Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3943: The tenth fairy

Ling Han began to look for Xianxia.

Rumor has it that some people have seen the fairy light shining here, but it is not certain whether it is Xianxia.

Dead horses are alive horse doctors. If you are not forced to do so, Ling Han may not want to make do with it, just take a Xianxia for refining.

Fortunately, he has not yet completed the completion of the Shiding, so it is not a waste of time.

What makes him frown is when this secret will be closed.

After the opening of Bailian’s secrets, the duration may be fixed. It may be one or two years, or three or five years. Therefore, if he closes after more than a year, he may find a token. I burst open and took him out.

I hope it will not be so fast.

Ling Han looked for him. He went deep into various dangerous places and covered with empty skins. He could come and go freely in most places, but if he met the big beast of the real world, he would not dare to approach.

This level of beasts reacts too sensitively, and can be bullied if you are farther apart, but as long as the distance is a little closer, it is the act of finding death.

Rotating around, it’s been more than half a month.

What made Dong Han’s disappointment was that Dong Xiao’s four people chased it again.

Obviously, they found out that they were in the cold.

Next, Ling Han’s technique was re-applied, and the four people were killed by the nest. But Dong Xiao, they also learned, and it didn’t take long for them to kill them, and they couldn’t get rid of the candy. .

Now, after Ling Han gets rid of them every time, there is only one free time of the day, otherwise the chase will come.

Grandma dripping.

Ling Han walked on the rugged road of the abyss. Even if there were occasional explorers, the number was very small. Therefore, it was primitive and there was no fixed road.

Most of the plants here are mainly mosses, but there are also deep purple vines that grow well without the need for sunlight.

Ling Han once again smashed the chase, walking aimlessly.

Hey, a light crossed the top of his head, bright and bright.


Ling Han is a glimpse, then reveals the color of surprise.

Xianxia, ​​this is Xianxia!

He wants to play the illusion of black mans, but the opportunity is fleeting, and now the light is far beyond the limit of attack distance.


Ling Han adjusted the direction and chased away the place where the light disappeared.

Xianxia's speed is amazingly fast. Ling Han has already lost the trace of Xiaguang, so he only has one hope, that is, this light does not turn in a corner.

After chasing for a long time, he stopped and may have already chased his head. He can no longer blindly.

He waits, maybe that light will appear again.

However, the light did not wait, but it was waiting for Dong Xiao.


Ling Han helpless, had to continue to flee.

After a while, he finally got rid of the chase, walked and walked, and saw a run-down palace in front.

Strange, in such a crisis, how can there be a palace?

Who built it?

Ling Han is too curious, and then he does not know where to go to find Xianxia, ​​and he strode into the hall.

There was nothing in the hall, but the walls were surrounded by stone carvings and painted into a picture.

Ling Han looked at the past and saw that this picture was actually a picture of a massacre.

This artist is absolutely brilliant. It is obviously a static picture. After the cold is in his eyes, the painting seems to be alive, and the characters in it are moving.

A strong man kills, stars and even stars are blown up, and hundreds of millions of souls are slaughtered, and the scene is chilling.

Even if this is just a painting, it still makes Ling Han look like a cold sweat.

This painting is too realistic, so Ling Han feels the pressure of the peerless powerhouse.

He believes that if such a strong person really stands in front of him, he will certainly be shocked into blood.

Ling Han fixed the **** and looked at the next one.

This is another strong man who slaughtered in Dalat, but it was not the same person as before, but it was as powerful and terrible.

The third and the fourth are like this, but after the seventh, the picture is broken.

Because this is a run-down palace, when it is here, the walls are gone, and naturally it is impossible to leave stone carvings.

Is this a moment in the history?

If so, it is too dark, and what is so strong for killing people?


Have fun?

The problem is that it is obvious that a strong person has drawn a killing on the top, but it can be seen in the cold but can not see the appearance of any one person. Everyone is covered in dark fog, only to see the tall, thin and thin, distinguishing It is actually a different person.

Ling Han sighed. His strength is too weak. Even if he is curious again, is he qualified to explore the truth of history?

Besides, this may be something that someone has eaten and has nothing to do, out of thin air.

Hey, at this moment, a light flew over, and unfortunately, one shot at the cold.

what's the situation?

Ling Han instinctively thought that there was an attack. It was Dong Xiao who chased it, but he immediately captured it, but it was a purple thunder.

Rely on, is Xianxia, ​​but also the Lei attribute that he is struggling to find!

This is really breaking through the iron shoes, but I am coming to the door.

Ling Han directly opened the chaotic pole Leita, like a net, let the Thunder come in.

The thunder light hurriedly stopped, and wanted to turn around. It was just a light. It really stopped and stopped. Seeing that it was going to run, Ling Han quickly made another illusion, and suddenly the thunder stopped. .

Still want to run?

Ling Han was again covered with a chaotic polar Leita, and this Thunder Xian Xia was eventually captured by him.

The ninth thunder!

Ling Han laughed, and he was full.

Hey, his body slammed and slammed, and he immediately stood a place with a deep pit, and his own terrible energy boiled.

Ling Han looked at the side of the slope, and saw that Dong Xiao’s four people came from four directions and formed a situation of encirclement.

"It's four of you!" Ling Han shook his head. "Are you a dog? The nose is really a spirit!"

"Let's play a poor mouth!" Dong Xiao killed him, and he smashed it out, and turned into a **** soldier, and rushed to Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled, did not fall in love, immediately began to break through.

This time, as long as he refining the last Thunder, he can try to hit the birth of Dan, and once he stepped into the birth of Dan, it is absolutely easy for him to kill the four.

"Wait, when will Xiaoye come back to you, it is your death!"

"Think beautiful!"

Dong Xiao’s four people combined, and after a long time, they have gradually become acquainted, and the strength of joining forces is getting stronger and stronger.

Ling Han is temporarily unable to run the illusion of black mans, but it does not matter, the suffocating impact, coupled with the eight thunder and sorrow, he paid the price of being hit, or break through.

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