Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3972: Double kill

Don't look at how many times the **** dog has come to the world. However, it has hit the heavenly position in the Yuan world, and the combat experience is naturally a lever.

It is awkward and inferior when it comes to hand, which is in line with its style, but on the one hand it is deliberately angering Chen Dong.

Under the wrath, the power of the attack will indeed increase accordingly, but it will also affect the judgment and the flaws.

Sure enough, Chen Dong’s attack was overbearing, and all the moves were amazing. However, in terms of hit rate, it was unsatisfactory, and the black dog was easy to hide.

This time, again and again, three and three exhausted, Chen Dong's outbreak period has passed, the combat power has dropped significantly.

"The cow is not angry, you are still a sick cat?" The **** dog began a strong counterattack.

It is really strong.

In fact, the people who came out of the Yuan world are incomparably geniuses. After all, they are killed from the billions of people. How can it be that they can go to Heaven?

Although the **** dog jumped into the golden fairy door at the beginning, with the help of the divine material, it has now repaired the obsidian Xian Ding, and the quality is not lost to the colorful glazed tripod. Therefore, it is the same as Liuding, its strength. In fact, it is still above Chen Dong.

But as a pit goods, if you can succumb to your opponent, why should you start from the front?

Therefore, the **** dog first consumes the outbreak of Chen Dong, and then launches a counterattack, which is naturally more effective.

Poor Chen Dong, this first opportunity lost, suddenly pressed by the **** dog, there is no backhand power.

"Look at Niu's powerful cows!"

"Black corners rush!"

"The cow is swaying!"


The **** dog is still calling while playing. It is not simply to report the name of the move. The mouth is swearing. It has started from Chen Dong’s father and greeted the seventh generation ancestor all the way.

This can make Chen Dong angry, even more angry than being pressed by the **** dog on the ground.

Everyone is speechless.

They can see clearly that this black bull is really weak in its combat power, and it does not lose Chen Dong at all, and even surpasses it.

Since this is a cow, why not defeat Chen Dong in a way that is fair and honest?

You are so sullen, come up first to anger people, let people waste a big move, and then swearing, will continue to be angry with the smoke, the attack is more chaotic, it is completely defeated.

If you win, who will serve you?

The **** dog doesn't care at all. It only pays attention to the result. If it wins, what else is it?

"The last move, the magic cow collided!"


The **** dog rushed up and hit Chen Dong on the head of the head. He was suddenly knocked out by Chen Dong.

However, the **** dog also touched his head, and some hurt.

No way, its horns are only changed, and it is not a real cattle family. Can the horns be comparable to the same order?

"Oh, it's weak, it's too weak!" The **** dog shook the big hooves. "No way, let's be the two men who want to put the cold in the north of Tiantian!"

Even if the **** dog wins, everyone has the urge to rush to the sea flat. How can this guy be so annoying?

But listening to this black cow said that it actually has to challenge the cold?

"Oh, although I also looked down on the weak **** of the Northern Tianyu, but Ling Han is really strong, the Emperor is defeated."

"Black cow, you are still a hundred thousand miles away from Ling Han!"

"Hurry up, I don't welcome you here."

Everyone said a lot.

The **** dog is standing on the platform with a negative hand. There is no limit to the load: "Hey, since ancient times, the masters are lonely. You all know the invincible heart of the cow."


Everyone is speechless. If this person is shameless and shameless, what else can he say?

"No one has yet come out to fight?" The **** dog began to pull hatred everywhere. "The cow does not bother to bully you, let my little brother take the shot, who can take him ten strokes, then the cow lost."

It points to Ling Han.

Brush, suddenly, a lot of eyes looked at Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled lightly, jumped onto the platform and looked proud.

This Ding Yi's person is arrogant and overbearing, so how come arrogant.

Suddenly someone dissatisfied and jumped to the stage to challenge. This **** cow can’t beat it. Can this person be so powerful?

Ling Han pointed out, hey, the man flew.

The first battle was successful.

This shot, everyone is a glimpse, so strong.

The land continued, and some people came forward to challenge, but they were all defeated by Ling Han, and no one could go through the second move.

The facts are also true. In addition to the first one, the Wandao or the Emperor of the Emperor, who else is the enemy of Ling Han?

After Ling Han’s losing 13 people, no one will dare to challenge.

Anyone can see that although this person is not as screaming as the **** dog, but the strength is not inferior, strong and outrageous.

Hey, a figure is on the platform, it is Chen Dong.

He has recovered, and he clearly understands that he was too impatient before, and was overcast by the psychological tactics of the **** dog.

Now that he knows this, he will definitely not be fooled again.

"Get out of the way!" he said coldly to Ling.

Ling Han smiled lightly and turned to the **** of Chen Dong.

Originally one person and one cow, the **** cow was ruined, and the chilly arrogant, everyone did not believe in their brothers, but when they saw the **** of Ling Han, the people did not raise a sense of familiarity.

It depends on style.

"Looking for death!" Chen Dong shouted, but immediately calmed down, and suppressed the anger, so as not to repeat the same mistakes, as the top Tianjiao, this self-control he still has.

"Your brother is really all the way!" he said with a grin. "I will teach you well!"

Hey, he figured out and killed him.

This flutter is very fast, like a lightning bolt.

Ling Han faint smile, can this escape can escape his eyes? He lifted his fists casually and placed them in front of him.

Then, everyone saw a very strange scene, Chen Dong seems to deliberately go with his own, with his face slamming into the cold fist.


A loud bang, the collision was solid, and then I saw that Chen Dong flew up, crossed an arc and fell off the platform.


Everyone is amazed, it happens to be?

How can it be!

It is only possible that Ling Han captured Chen Dong’s attack route in advance, and then set his posture, waiting for Chen Dong to hit himself.

Moreover, how terrible is the power of Ling Han, can I use the static brake to shock Chen Dong out?

Strong, strong!

"This is the good cow of our cattle!" The former bull warrior immediately screamed loudly, and the win was too beautiful, not like a **** dog.

Ling Han couldn't help but look black: "I am a human!"


The cattle warrior is half-mouthed, his face is wrong, are you two brothers?

"Brother, you can't forget the cow!" He said, "You can't forget our roots because of the transformation!"

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