Can't be hard.

Ling Han immediately had a judgment, and now can only go around the main entrance.

The black temple was very large, so it took nearly half an hour for Ling Han to finally come to the gate.

There are two stone statues sitting in the doorway. Each stone statue is fierce and evil. One person has a dragon in his hand, and one person's day is a tiger.

Falling Dragons and Tigers?

In addition to these two stone statues, there are still some people at the door.

What is the stone statue onlookers?

Ling Han was still there, only to see someone coming out and heading for the door.

After he walked a few steps, he saw that the stone statue of the Fuhu suddenly came alive, and the crushing tiger killed and rushed toward the man.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The two sides immediately launched a big battle. This fierce tiger is a fierce beast that casts the tripod, and the combat power is definitely more than the four tripods. Under the bite, let the man be the best.

The battle was only a dozen strokes. The tiger was swept away, and the tail of the steel whip was drawn. Hey, the man was shocked and flew out, vomiting blood.

The tiger did not win the battle, and returned to the stone statue of Fuhu, and re-invented it as a stone statue.

No wonder there are so many people watching, it turns out that there is no strength to enter.


Ling Han turned his head and saw that there were three people in the distance who were approaching quickly. Who is Dong Jiasan Sheng Dan?

Temporarily avoid it?

This thought passed, and Ling Han immediately vetoed.

No, if the Dong family left one to block him at the door, wouldn’t he be able to enter the temple?

He saw the Dong family three, the Dong family will not find him?

Therefore, Ling Han did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to the door.

He wants to take the lead in stepping through the temple.

Immediately, the tiger like the tiger was immediately resurrected and rushed toward the cold.


Ling Han hit a fist, the tiger was suddenly hit by him, it is difficult to block his attack.


The people around are all squirting out, and this battle is too horrible.

After the tiger, there was no roadblock, and Ling Han’s figure flashed into the temple.

The Dong family was also killed, and they wanted to chase them in, but the dragon statue also recovered immediately. Not only did the dragon kill it, but the stone man also strode out and took a horizontal shot.

Rely on, true to me.

The three men of the Dong family were screaming and retired.

Fortunately, the stone statue did not win the pursuit, the dragon, the people return, and then re-into the dragon statue.

What is this ghost?

"Three predecessors, here can only be single challenge, Shihu corresponds to the cast Ding, Shilong corresponds to the birth of Dan, and if many people together, there will be a stone man in the Dan Dian or even the real world The stone man shot." One person explained that he wanted to pat the Dong family three.

The Dong family got the answer, but they were dismissive of the person. The little Zhuding wanted them to take a high look.

"I will come first," Dong Xiao said.

"Yeah." Dong Yongning both nodded.

Dong Xiao went up, and sure enough, only the stone dragon recovered and killed him.

However, the strength of this stone dragon was unexpectedly strong, and Dong Xiao was completely defeated. However, after twenty strokes, he fled back and forth, and several places were hung.

The Dong family are all black faces.

Ling Han hit a pass, but Dong Xiao is fighting for his life, but he barely escaped, what is the gap.

I have to say that under the same order, the strength of the evil man is so powerful that it cannot be added.

How to do?

They are ambitious, but they can't even enter the door. Is this still a fart?

"Only when more Dansheng is in the process, he will defeat the stone man." The three men met and reached a conclusion.


When Ling Han entered the temple, he immediately noticed that the sky was dark.

There is a dark cloud over it, and it is really dark outside, but it is definitely not so dark. It is not black on the light, but a darkness in the artistic conception.

Even Ling Han can see that there is a dark shadow in the air, like a ghost.

"Hey!" He immediately screamed, and the Buddha's six-character Ming Dynasty curse, specializes in evil spirits.

This drink, his whole person is shining, as if one is sorghum.

Boom, swearing words, turned out a Buddha light, flocked to the front, and immediately expelled the darkness of this road completely, that is, those ghosts are also one by one like snow meets the flame, and instantly turns into fly ash.

After a drink, the endless darkness eroded and swallowed the light path, and the dark shadow in the distance was better like a **** shark, rushing over.

It is as if he was originally a passerby, and no one cares about him, but suddenly it is blooming and dazzling.

The Buddha's six-character king curse can be a sinister evil, but in turn, in terms of evil things, this is also extremely hateful.

Water can extinguish fires, but if you encounter the flames of burning the sky, what can you do with the water of a river?

Ling Han did not use the six-character Ming Dynasty curse, but a punch, he wants to see how strong these black shadows are.

However, he banged out, and the black shadows were unharmed, but he rushed over to him.

Ling Han will run the fire again, and the effect will be different immediately.

Originally, these black shadows seem to have no physical, so it is useless to punch a fist, and it is useless to force you, but now it seems to expose a part of the entity, which can be hit.

Hey, his powerful power broke out, and he punched out with a punch. He suddenly had several black shadows twisted and was torn by him.

However, the number of black shadows is astonishing, how many are shattered, and more black shadows are still coming.

By relying on, Ling Han quickly turned to the side, this ant is more like a bite, he does not want to be surrounded by these things.

Fortunately, although it was shrouded in darkness, not every place has black shadows, and the movement of the shadows is not very fast. After a few steps, he will take off the large forces in the rear.

Hey, why is this similar to the Buddha Temple on Yuehuaxing?

Does this have anything to do with the Buddha?

Ling Han saw a tree, but not Bodhi, but a willow tree, but unlike ordinary willows, this willow tree is dark and seems to be contaminated with magic.

He looked carefully, and this willow tree did not have the same leaf.


However, although this willow tree is full of vitality, it is not a fairy tree, and it can breed a spiritual tree that makes Shouyuan soar.

Also, if this is really the black god, will it be that he is alone?

Before Ling Han didn't believe, no one could come in.

He went on, the Black Temple was amazingly large, and there might be room for tens of hundreds of millions of people.

Hey, don't you say that there is a dead light here, as long as you touch it, you can make the living thing lose its vitality immediately?

Ling Han guessed that it was Xian Xia, the light of the Thunder before, it was equally terrible before it was collected, and even the birthplace could kill. And the magic Yuan domain is also the birth of Dan, the true level, will leave the legend of the dead light.

The question is, what about the light?


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