Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4046: Ten repairs

In addition to a hand tied, Tian Yu Zun also left a piece of jade.


"I am finished, just a piece of jade, let the dog to pick up the girl?" The **** dog screamed, and finally opened the sky, the result, actually only learned the truth of the year plus a piece of jade.

Ling Han took up Yu Pei and injected it into the mind of God. Suddenly, a mysterious symbol was moved in his knowledge of the sea.

Oh, jade is broken.

"I said Xiao Hanzi, if you are angry, you don't need to crush the jade, maybe you still have some money." The **** dog was depressed.

"Yu Pei hides a practice!" Ling Han said abruptly.

"Emperor?" The **** dog immediately came to the spirit.

Ling Han shook his head: "I don't know yet. I know that the sea is full of complicated symbols. I can't analyze it for a while. You wait."

"You first! You first!" The **** dog slammed his hands and looked excited.

Ling Han began to analyze these symbols and used his super savvy to gain insight into the secrets.

Every bit, a secret technique reveals the true face to him.

"Ten repairs!"

Ling Han murmured, this is the secret method he analyzed from these symbols, not the practice of refining the energy of the heavens and the earth, nor the martial arts of attacking and killing the enemy, but the method of healing.

No matter how many injuries are suffered, the running ten repairs can be quickly restored. The time depends on the severity of the injury, and the ten repairs are trained to the highest level. As long as the life is not exhausted, there will be only one thought left. Can reorganize the body.

However, to be able to practice the point of rebirth, the premise is the realm of the great emperor.

Ha ha.

Taking a step back, the saints can be reborn with blood, and the sage can be broken and long, magical.

Because this is an emperor!

"Good things!" Ling Han is excited, after the effect of the ten repairs and the **** dog, the **** dog is also excited to jump up and down, this is too practical, life-saving skills.

Ling Han is still unable to teach the Ten Blacks to the **** dog, because although he has solved the secret of these symbols, it is impossible for him to turn it into a language and a **** dog.

That is too esoteric.

Therefore, Ling Han must first master, and then restore these symbols, and then pass these symbols to the **** dog, let it comprehend.

Then, you can learn to learn, you can't learn, and there is no way.

Emperor, of course, not anyone who wants to learn can learn.

Ling Han began to practice ten repairs, completely forgot the passage of time, and did not know how long it took, he suddenly realized.

The process of practicing the ten repairs is a process of returning these symbols, and then combining them into a rune.

The symbols are combined in different ways, and the effect is completely different. As for how to achieve the best effect, only with the improvement of the realm, the recognition of the symbols is also improved, and the power of the runes is constantly improved.

After the rune combination, the rune is running, the rune is extracting high-level energy, but the high-level energy that is in contact with the previous cold is completely different. This energy is full of vitality, flowing in his body, and instantly letting a few The dark wound healed.

Cattle fork!

Ling Han did not continue to practice, but opened his eyes and looked at the **** dog, saying: "How long have I been closed?"

"The dog is about to become a fossil. How long do you say?" The **** dog sighed.

Oh, it’s still so poor, it’s not too long.

Sure enough, the **** dog quickly said the time that Ling Han actually used, which is one and a half months.

It took a month and a half to master a secret law, which is really slow enough.

Ling Han stretched out his finger and spoke on the head of the **** dog. Suddenly, countless symbols rushed toward it.

The **** dog snorted and received so many symbols at once, which made it somewhat unbearable, and the sea seemed to explode.

However, the **** dog quickly adjusted its state and began to cultivate.

Ling Han is a four-way walk. This stone room is not big, and I can't see the appearance of the organ at all. How can this be opened?

In his heart, the inheritance here is the ten repairs, then he will provoke this secret technique, will it resonate with the stone room, and then open it?


However, the **** dog is still in the process of cultivation, then give it some time first, at least digest the symbols first, as for the combination, then you can slowly come later.

He couldn't help but think that the white family had tried hard to get the inheritance of the ancestors, and the ten repairs were literally emperors, but if they were obtained for the white family, they would only be the target of hunting.

The ten repairs can't make a family become a saint, a saint or even an emperor.

At the beginning, Ling Tianzu Wang definitely created more than ten emperors, but I don’t know if it’s lost, or Tian Yu’s sage is deliberate, and now only one emperor has been passed down.

After a brief sensation, Ling Han decided to hit the middle of the birth.

He had been ignited before, but he had been pondering the emperor for more than a month. He didn't even think that there was enough sedimentation. Therefore, he now has the qualification to hit the middle of the birth.

Come on, don't waste time.

Sit down and start to hit the next level.

The breakthrough in the small realm is not difficult for Ling Han. Since it captures the opportunity, it naturally jumps by.

Suddenly, his body has a landslide and tsunami-like change. Rao does not know which time and space he is in. He can still come from the endless source of energy of the source, and is absorbed by the cold.

His strength is skyrocketing!

This process lasted for almost a day, and finally it slowed down from the violent state, became a trickle, and finally stopped.

In Linghan's knowledge of the sea, the only Xian Ding has completely disappeared. Now only the chaotic elixir is floating, exuding endless floods and supreme atmosphere. As long as the realm is not as cold as the cold, it is only a part of him.

Mid-term Dan!

Ling Han agitated the power, could not help but reveal the color of surprise.

"15th Heaven!"

"Haha, as soon as I broke through the middle of the birth of Dan, the original strength went straight to the Five Heavens. In this case, if I reach the end of the middle of the birth of Dan, how much power can I reach? Twenty heavens?"

If you can reach twenty heavens, then he will display the magical skills and chase the elixir to cut the opponent's combat power. Those who can fight the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth-day battles.

Just ask the world, how many people can reach more than twenty-five days of combat power?

Cow, too cow!

After Ling Han was dark for a while, he decided to continue practicing.

The second step of Sheng Dan, raising Dan.

He took out the treasures that had been prepared for a long time, including the three treasures left by the ancient sages of the Sun, and began to refine.

These heavenly earth treasures are refining and refining, and the elixir of Linghan is slowly growing, and the speed of quenching secrets is getting faster and faster.

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