residence.

The deceased of this family is not single, but a man, the deceased is his wife.

"Who are you?" Seeing Ling Han went straight to the house, the man asked quickly.

Ling Han smiled and said: "I am a person from Tianwu, to investigate your wife's case."

"It’s another investigation." The man yelled. "You come over to investigate every three or five times, but there is no result. What do you eat?"

"Reassured, within three days, I will give you a fair." Ling Han said faintly.

The man looked up at Ling Han and his face was full of unbelief.

What kind of jokes are you doing? Before you pushed Toto, you asked about the progress. They are all investigating. You suddenly said that you can find the murderer in three days?

This person... will it be a liar?

Ling Han smiled slightly: "I am not a liar. Anyway, only three days, you will know soon."

He took out the jade and began to extract the breath here.

- The use of this jade is very simple, that is, let it absorb the smell first, and then it can be traced together.

However, Ling Han has a comparison, and as many as eleven breaths are coincident.

Most of them should be people in Tianwu, but are there any murderers left behind?

Ling Han is not certain, because how long the smell can be retained is determined by many conditions, such as whether it is empty, such as the flow of air, such as temperature. Perhaps the smell of the murderer has long since disappeared, then the eleven breaths are all left by the guard of Tianwu.

He left and went to the third victim's home.

This time, the same breath will leave seven.

Ling Han spent half a day, and went to the place where the seven victims were killed. They used the jade to record a lot of breath.

Then he went back to the branch and called all the poor people involved in the investigation of the seven victims.

"Captain Ling, you don't ask, just call my hand, is it a little out of order?" Someone immediately found it and protested to Ling Han.

There are a total of thirteen squads in this branch, which is the captain of the fourth squad.

Ling Han smiled and said: "Take a minute."

He used the jade to absorb the taste of the other person, and then waved his hand to indicate that the other person could leave.

"What do you mean?" The captain of the fourth team is dissatisfied with the authenticity. Oh, call his men, so toss and drive away, is it fun?

This is my person!

Ling glanced at him coldly and coldly: "I am looking for a case, but you are dragging my hind legs. Do you have anything to do with the murderer?"

"You are bloody!" The captain of the fourth team shouted at Ling Han. This hat can not be buckled. Otherwise, he will not only lose his official hat, but even be sentenced to death.

"Then shut up, don't pull your hind legs!" Ling Hansen said.

The captain of the fourth team was swayed by Ling Han, and he forgot to refute. When he came back to God, a face suddenly became red.

Everyone is the captain, and you are just a light pole commander. Why are you fierce with me?

Ling Han also recruited a soldier to compare his breath.

Soon, he recorded the breath of everyone.

The captains of the 13 squads are all uncomfortable. Ling Han didn’t say hello to them at all. He called people directly and didn’t know what to toss.

No matter what, you stretched your hand too long!

Those captains usually have to fight for power and profit, and the relationship is actually very bad. But now because of the cold relationship, these people are standing together.

"You can't just forget it."

"Yes, otherwise, this kid will think we are bullied and want to ride on our heads."

"I have to give him some lessons!"

These small team leaders nodded and then walked toward Ling Han.

"Ling Captain, let's talk about it." Someone laughed.

"Yeah, let's go to the battlefield." Someone immediately attached.

"Right right, learn from each other and improve your feelings."

Ling Han looked at the thirteen people and smiled: "I really want to learn?"

"How, the captain of Ling did not dare?" Someone will be excited.

"Go, let's go."

The group of people walked to the training martial arts field. Those ordinary soldiers saw it and quickly watched the fun.

"You said, can the new captain hold a few games?" The soldiers were curious.

"Up to three games." Someone laughed.

"Five games." Another way.

At this moment, some people said leisurely: "These captains are added together, and it is not enough for the new captain to fight alone."

After a moment of silence, everyone laughed.

how can that be possible? Big joke!

"Don't you know that this new captain was defeated by Wang Yafei at the birthday party of his majesty yesterday, and won the strongest man in the foundation?"


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