Xiong Wang first killed the past.

On the city wall, Haicheng Wang sneered, and the Terran city has the defenses laid by the Tianyu Supreme, especially the emperor, which is not the real thing.

Sure enough, when the bear king approached, I saw a light coming out of the city.

Hey, as strong as the bear king is also a trick, the chest was smashed a note, only blood mad.

"Ha ha ha!" Hai Cheng Wang sneered, "I don't know what it is!"

This is simply sending death, but also want to break into the city?

When the demon kings saw them, they frowned, and the defense of the Terran did not weaken at all. This time they will return without success.

At this time, Xiong Wang was rescued, and his face was like gold paper, which was very scary.

"Don't withdraw!" Xiong Wang is an opening. "The king feels that the power of the instrument has weakened a lot. Otherwise, the wound of the king should be repeated several times."

"Really?" The demon kings are all inspired.

"Who doesn't believe, he will fight with the king for three hundred rounds!" Xiong Wang Qiang Qiang stood up and shook his double hammer, which was extremely rough.

"Okay, we will continue to be besieged!" The demon king nodded and decided not to retreat.

See the Yaozu around but not attack, the Terran on the wall is a bit puzzled.

This is not reasonable.

Like Lu Qi, Feng Jixing and other Terran Tianjiao also appeared on the wall, revealing the color of doubt.

The indigenous people here have fought many times. It can be said that they know the roots, but the current situation is unreasonable. It must be because of the relationship between the outsiders.

What do these guys want to do?

After a while, the demon king launched an attack from afar to test the power of the city defense.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of attacks have been played, but the instruments in the city will run on their own every time, taking out the fierce light and completely destroying the attack.

One day, two days, three days, on the fourth day, everyone was surprised to find that the light that was shot was becoming weak, some attacks were intercepted but did not collapse, still hit and slammed on the wall, causing A considerable destruction.

"Long live!" The Yaozu are cheering, and the generals and soldiers of the Gale Country are greatly changed their faces.

After so many years, they found for the first time that the original moat to the treasure actually had a day of use.

"Children, give the king a fight, and make it a bit more intense!" The demon kings are all big deaf, even the bear king is returning. He has recovered six or seven percent and can fight again.

It can be clearly seen that the moats are becoming less and less powerful, and the power of the bombs is getting weaker and weaker, so that more attacks are hit on the walls, and the walls are somewhat crumbling.

"Prepare to charge!" All the big demon kings shouted, and the ancestors and fathers' minds were finally completed in their hands.

At the end of the day, the magic weapon of the moat is completely useless, and no light is coming out.


Suddenly, the Yaozu launched the charge, and thousands of monsters rushed toward the wall. This is really a beast, a rumble, the earth is wailing, and the dust of the sky is raised, and the sky is covered.

Oh, on the wall, countless bows fell and turned into arrows.

"Glyphs and small tricks!" Ma Wang rushed into the sky, turned into a huge Tianma, opened a spit out of a light curtain, and suddenly blocked all the rain.

"Ma Wang, this king will come to you!" Haicheng Wang also rose to the sky and launched a fierce battle with Ma Wang.

Among the Terran, more and more strong people have appeared, and the Yaozu has launched a general attack. At this time, no one can sit and watch, but the king of the gale country, Bai Xiangming, is also on the battlefield. The combat power is extremely powerful, and it is actually an enemy. , blocked the two demon kings.

You must know that the individual strength of the Yaozu is to be above the Terran. Usually only the demon king can be an enemy or even an enemy. Can this white phase be so strong?

Ling Han looked at it for a while, and he was upset.

It’s not that Bai Xiangming is strong, but the armor he wears is a good treasure. He has blessed his amazing power and made him possess the power of such a fork.

Is this the day of the rain?

Even if Bai Xiangming is so powerful, in the face of this scorpion army, it is still impossible to turn around.

There are too many demon kings, and he has to block at least ten in order to balance the two sides' real forces. However, this is obviously unrealistic.

Therefore, the Terran is retreating step by step.

The outsiders are very well-informed. Of course, this situation is self-protection, and they have no reason and position to fight hard.

After a small half day, the Terran collapsed.

Bai Xiangming was helpless and announced his surrender.

"Hand over the open axe!" The demon kings shouted, they naturally hope to get the inheritance of the Tianyu Supreme, and they also believe that they are the orthodox descendants of the Tianyu Supreme.

White home? Oh, the murderer.

Bai Xiangming shook his head and said: "I only know where the axe is, but I can't pick it up."

Also, if he wants to pick up, then he has long been the inheritance of the Tianyu Supreme, and there are so many things?

The demon king is holding Bai Xiangming to find the open axe, and the outsiders are accompanying. No matter the Terran or the Yaozu, this is a battle that has nothing to do with them. The purpose is only for the inheritance of the Heavenly Rain.

The demon kings know that the background of these outsiders is amazing, and there is no such thing as a slap in the face.

Soon, they came to the foot of a mountain behind the palace. Bai Xiangming opened several methods. Finally, I saw a platform with a radius of about seven feet in front of them, and in the middle of the platform, there was a hatchet. I am on the platform.

"That is the open axe?" The demon kings are all eyes burning, and the outsiders are also bright.

This is related to the inheritance of a saint, and may even involve the emperor.

"Not bad." Bai Xiangming nodded. "But don't say pick up the axe, there are not many people who can walk to the open axe."

"Hah, this king does not believe!" Xiong Wang immediately jumped out. He was really an acute child. He dared to face the defending device, not to mention the present.

Only he just rushed to the platform, his body shape immediately eased, the whole face was wrinkled, as if he had been put on an old life, so he did not move after a few steps.

"Old bear, what happened?" asked the demon king.

Xiong Wang did not answer, but instead, Bai Xiangming said, "The gravity on this platform is extremely terrifying, and it changes because of the realm. The higher the realm, the greater the gravity."

It turned out to be the case.

At this time, the outsiders are gearing up. Under such a premise, the real world can not be bargained at all, and they have a chance.

The demon kings are not convinced of evil, they have jumped onto the platform, their strength is stronger than the humans of the same order, there is no reason they can not.

However, these demon kings rushed a few steps, and they stopped eating like the bear king.

"Ha ha ha!"

The outsiders laughed and made their debut.

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