Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4052: Assassination

After Ling Han asked, I realized that when Lin Luo was exploring a dangerous place, he was greatly transformed and completed the cooperation with the help of heaven and earth.

Is this a self-discipline, or is it borrowed from others?

Ling Han also can't understand, but think about the world should not be considered as others, so Lin Luo three should belong to their own.

In other words, the three have the qualification to attack the emperor.

Of course, the emperor's road is long. This is just one of the requirements. I don't know how difficult it is in the future.

Ling Han nodded, this emperor not only needs talent, but also has to have air.

There are many people coming out of the Yuan world, but there are not many people who can make Linghan grateful and careless. The Lin Luo three people have already got together, and the Yuansheng Tianzun is worse. Although they have also cultivated Jiuding, they have already The foot has stepped into the living environment.

Which of the former Supreme Masters were uneasy, they ran to all corners of Xingyu early, how proud they were, and how long ago they were taken care of by Ling Han?

So, Ling Han only needs to manage himself and his family.

Ling Han began to work hard to make alchemy. He has no money. He needs a lot of cosmic coins to buy Tianmu Dibao to nourish the elixir.

Moreover, the Queen and Hu Niu are not far from the birthplace, and they are seriously short of money.

In addition to alchemy, Ling Han will also use the earth to temper himself. In addition, the Queen, Hu Niu and the **** dog can also be dimmed, and they are also quenched by the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is white, in fact, it is the energy of the heavens and the earth. This quenching of the body can not improve the cultivation, but it can strengthen the body, and naturally it is also endless.

In a few months, the body of the three men and the dog has greatly improved, making Ling Han very satisfied.

But he can only do this step. After all, the energy is limited, and at the same time, quenching the four is already his limit.

"Small Han, are you going to pick up the goods?"

On this day, after the four people were quenched, the **** dog saw Ling Han go out and asked a question.

Ling Han shook his head: "Where are so many natural treasures, go sell drugs."

"Idle and idle, the dog is with you." The **** dog smashed out.

One person and one dog left the Holy Land and went to the office of Changjia. Basically, as long as the martial arts level is slightly higher than the grade, there must be an office set up by Changjia.

After Ling Han sent the drug away, he went back with the **** dog.


Ling Han suddenly felt a killing intention, although this is very weak, but where can he win his horrible look?

But he didn't make a fuss, but he used the veins to get everything around him.

One, two, three, four, Ling Han reveals a faint smile, a total of four assassins, are real.

Oh, it’s been a long time since the silence, and the God of War Palace has once again sent a killer.

In fact, the God of War Palace has always wanted to get rid of the cold, but Ling Han is not in the Holy Land or in the secret, and does not give them a chance.

Now, he ran out of the Holy Land himself, which naturally created conditions for the killers of the God of War.

"Small Hanzi, look at your face with a slutty smile, do you think of something ulterior?" asked the **** dog.

Ling Han shook his head and said: "There is a killer!"

"What!" The **** dog was immediately three feet tall.

"Calm, not for you." Ling Han smiled.

"Crap, dog and you go together, will definitely become a target." The **** dog is extremely depressed, "I knew that I would not come out with you, it is a disaster star."

Ling Han laughed, just want to talk, but see you, three swords flashed, three assassins have launched a surprise attack on him.

The real world deliberately hides the traces, and then launches a sneak attack indefinitely. Which one is alive and well?

Ling Han can.

He has already discovered these three assassins in advance, and naturally he has to deal with it with ease. In his mind, there are already ten dragons flying out of the air and greet the three assassins.

Hey, these assassins are not as strong as the dragon and the shun, and they are caught in the fight by the dragon.

The assassin assassin is good at assassination, and the confrontation is not so strong.

At least they are not very strong.

"Little Hanzi, good!" The **** dog smiled.

Ling Han did not relax because he knew that there were four assassins.

Now only run out of three, it should be to let him relax and give the last assassin a chance to kill.

Hey, a sword light smashed from a distance, such as breaking through the dark stars, so fast and incomparably, the power is also very great.


Ling Han turned a smile, and the right hand pushed forward, and the six dragons emerged at the same time, and went to the fourth assassin.

The assassin also complained that he could only fight with the earth dragon, but he could not kill it at all.

The four assassins are all in a big way, wanting to annihilate the dragon and kill the cold. However, the sixteen dragons are able to protect the cold and keep them from being completely ruined.

Throw away the ability to assassinate and fight in front, their strength is just plain.

"Haha, come over with the ability!" The **** dog yelled.

There is no way for us to take a living in the real world. This can really be a lifetime.

Repeatedly unable to make meritorious deeds, the four assassins all made a scream, then they retired and disappeared without a trace.

If you can't hit a single shot, you can see it immediately. This is an assassin. Otherwise, it is a dead man.

Ling Han sighed, although this time successfully defeated the killer of the God of War, but from the birth of the Dan to the real world, this killer organization has been upgraded.

Then next time, is it the turn of the killer level killer?

In the face of such a killer, it is the earth dragon does not work, Ling Han will only start the star step to run.

He is not accustomed to such passiveness, but when it comes to taking the initiative to meet, he is only a small living environment, and secondly, he does not know where the God of War Palace is, how to take the initiative to attack?

After one person and one dog went back, after a while, Ling Han’s wrist suddenly launched light.

"Hey, what is this?" The **** dog came together to see.

Ling Han is also a glimpse, how can his wrist shine?

He opened his sleeve and saw that there was a complicated symbol that was shining, and before that, it has not manifested itself.

Ling Han thought about it. He had entered and exited too many monuments and was "covered" with many "chapters". Therefore, for a time, he did not know which chapter of the monument was covered.

But how amazing his memory was, the first time he reacted.

"Rely, not good!"

"What happened?" The **** dog asked quickly.

Ling Han couldn't answer, and immediately ran the soul, his soul volatility suddenly changed subtle, and the appearance also changed.

"Hey, Ding Yi!" The **** dog wondered how Xiao Han suddenly became the appearance of Ding Yi, not to say that it would be buried forever?

Oh, just at this moment, a light rushed over and caged on the body of Ling Han. At the next moment, Ling Han disappeared and disappeared.

The **** dog looks awkward, what is this ghost? Nt

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