Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4044: Open a day

"Rely, give the dog out!"

"You tease the dog!"

"What a bad axe, the dog and you fight!"

The **** dog yelled and screamed at the axe, but the axe did not move, let the **** dog want to vomit blood.

Too much dog face.

Ling Han is also amazed. The **** dog is a combination of Jiuding, and even it is not qualified to pull up the open axe. That is, the emperor’s emperor can only blink dry.

"Old, let me come." He came up.

The **** dog was not reconciled, and it was called for a long time, and then he was willing to let go of his claws: "Hey, it must be that this axe does not match the word of the dog."

Ling Han reached out and grabbed it, then took a slight breath and began to pull.

Suddenly, he discovered that a weak force from the axe could be said to be fluctuating and going toward his body.

Ling Han quickly let go, this is the instinct of the military.

"Little Hanzi, what's wrong?" asked the **** dog.

"Have you ever felt that there was a wave from the axe?" asked Ling Han.

"Yes, but it has no effect." The **** dog looked awkward.


However, when everyone saw it, they all thought that Ling Han could not pull out the axe, but he found an excuse for himself.

"Ling cold, let me go quickly, I will pull out the open axe, if you get the inheritance of the Heavenly Rain, you can also let you shine."

"Let me come, I am the seventh master of the Southland."

"I come!"

Everyone shouted, and when they started bidding, they promised the benefits, and the **** dogs heard some heartbeats, and the dog eyes were shining.

Ling Han smiled and said to the **** dog: "It seems that you are not searching carefully."

"Here!" The **** dog patted the thigh. "Good guys, you dare to hide, and give it to the dog!"

It went to search again.

Ling Han regained the open axe, and the feeling came again. This time, Ling Han did not let go, just keep watching the sea. However, this volatility has directly rushed into his knowledge of the sea.


Ling Han sensed it and found that this fluctuation has no lethality. It is not so much an attack wave, but rather a scan wave, which is similar to Warri's sight scan.

With this in mind, he no longer resists, letting this volatility flow into the sea.

Suddenly, Chaos Xiandan gently swayed.

This wave immediately disappeared like a low tide, and instantly withdrew from the cold sea.

Hey, this time, what the hell?

Ling Han thought about it, didn't pay attention to it, and his hand was slightly forced, and he found that the axe was loose.

He tried again and he was pulled out by the open axe.

Is it difficult?

Nothing at all!

"Rely, your kid is hanging up?" The black dog's afterglow swept, and immediately jumped up, shocked and the eyes were smashed out.

"What is hanging, talking people!" Ling Han smiled.

Everyone was shocked. I didn't expect the second person to try to pull out the axe, relying on it, so mysteriously. As a result, there is no difficulty at all.

However, Bai Xiangming was shocked and unable to add. The Bai family has tried every generation, from low to high, but none of them succeeded.

This kid is simply abnormal.

With a wave of swaying, Ling Han smashed the sky axe against the sky. Suddenly, a cold light was pulled from the axe, and it was really a rip in the sky.

By the way, can you really open the sky?

Ling Han was shocked. He had a day in the small world, but it was totally different from the current situation.

The sky split, and a blue light gushed out, shrouded the cold, and suddenly the cold figure floated out of nowhere and flew toward the crack that opened.

"Old black!" Ling Han screamed, one right hand, the earth surging, like a fountain from the bottom of the ground, then see the **** dog slammed, flew toward Ling Han.

If you want to keep the **** dog underneath, it will definitely be torn by everyone.

"Hey!" The **** dog screamed, and the two front paws licked their ass, and the tears were all smashed out.

Temade, it hurts too much.

Ling Han reached out and grabbed the **** dog that was flying over. Hey, the blue light flashed, he and the **** dog were sucked into the crack in the sky, then the crack closed and everything was restored. The original state.


Say good day?

When Ling Han went, the influence on the formation immediately disappeared. The Tianjiao was standing up. They looked up at the sky. This day was opened, but they immediately closed again. What is this ghost?

At this moment, I saw a lot of people flying over and there was a very strong atmosphere.

Really my world!

Everyone knows it, and the suppression of the formation is further disappeared. Now there are strong people in the real world who can enter.

"What happened?" asked a real strong person.

After everyone explained it, these real and strong people are stunned. What happened? When they first came, the day was already open, and the inheritance also ran. Then they are still busy.

"When Ling Han comes out, if he has the inheritance of the great emperor, he must not enjoy it alone!"

These true and powerful people have formed a consensus.

In other words, Ling Han and the **** dog were sucked into the gap. Suddenly, the blue light disappeared. They all fell from the air. Fortunately, it is impossible to fall with their strength. Waist, standing straight.

This is where?

The surrounding is black and lacquered, without a little bit of light.

Ling Han launched the scorpion technique. Suddenly, the darkness could not stop him. I saw that it was a stone room, not big. There was a stone table in the corner and there was something on it.

"Hey, the dog's chrysanthemum, it's going to burst!" The **** dog is still squatting, and the gas is just hitting its buttocks, even if it has iron underwear protection, it makes it feel deep pain.

"Little Hanzi, this is the door to open the sky?" After a while, the **** dog asked.

Ling Han smiled and said: "Opening the sky is just a saying. It seems that this place is arranged by the Heavenly Lord, and we will get the answer soon."

He walked toward the wall and stopped at the stone table.

The **** dog also came over and licked his ass. He saw a hand on the stone table and a piece of jade.

"This should be left by the Heavenly Lord."


They took their hands and looked through them.

Sure enough, this is what Tian Yu’s sages have left. It can be said to be a diary, or a suicide note.

In the hand, Tian Yu Zun from his point of view began to talk about the past few thousand years ago.

When the rainy monarch met Bai Nanzhen, at first sight, he stopped the footsteps of the world and accompanied his beloved woman. After two years, he asked the white family for help.

For Bai Jia, what kind of glory is it to be able to receive a saint as a son-in-law?

Without any hindrance, Tian Yu Zun also found a beloved woman and lived a happy life.

If it is just here, it should be a joy, how can there be two completely different versions of Bai and Yao?

Ling Han and the **** dog continued to look down, causing things to happen unexpectedly.

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