Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4062: Easy to level

it is good!

Seeing this scene, the rest of the four people are cheering in their hearts. Anyway, they are competitors with each other. Now it is possible to lose two at a time, and one of them is still a enchanting enchanting, so it’s very good. It is.

The murderousness of Ling Han was completely burned. He looked at the four people again and his eyes were cold.

"Haha, don't look at people with such fierce eyes."

"It is strictly forbidden to kill each other here, you have broken the rules, and the result is... dead!"

"What a pity, such a genius!"

The four people shook their heads, and the fake model was sorry to be there.

Hey, a figure flies to it, it is Wanhe.

"What happened?" He glanced at Huai Rong lying on the floor, his brow furrowed.

The four people quickly said it, and they did not distort the facts. It was absolutely unnecessary. As long as there was one point, it was that Ling Han killed Huai Rong.

"Ding Yi, are you killing Huai Rong?" Wan He looked at Ling Han, his face was Sennant.

"Not bad." Ling Han nodded. "Whoever kills me, I will kill anyone."

Just explain this sentence.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you that it is strictly forbidden to kill each other here?" Wanhe said that he hated iron and said nothing, "If you break the rules, then you should blame me!"

When he raises his hand, he must implement the canon and kill the cold.

"Xiaoyi, what are you doing?" Fu Tianyi's voice sounded, only a figure appeared, white hair fluttering.

When Wanhe saw it, he quickly went to salute: "I have seen Fu Daren!"

Fu Tianyi is the main teacher, and he is a higher realm than him. In the martial arts world, the realm is different, that is, an insurmountable gap.

Even now, this is just a spiritual body of Fu Tianyi.

"Oh, the old man here, you still need to implement the canon?" Fu Tianyi said faintly, "the old man can completely shoot, stop their battle, why not?"

By the way, this is the protection of the red fruit!

When the four seeds saw it, they all had an ominous premonition.

"But" Wanhe wants to distinguish.

"Nothing is wrong." Fu Tianyi immediately stopped his words. "In the shrine, it is indeed forbidden to kill each other, but it is to protect the low realm. Otherwise, what competition is it?"

"However, if the high-ranking people still can't beat the low realm, what qualifications are there to live?"

"So, this Huai Rong is looking for a dead end."

Hey, can you explain this?

Wanhe opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he did not say it after all.

You are arrogant, you have to say it.

"Go, take a rest." Fu Tianyi waved his hand at Ling Han.

Ling Han gave Fu Tianyi a ritual and then left.

Looking at the back of Ling Han disappeared, everyone is speechless.

Killing a seed, and patting the **** to leave, this is the first.

Fu Tianyi is a white beard with a smile on his face.

This seed is too much of his appetite, killing and decisive, and incredibly powerful, the chance of killing the holy is as high as ninety-nine, and even have the opportunity to attack the throne!

If he knows, this seed is the cold that must be removed from the God of War. I don’t know what kind of mood?

Was it smashed into the Ares Palace to kill the seeds?

Haha, I have to be laughed at.

When Ling Han returned to his place of residence, his subject consciousness immediately began to take over. However, the gods were naturally reluctant to die and launched a counterattack.

However, the gap is too great.

This is just a god, how can it match the main consciousness?

The battle only lasted for a few seconds, and the main consciousness of Ling Han returned to self.

"Now it's a fool of the identity." Ling Han said to himself, "The inheritance of the blood tower is too wicked, seriously affecting the heart, even if it is only a month, my gods will become incomparably Killing, if the time is longer, it is really possible to grow to the point of competing with the subjective consciousness."

"This is self-immolation, it is too dangerous."

"Now wait for the opportunity, when can I leave."

"Before listening to Wan He, the seeds have to go out to perform the task, just to give me a chance to slip."

Ling Han focused his attention on his hand bowl, which was once marked with a mark, like a lighthouse in the darkness, guiding the direction of the warring palace.

Therefore, he has to erase this mark, otherwise he will be easily taken back no matter how far he runs.

"Oh, this is a one-off!"

After Ling Han looked at a while, he made a conclusion.

"Also, after coming here, if you don't die, you will become a seed. If the seed is not brainwashed successfully, how can it be sent out to perform the task? Therefore, this mark is not needed."

"Of course, it is possible to be covered again when you leave."

"This can only be taken one step at a time."

Ling Han is suffering from cultivation. He is a seed, which is equivalent to the identity of a Tao. Therefore, he has no shortage of cultivation resources.

Although the God of War Palace is a force hiding in the shadows, it is completely unseen, but when it comes to wealth, this power is really powerful. After all, killing is a very profitable life.

Ling Han is the most optimistic seed, so the constant Tianbao Dibao was sent to Ling Han for his cultivation.

This is really good.

Ling Han has some desire to stay here, to repair the sage and then leave, the God of War is indeed rich and powerful.

A sway, it has been half a year.

"Come with the old man." Fu Tianyi appeared, said to Ling Han.

Ling Han did not ask, just followed up.

They came to an open space and saw that there was still a Fu Tianyi sitting there.

Ling Han is not strange. He knows that Fu Tianyi, who is sitting here, is the real body, and the person who calls him should be just a spiritual body.

There is one after another, and Fu Tianyi appears one after another, all with a seed, including Zhu Xi and Chen Bing.

"Today, take everyone to perform the task." Fu Tianyi said, "Oh, don't think this is a game. Everyone will assign a goal according to strength, to ensure that the difficulty is basically the same."

"Task loser, execute! The last one to complete the mission, execute!"

"do you understand?"


Everyone was expressionless, just nodded.

After so long, everyone has planted the seeds of killing in their hearts, and their character has long been distorted.

Ling Han naturally does not move, his heart is full of expectations, and finally can leave.

Fu Tianyi tears open the space. He is the master of the master class and has mastered the ability to tear the space teleport.


Everyone walked in one by one, and Fu Tianyi was the last one to go in, with a big hand and a handful of people to shuttle the void.

He is much weaker than Jiushan Zun, and he is often affected by the emptiness of the void, but eventually arrives safely.

Fu Tianyi re-opened the space,

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