Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3780: Really fierce

Ling Han launched the scorpion and looked at the old man.

Can't see through!

If the other party is building a foundation, then Ling Han can see the other's repairs clearly. If it is a casting trip, then at least it can also vaguely see the appearance of Xian Ding, but from the beginning of Sheng Dan, he can not see anything.

It is not that the technique is not strong, but that his realm is too low.

However, the technique is completely invisible, indicating that the other party is at least a living environment, even stronger.

There is a hole in the chest of the old man. It seems that he was worn by a hand, and there is still blood flowing there, but the speed is extremely slow. Moreover, this blood is like a crystal, and it seems to be solidified.

"Damn, the old man needs more blood!" The old man coughed a little. He gently smothered it above the wound, and his eyes showed a murderous murder. "Five sons, wait until the old man recovers his injuries, finds a secret, and repairs When you go up one more floor, it is your death!"

"And the **** kid, there is a treasure that traces the smell, almost exposed the old man's hiding place."

"That kid is also smart. It should have been found this time, but it has not been shown. It is obvious that this is a trap."

"The old man has to change places. If he finds a master, it is not good for the old man to return to the repair of the Ding Ding."

He said to himself, the two blood slaves stood on one side, like stone carvings.

"You two, come to the old man." The old man ordered the two blood slaves.

The two men quickly went to help him. When the old man was helped out of the pit, Ling Han was surprised to find that the old man had lost one leg.

The wound is very new, and like the chest, blood is still dripping.

Ling Han’s heart beats a little faster, he is thinking, do you want to take the opportunity to take the shot?

This is a good opportunity. The enemy has failed to set up, and the disappointment is the most lax time of defense.

The other side is the strength of Zhu Ding, he suddenly launched a sneak attack on the sky, there is a great chance to build merit.

The question is, will this be another trap?

The old man may already know that he is nearby. The previous words were deliberately told to him, that is, he wanted to attract him.

"No, if you want to lead me, then he should say that he is a repair of the foundation, otherwise it will be a big realm. Even if the sneak attack, how many people can succeed?" Ling Han immediately said in his heart, after all, like His strong foundation is rare in the ages, and if the old man can count on this, it is really a home.

Ling Han sinks in his heart and thinks his judgment is correct.

Ok, take a fight.

Ling Han took out the sky jade, and after it was poured into the mind, it became very light.

He quietly approached. When he was within five feet of the old man, he did not approach again. When he was thinking, the sky jade was already hit.

"Kill!" Ling Han also began to take the world, and rushed forward.

This is really too sudden. Who can think of an empty place that will suddenly come out and attack?

The sky jade is coming from the air, under the forty speed of the sound speed, it is very fast.

The old man could not help but be shocked.

If he is prepared, there is room for dodging with the repairs he is now casting, but this is too sudden, and the distance is too close, he can't hide.

The old man was also hot, his hands were caught, and the two blood slaves were already in front of him.

嘭, 嘭, 天 砸 砸 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 他们 天 他们 天 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们 他们

The speed of the sky jade is only weakened and lost, and continues to rush to the old man.

The old man screamed and turned his right hand to the sky jade.


I saw blood in the open, the right hand was blasted, and then the arm was also broken, and the elbow stopped.

Hey, the old blame of the Ding Ding is hard to kill, the high priest of the wolf is like this, and this old man is also true.

Ling Han sighed in his heart, but his body shape was already killed. The God of War was unfolded in three ways, wrapped in destruction energy. When he came up, he almost broke out the strongest force.

The old man died of heartache.

Of course, it is not two blood slaves. This can be created at will, how much is there, but in order to stop the cold blow, it is to let him lose a right hand, which is a big injury.

He has lost one leg, and now he has lost one more hand, and his combat power will naturally plummet.

The key is that the shot is actually just a foundation.

He was so devout that he was defeated by a building foundation. A shameful shame!

This is really a tiger falling in Pingyang. If he is still a high-spirited person, even if he is attacked by Tianzhiyu, this low-level instrument in this area will be played in front of him.

"Damn little pawn!" He whispered, the spirit of the level of momentum launched, toward the impact of the cold, while extending his left hand, straight to the cold neck.

He really did not look down on the cold, and directly suppressed the cold with the momentum of the spirit level. This is the biggest advantage of the realm of the realm, crushing the sentient beings on the level.

However, this kind of momentum suppression has no use for Ling Han.

His fairy base is built like the ancient fairy gate. It can be said that it is the most powerful foundation stone of the fairy tales under the sun. With such a stable foundation, what kind of momentum is it suppressed?

The first form of the God of War has been blasted, Ling Han added a move, mouth Zhang, spit out a golden sword, but also launched a suffocating impact.

The first impact of the suffocating impact, but no effect, the other party is not the real casting, but the spirit of the real king, the realm gap is too big, it is impossible to work.

But Ling Han did not pin his hopes on it. The God of War and the destruction of energy are his killers.


The two of them blew a bang, and Ling Han was suddenly shaken out. Only the whole body's bones were trembled as if they were going to be scattered.

- This old man really only recovered to the casting of the world, but it is not a human tripod, but Tianding!

"Ah!" The old man screamed. Although he would fly Ling Han, but his left hand was contaminated with devastating energy, it was eroding him. He could not be expelled by his current ability. He could only suppress it, and the **** suddenly Missed.

The horrible destructive power.

The old man was angry and shocked. He deliberately took back the two blood slaves, just to get rid of the cold and solve a hidden danger. Whoever thought it was a disaster for himself.

Now he has only one right leg and one left hand in his limbs, and his left hand has two fewer fingers. It is a tragedy.

"Dead! Dead! Dead!" He left the anger and rushed to the cold.

This is the strength of the Tianding class, it is too horrible. Although Ling Han is competing with the three types of God of War, when the first contact is made, the whole person is shaken out, and the light curtain of the stars is broken instantly.

"Wow!" Ling cold vomited blood, only to feel that the body of the body is at least half broken.

This is still because he played the foundation too well, otherwise, the light strike is enough to kill him.

"Death!" The old man was alone in one leg and went to Ling Han.

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