"Spiritual crystal?" Ling Han said.

The woman nodded: "Not bad. When our soul strength moves into the real world, killing ordinary ghosts can no longer make our souls strong, can only kill the ghosts of the real world, or... use the soul soul crystal. ”

"And then?" Ling Han said.

The woman is not in a hurry: "There are very few ghosts in my realm, and it is very bad to kill."

Speaking of this, she paused, it seems to be not applicable to Ling Han, this guy has almost killed a true ghost of the real world, can not be measured by common sense.

She added: "So, if you can refine the soul of the soul, it will be much simpler."

Ling Han smiled: "Do you know where there are a lot of soul soul crystals?"

"Not bad." The woman nodded. "Yes, my name is Chi Yu, from Donglin Emperor."

"Continue." Ling Han did not respect the Emperor, nodded casually.

It’s a bit of a surprise, and this young man is really calm. Hearing the words of the Emperor is unmoving, it’s no wonder that he dares to scream with Fu Huoyang.

She put away her surprise and continued: "Our Donglin Emperor has already entered this place, so I will know more."

Having said that, she stopped again.

Ling Han could not help but sigh, what is wrong with this, want to hang his appetite?

He didn't talk, so he looked at it late.

I was a little disappointed, and this guy was too calm, so she didn't know where to start.

"There is a mine with a soulful crystal." She said it directly.

Ling Han was finally shocked and said: "Really?"

"Yeah." He nodded lately. "However, the mine was occupied by the West Desert King. There are always strong ghosts sitting in the town. My Donglin Emperor invites young talents in the world, that is, to share the power of the people, to win this seat. Mines, at least, must also **** some secluded soul crystals."

Sure enough, Ling Han guessed that this time, Tianjiao will not only be as simple as the choice of late dreams, but even this is just a blind man.

The noble lady, who is also the third-ranked stunner on the list, needs to choose mate in this way?

"Before, my family did invite a lot of Tianjiao and launched an attack on the mine, but did not expect that the power of the guards was beyond imagination. We were almost completely annihilated, and only a very small number of people dispersed." He said.

Ling Han thought for a moment and said: "What strength is the strongest?"

"The late stage of the spirit."

Ling Han brows slightly wrinkled, with the power of destruction, he can even rival the early days of the spirit, but in the middle of the chemical, he will stop the food, and in the late stage of the rejuvenation, there must be only life.

However, it is impossible to grab mines and steal mines.

He smiled a little lately: "With the strength of Ding Xiong, if we join hands, we should be able to steal some ore."

"Do you know me?" Ling Han was amazed.

"Being a master, how can you not know the identity of the guest?"

Ling Han laughed: "Okay, let's go stealing mine."

When you return to the Yang Dynasty, it is too rare to strengthen the soul of the heavens. It is impossible for the Emperor to supply it in large quantities. Therefore, when the Donglin Emperor discovered it and had a soulful crystal, they could not calm down. This Tianjiao meeting was held.

Moreover, for the sake of confidentiality, they even used the excuse of choosing a late dream.

Of course, if the innate treasure can only allow the military under the real world to enter, then the Donglin Emperor will not be so generous.

Ling Han's soul is not weak, but compared with his combat power, it is not at all top-notch, so this opportunity is also not to be missed for him.

The two happily reached an agreement, and they led the way to the mine.

It took nearly a day for them to come to the mining area.

"Hey?" Ling Han was amazed, there is actually a presence of law, and it is very clever.

"You see it?" Chi Hao is also quite surprised, this guy also understands the formation.

Ling Han nodded: "I didn't expect a ghost in the soul."

Looking at Ling Han lately, his face showed a touch of admiration: "I didn't think that you are not only amazing, but also proficient in the formation."

"Proficient in not talking about it, still some understanding." Ling Han is modest.

"This array has been broken for my family, please come with me." Chi Yu said.

Ling Han nodded, since it broke open, it would save him to go to the gods.

The two entered the battle, and under the guidance of the late, the two quickly went out.

The mountain is still the mountain, the sky is still such a day, a gloomy, but in fact, they did pass a battlefield area.

"This array is actually mainly to prevent the small yin from entering the wrong place." Chi Yu said, "According to the speculation of my saints, there are not many ghosts in the underworld, so it is impossible to create a powerful ghost in this way."

"But the number of ghosts is endless, so use this as a bait to let the spirits devour each other, and this will continue to create a powerful ghost."

Ling Han nodded, Xingyu was too big, and every moment there will be a large number of souls dying, and the soul will enter the underworld.

"Be careful, there are three ghosts of the spirits who take turns to sit in the town." Chi Hao said awkwardly.

"it is good."

The two marched forward, and soon they saw that some of the ghosts were mining, and these ghosts were all living in the world, opening up wisdom.

Also, if wisdom is not opened, it will not dig the mountain, and if the sacred soul crystal is mined, the ghost will go to refining itself. How can it be handed over?

Only with awe, will you not dare to be greedy.

Just as mortals dug out gold ore, who would dare to swallow it?

"What do you want to do?" Chi Hao asked Ling Han.

"Since this is a mine, it should be excavated everywhere. We don't have to be stuck here." Ling Han thought.

"it is good."

The two changed a place, and then began to dig up with the shovel as a shovel.

Of course, it is impossible for the ore to dig, and both of them are so suffocating. Although they have not been harvested for a long time, they are not discouraged.

When there was no gain in the whole two days, the two did not raise an idea, that is, this area may not have a ghostly crystal.

"Change somewhere."

They constantly change places to dig, but the results are the same, no gain.

"No, it's only in that area of ​​the soul soul crystal?" Both of them are speechless.

They returned to the places where the ghosts were mining and carefully observed.

After a long time, they saw these ghosts dug out two secluded crystals. Although they are not very large, they are not very pure, but they are indeed rewarding.

"Strong grab?" asked late.

Ling Han shook his head: "There are two secluded soul crystals. It is not worthwhile to alarm the strong people here."

"What do you mean?"

"Take their warehouse."

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