Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3900: Goodbye Hong Tianbu

"Let's put down the things in your hands!" A woman's voice sounded low, but very proud and clear.

Ling Han turned around and saw two men and one woman standing in the back.

Apparently, the woman was talking, but Ling Han did not look at her, but looked at the man with amazement.

It’s too good to rely on.

Hong Tianbu!

Ling Han really did not expect, will encounter Hong Tianbu here.

Since the gold sacred place, Hong Tianbu has completely disappeared, and there is no more news.

After that, no matter what the historic site was opened, even the Jiuyang Holy Land opened the mountain gate, and Hong Tianbu did not appear. Let Ling Han think that this guy died in the corner of the universe.

After all, the genius of the world is too much, and it’s not too bad.

But now, Hong Tianbu actually appeared.

Hong Tianbu certainly saw Ling Han, and his nephew could not help but squeeze out a strong killing.

For him, there are reasons to be full of anger.

However, the woman around him was angry, how she existed, and the words that were spoken were not sacred, and Ling Han dared to be a whisper of the ear, and she did not take a look at such a stunning color, actually staring at Hong Tianbu, you Is it wrong?

"Bold!" she said coldly.

Hong Tianbu was a smile, said: "Hail, I will tell you about it, this is Ling Han."

"You are Ling Han?" The woman showed a arrogant color. She held her chest in her hands and looked very disdainful. "Lower the people, dare to do the right thing with the steps, don't leave me!"

Oh, it’s really a big shelf.

Ling Han looked at Hong Tianbu and smiled: "Is this woman sick?"

"Looking for death!" The woman snorted.

Hey, hey, the two figures suddenly appeared, and swept past Ling Han.


Ling Han was amazed, the two were originally outside the wall, until the woman sipped, this only killed.

Oddly, after entering this place, everyone should be dismantled, but this woman obviously has two followers. Even she and Hong Tianbu should have known each other early. Why are they not disassembled?

Is this luck to the sky, or is there any means?

Just when he thought about it, the two were killed.

They are all men in their thirties, but they are expressionless, but they are cultivated in the early days of life. They are shot in one palm, and there are dragon and tiger visions blasting, symbols flowing, and horror.

Ling Han began to sneak out of the horizon, he was very surprised, the woman is obviously just casting, with what kind of service to make two living conditions?

This can only explain that there is a powerful force behind the woman.

"Hong Tianbu, I didn't remember you need a woman to help you in the past." Ling Han smiled, while taunting.

However, Hong Tianbu is not excited at all. He said: "You can't find a noble woman like Hailan. It's that you don't have the ability, and I am luckier than you."

The words suddenly made the woman's heart burst, and smiled sweetly at Hong Tianbu.

Rely on, when Xiaobai’s face is still so high-profile, so confident?

Ling Han hearted a glimpse, with Hong Tianbu's heart arrogant, ordinary woman can let him so deliberately please?

As if I saw the doubts of Ling Han, Hong Tianbu smiled slightly and said: "Forgot to introduce to you, Hailan surnamed the emperor."

Emperor Hailan.

Actually someone surnamed the emperor?

In Ling Han’s mind, he suddenly crossed a name, and the emperor released the sky!

Some of the ancestors only left the honorary number, such as A-Hui, who knows his customary name? There is also the stone ancestor, who is known by the stone, who can know his real name?

However, some ancestors did not know what they called, but their surnames are widely known.

For example, the Quartet Emperor, his surname is often, the current home is also the strength of the boundless, is one of the most powerful forces in Xingyu.

For example, the Wolf Emperor and the Emperor Emperor release the sky.

If you dare to use the emperor as your surname, it is estimated that there is only this one under the universal sky.

It is no wonder that the arrogance of Hong Tianbu will put down the shelf. This woman is originally a tribe, and everything can be explained.

"Oh, are you into the wolf?" Ling Han smiled.

This is naturally a ridicule. How many men are willing to enter the world?

The city of Hong Tianbu was so deep that he couldn’t be angry at all, but he looked at Dihailan with affectionate eyes.

This is no longer obvious. He didn't even look at Dihailan's family background, just like this woman.

Rely, spicy eyes.

Ling Han shook his head, Hong Tianbu was really powerful, and it was hard to make the little white face into a deep affection.

"You two wastes, haven't you won a small casting trip for so long?" Di Hailan sneered, her eyebrows slanted, and the two great fathers joined forces, but still could not get the cold, let her I feel that there is no light on my face.

"You don't have to worry." Hong Tianbu is comforting. "This cold is not simple. It is a timeless school. It can let the military play a speed beyond the realm. However, the load on the body is great. The consumption is also extremely amazing, so he is unlikely to last."

This kind of judgment is very reasonable. It can also be seen that Hong Tianbu's old-fashionedness is not like a young man in his twenties.

Emperor Hailan nodded, she just liked Hong Tianbu, the confidence that everything is in control, made her fascinated, took away the pride of the Emperor, and was willing to be a little woman.

However, Ling Han is not in line with common sense.

He has perfected everything, and his temperament is not inferior to that of Wu’s origin, and his secret reserve is infinite, enough to be longer and shorter than the leader, and he wants to wait for him to overcome the burden of the world.

Oh, this is not a one-and-a-half thing.

Ling Han is brewing a counterattack, passive beating is never his style.

For a long time, I can't take the cold, but Hong Tianbu is also a little discolored.

Although he did not practice the world, but this secret is the first to get him, he still has some understanding, knowing that to run this method, the requirements of himself are very high, and the consumption is also great.

Therefore, Ling Han can still run a long way to the present, which makes him surprised and incomprehensible.

Ling Han suddenly shot a palm, and the electric mans flashed, and a thunder suddenly went to a living environment.

The two fathers have a long hair and a short one. The one that is now bombarded by Ling Han is the one with short hair.


The short-haired man did not think that Ling Han could make such a blow. This was too unexpected. Therefore, even he did not escape, but barely reached out and blocked his chest.

The electric mang dissipated, and only a large piece of burnt black appeared on the short-haired man's arm.

Unfortunately, it still failed to kill.

Ling Han heart sighs, after all, the opponent is the beginning of the birth of Dan, he is the smashing of the emperor is also barely able to achieve such power, and the combat power is quite below, who can shoot the opponent in seconds?

However, he goes further and reaches the Eight Dings?

(End of this chapter)

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