Fu Huoyang just smiled and blew, and his body suddenly ignited a terrible momentum, majestic as if a great emperor.

This is the blood of the emperor!

There is no doubt that the true and powerful people can only boil the blood of the emperor. This is the same evidence of iron.

He did not say a word, but turned and left.

If Jinning City is destroyed, it will be destroyed, as long as the tribes have nothing to do.

Fu Huoyang smiled a little, which is, in his opinion, taken for granted.

The Emperor is doing things, who dares to stop?

"I am right." Fu Huoyang stood in the air, and the birthplace could be empty in the air. This emptiness is arrogant. It can be said that it is extremely powerful. He continued to wave his hand and slammed the palm of his hand, and the surrounding earth fell into pieces.

“Not yet?” he said faintly. “How many people do you want to lose for you?”


Ling Han and the **** dog are all cursing in the heart, this Fu Huoyang is too human.

They glanced at each other, and they were all violent and rushed out of the city.

Rao is a black dog with black belly and sinus. It can't see so many innocent lives because of his own death.

"The ants are ants, after all." Fu Huoyang said faintly, in his view, Ling Han and the **** dog's "sacrifice" spirit is simply foolish.

It’s just an ant, and how about 10,000 deaths?

However, he came out very well. He was very interested in the blood of Ling Han. This should be effective in refining medicine. He repaired the dark wounds left by him before he practiced Qigong. He opened up an open road and let him climb the peak of Wudao.

He made up his body and chased him toward Ling Han and the **** dog.

Born in a tribe, even if it is only a branch, he also mastered a very high body, coupled with the realm of the realm, his speed is no slower than Ling Han, Ren Ling Han uses the mountain terrain to get rid of it, he always keeps tight of.

"Small Hanzi, how is this cowhide so difficult?" The **** dog said.

Ling Han wrinkled his face and really wanted to burn Fu Fuyang to death.

But if you use the fire of heaven, it is too easy to associate him with the real body. Because in the secret of Bai Lian, he used the fire of heaven to fight against the wind, and with his current heat, it must have been studied.

Therefore, the use of the heavenly fire means that he can not use this fake identity.

Use a fake body again?

Oh, just ask the world, where can you so many to be able to win the enchanting of Sheng Dan?

"We walked slyly." Ling Han said, he squeezed into the ground, destroying the energy boiling, and easily melting the ground to form a passage.


There was a bombardment sound on it. Apparently Fu Huoyang also found out that they were walking from the ground and began to blast the ground.

Ling Han did not go straight, and constantly circumvented. After more than an hour, he finally got rid of Fu Huoyang.

Can succeed, of course, because his speed is not much worse than Fu Huoyang, otherwise it would be an ordinary Sheng Dan to ordinary casting trip, then he was a dead body.

Ling Han and the **** dog got out of the soil. They had already arrived at the edge of a large lake. They simply washed it. The regenerative fire bakes up the food and fills the stomach.

"Oh, yeah, the dog has not been so embarrassed in this life." While eating, he was angry and angry.

Ling Han is not angry, he is not the first time to be chased, but this Fu Huoyang really hates people, a high-profile attitude, the world is regarded as an ants, this kind of mentality is really disgusting.

"On the list of murders, this person is counted," he said faintly.

"Your boy is calm." The **** dog shook his head.

"How about that?" Ling Han laughed.

"Look at what Zhou Yun, and flatten him." The **** dog said, this is their original plan, try to find high-ranking people to promote the shelf.

"Good." Ling Han nodded. Anyway, he was still a little worse than the casting tripod. It is impossible to break through the birth of Dan. It is still a matter of putting Fu Huoyang on the side, so as not to think of it.

They returned to the city and just went to inquire about the whereabouts of Zhou Yun, but they learned a message that made them sick.

It turned out that Fu Huoyang actually issued a reward, to catch the cold and **** dog, this guy is also supernatural, actually learned the identity of Ling Han and the **** dog, pointing out to catch the newly rising Ding Yi and Ding Er.

He only asked for a live capture of Ding Yi. As for Ding Er, there is no limit to life and death.

And what is the reward?

A friendship with Fu Huoyang.

District is born in Dan, is his friendship worthy?


Because he is a tribe, as long as he is related to him, then no matter who wants to deal with himself, he must think about whether this will anger a tribe and lead to the murder.

Therefore, a lot of forces have been swaying by the wind, and began to look around the world to find Ling Han and the **** dog, which is not lacking in life or even true.

"Is this too arrogant?" The **** dog was very angry. "The guy ruined a city. As a result, no one will cure him, but help him to chase us?"

"Oh, strictly speaking, it is to chase you, I am not in danger of life." Ling Han corrected, adjust the atmosphere.

"It’s really mad at the dog." The **** dog spit in and out, "Is the Terrior really amazing?"

"It's amazing." Ling Han nodded, then he smiled. "But what about it, this person... I am killed!"

"Small Hanzi, the dog lord likes your indomitable character." The **** dog patted Ling Han's shoulder. "Come on, work hard, the dog will quietly cheer for you in the back."


They are all afraid to care about it. Now the victims are going to be chased by the world. It is also depressing and irritating.

With the existence of the Star Network, it is not difficult to find out the news of Zhou Yun. One person and one dog will soon set off on the road. After they have done this, they will leave the star.

Why not go now?

Of course, I can't swallow this breath. This defeated Zhou Yun and then left. It is equal to Fu Huoyang. I am not afraid of you, and you are the next one.

One day later, they came to Guangyun City, and it is said that Zhou Yun is here.

"Hey, please leave a step." They came to the gate of the city and had not yet entered the city gate. They saw a middle-aged man greet him. "Wait for a long time."

Ling Han and the **** dog face each other, they are actually waiting for the rabbit?

"Since it is here, you don't have to go." The middle-aged man smiled and extended his hand to Ling Han. Suddenly, the terrible breath was boiling, which was a strong and powerful person.

Ling Han lightly sighed and whipped up his fists to meet.

Hey, the two of them had a bang, and Ling Han suddenly took a step back, but Yu Li had been cleaned up by the only singer. He was naturally unharmed.

"Hey?" The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback, but did not expect that a single blow did not make meritorious deeds.

He snorted and extended his hand to Ling Han again.

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