Yan Lesheng spoke and said the behind-the-scenes master.

The man surnamed Ma, called Ma Qiyun, is a deputy head of Tianwufu.

Can Ling Han Mingming never offend this person, why is it targeted by the other party?

For this, Yan Lesheng did not understand, he was only ordered to do things, and where to dare to ask why Ma Qiyun should aim at Ling Han.

Hey, is that person?

Ling Han suddenly thought that he had made a big hatred with Meng Yangcheng, and Meng Yangcheng was the Crown Prince. Ninety-nine will participate in Meng Yonghua’s birthday banquet, then the other party will know his existence.

This is to openly kill a protagonist of his country, that is, the Crown Prince does not dare to be so arrogant, and Ling Han has just been rewarded by Meng Yonghua. Whoever wants to move to the cold at this time is tantamount to not giving Meng Yonghua a face.

Meng Yonghua, a man who is moody, who dares to oppose him?

Therefore, Meng Yangcheng can't move the cold on the surface, so he made the trick and used the rules to deal with Ling Han.

If you think about it, things will pass.

A Crown Prince wants Ma Qiyun to cooperate with him. Does Ma Qiyun dare to act? Moreover, this thing does not need him to come forward, as long as you say hello, but not expensive, so Ma Qiyun is willing to help this.

Since I knew the black hand behind the scenes, Ling Han was too lazy to waste time on Yan Lesheng's body and turned around and left.

The **** dog smiled and stuffed all the yellow cockroaches into Yan Dongsheng's pants.

"No" Yan Lesheng screams, can be repaired as being sealed, he can not move at all, can not run the secret force, can only make a scream of shame.


Ling Han's peace of mind cultivation, before the forced breakthrough, leaving a lot of sequelae, the source of life is damaged, there is no way, but other aspects can be repaired, it must be repaired as soon as possible.

On the other hand, he also continued to play a level battle on the star network, of course, now he has changed to cast a real place.

In fact, he did not give up building the base level, anyway, as long as the suppression is done.

He invited the first one to fight, and now he is also a cast.

But the first one was to propose two conditions. First, this time they started the battle, Ling Han must also accept tickets, he wants to take half. Second, he has to pay half of the last ticket.

This cold will not do it.

If you give the first half of the two tickets, then isn’t that he is busy this time?

Moreover, depending on what money is divided, the notoriety makes him alone?

Ling Han decisively did not accept, and instead went to Wandao and the sky to challenge, but the two seem to have a good discussion with the beginning, actually put forward the same request.

Rely on, what about me?

Ling Han decisively ignored it, he began to break the record, but although he did not have enough of the three Ding Ding, but was identified by the Star Network as Tian Ding, therefore, this is naturally very disadvantageous, he failed to break Any record, though, is just a trace of difference.

Moreover, the casting of the earth can even be repaired to the limit of Jiuding, which means that Ling Han is still far from reaching the peak of the casting, how can it surpass the strongest arrogance since the ages?

He put his attention on the Dan side, looking for a good medicine for casting.

Soon he found the corresponding Danfang, called Casting Ding Dan. After taking it, he can accelerate the casting of Xian Ding.

This Danfang offered three million stones and was bought by Ling Han without hesitation.

However, although he has a lot of money on his hands, he spends a lot of money because he has a queen, a **** dog, etc., and if he uses the time room, then there are no more cosmic coins.

Therefore, he has to find a way to open source, can not sit on the mountain.

He went to the sacred pharmacy, where there is naturally a large amount of medicinal materials. As long as he is willing to spend money, and he is now the status of a human-level product, there is naturally no medicine that cannot be bought.

Old rules, he first transferred the money to Hu Niu, and then through the Hu Niu account to trade, it will not reveal that he is the "first person under the stars" secret.

He began to make alchemy, and the new Dan furnace naturally has its place.

These days, the cold has not been studied, and I have already been familiar with how to use it.

From the perspective of alchemy, this is better than the chaotic polar tower, because the flow of the heaven and earth energy, suppression, the degree of fluency is really too high.

Only failed three times, Ling Han will be cast out of the Ding Dan, but unfortunately, he can not take it now, the body's resistance is too high.

For the sake of open source, he sold the chemical base in batches on the star network. Don't look at this is the lowest level of Xiandan, but there are so many people who are willing to pay high prices, and the price is far above the casting.

When Ling Han bought this Dan Fang, it was directed at its economic interests.

It is a pity that the calm life has not lasted for a long time. Ling Han was declared by a paper official and asked him to go to the military field tomorrow.

The official document did not explain what was going on, but Tang Yan came very soon.

"Come on, play first." This guy immediately took Ling Han to the battlefield, otherwise, in the city, the destructive power of the cast is too great.

Ling Han couldn't help but be speechless. After he was defeated, the little waiter seemed to be holding on to his strength.

OK, fulfill you.

The two went to the battlefield, Tang Yan immediately asked for a battle room, and the two men fought.

Boom, Tang Yanyi shot is a big move, all around is surrounded by flames, there are pieces of symbols flowing, he killed, there is a flame of the gods.

Ling Han could not help but secretly nod, after the revision of the Tianjing, Tang Yan's power was solidified a lot, the same blow hit, the power is at least four times the previous.

Just in front of him, this is not enough to see.

Ling Han intended to give Tang Yan a little face, and then he and the other party, until after more than a hundred strokes, he only glimpsed the opportunity, a blow on the flaws of Tang Yan, the other side defeated.

"I still can't beat you!" Tang Yan sighed, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Before, he was not the enemy of Ling Han’s move. Now he can hit more than one hundred strokes, which shows the great progress.

"You didn't let me?" he asked again.

"What do you say?" Ling Han laughed.

"Let's?" Tang Yan was a little nervous.

"Ha ha."

"What the **** is it?"

"Ha ha."


Ling Han has never had a positive answer to the question of not letting. After returning home, he asked: "When you come over this time, will you just be looking for me to play one game?"

"This is a reason." Tang Yan smiled. "Have you received the official document?"

"Yeah." Ling Han nodded. "I still want to ask you what is going on."

"There was a big deal." Tang Yan suppressed the sound. "The Shadowmoon Dynasty suddenly hit the rich gold star. This is our most important resource star, which is rich in all kinds of precious metal ore, used by our army's weapons and armor. The materials are from Fujinxing."

"If the rich Venus is occupied, then we will lack important supplies. This war is really difficult."

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