Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3851: Counterattack

"So?" Yu Wentian jumped up.

Wu originated but nodded: "I feel that guy's murderous."

For the sensory ability of Wu origin, no one would doubt that this is a simple person, and also a person who grew up in the ferocious herd, most sensitive to murder.

"That is to say, if we are not from the Holy Land, we are going to die now?" Huang Lingyun snorted.

Five people are watching the Cao family leave, one by one with anger.

There is no such thing as a monument, and everyone can explore it. And, this has not yet entered, it is not a competitor, it has already killed.


"Let's wait and see." Ling Han said faintly, it seems that he is not angry or angry. If the other party really wants to shoot, he will directly release the fire of heaven and see who is powerful.

It didn't take long for the Cao family to come to the formation and they started to break.

This faculty level is good, and soon there will be a look, slowly moving forward.

After he moved forward, he greeted the Cao family to keep up. If he broke the law, his level was still a little worse, but it was much simpler to find a safe route.

"It's really irritating, let them take a step ahead." Yu Wentian patted his thigh, it was very unwilling.

Ling Han is a smile: "Things are not so simple, ready to fight."

"Hey, what do you see?" Yu Wentian asked.

"They can't go on." Ling Han is very confident, he is now a master of the road, you can see the level of the formation.

Give the other person enough time, the person should be able to find a safe route, but he is too confident, before he carefully tested, but after mastering several nodes, he thought he had figured it out, taking people Oh, this is a hidden danger. As long as there are a few mistakes, it will cause disaster.

Ling Han believes that this scene will be staged soon.

Sure enough, it only took ten minutes to go. I only heard the screams of panic in the group of Cao’s people. A brilliance flashed, and the violent energy exploded. It seems that there is a peerless strong man in the shot.

The formation was triggered.

This is a way to be able to smash the environment of the Dan, and by such a trigger, the Cao family suddenly fell into a mold.

It was only the first wave of attacks. Half of Cao’s family was killed and killed, while the third named Sheng Danjing began to evacuate with the rest.

However, in a hurry, they have been chaotic, and they have not been able to follow the footsteps of the previous ones. This is good, the formation is triggered again, and the murder is coming back.

boom! boom! boom!

Guanghua’s bombing is extremely terrifying.

In the end, only three people from Cao’s family escaped, and that was the three birthplaces, but each one was badly hit.

They originally wanted to protect several ethnic groups, but in the end they could only helplessly give up this idea, because self-protection is difficult and wants to bring people out? That will only be trapped inside.

Ling Han eyes stunned, hey, rushed out.

Hey, you won’t be going to criticize these three birthplaces?

"Ling Han, don't be impulsive, although they have been hit hard, but after all, they are still alive!" Yu Wentian quickly advised, but Wu originated a sigh, followed.

"Rely!" He snorted and quickly followed.

Huang Lingyun and Mu Long look at each other and run away.

Seeing the cold and the momentum came, the Cao family's three students were exposed to sneer, thinking that they could get a cheaper if they were injured?

"Kid, do you want to rob the fire?" said the middle-aged man who had driven Ling Han before, but he had already taken the lead in launching the attack without saying a word.

What is the predecessor's demeanor, it is all virtual.

The injury he is suffering now is very serious. Even if he can still kill the cast, he will hurt and hurt. Therefore, he naturally does not want to fight, and he must kill his opponent in the first time.

It’s no surprise that Ling Han is not a principle.

He sacrificed the chaotic polar thunder, and the chaotic gas fell on the top of his head. Then the thunder light moved and he went to the middle-aged man of Cao’s family.

Hey, Cao’s middle-aged man’s blow hit the chaos, and he was able to penetrate it. But Ling Han and the star light curtain protect the body, but it completely dispels this blow, and the thunder’s light blasts, but It was for the middle-aged man to make a scream, which was already scarred. Now the wound is bigger and looks very bad.

This result is too unexpected. The wounded Sheng Dan is still alive, how can it be hurt by a cast?

"Damn boy!" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and was stunned by the chaotic squad, which made him hurt and hurt. Not only was the pain, but his strength was also cut by three points.

This is because he is a living place, otherwise if it is replaced by a tripod, it is estimated that there is no ability to stand again.

Rumble, the origin of Wu was already killed. If he had a wild bear, he ran into the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was almost mad, what is the current generation of juniors, really thought that he was bullied?

He shouted and slammed toward Wu origin.

Ling Han believes that Wu origin should be able to cope with the middle-aged man. After all, he was hit hard. He was also bombarded by the Chaos Leyta. The fighting force is only Wuding to Liuding, and over a year, Wu origin also To reach the peak of Si Ding, there should be a battle.

He stared at the other two and would not give them the opportunity to support.


The two had no nonsense. They sacrificed the instrument in the first place. One was a gun and the other was a knife. They rushed toward Ling Han.

They already know that the strength of Ling Han is extremely strong and cannot be measured by the usual cast.

Ling Han calmly calms, the chaotic polar thunder hangs over the top of the head, and the chaos is sloping. This should be the most powerful defense of the casting ding class. Plus there is a layer of stars and light curtains behind, and wearing a armor. This defense can be said to be enough.

He greeted and battled two fathers.

If this is to be passed out, it will definitely make people stunned and numb.

A cast Ding, can actually rival two raw Dan?

No way, whoever made the two people were badly wounded, although the situation is better than the first person, but at the top of the battle of the eight Ding, this is still difficult to stay cold.

The war is fierce, and Ling Han does not dare to care. This thin dead camel is bigger than Ma Da. The secret of the birthplace must be mastered. Once it breaks out, it may be extremely scary.

"Looking for death!" A living Dan has released its own breath, which is the best means to deal with low-ranking warriors.

However, this has no effect on Ling Han, but it was hit by a slap in the face of Ling Han, so that both of them are slightly stunned.

At this time, Yu Wentian also rushed over.

"You three have to deal with one, just take care of it." Ling Han said, give up an opponent to the three,

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