Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4072: Giant gate

Many people are hesitant and don't want to move on.

However, people like Shi Yongming and Zhong Tian can not give them time to think, but they are already starting to move forward.

Ling Han naturally will not back down, but he has some expectations. If he can enter the underworld again, he will have the opportunity to continue to enhance the spirit of the soul.

Not far from how far they went, they heard the same voice as before.

Sure enough, a Tier A man appeared in front of him, exactly the same as the previous one.

Shi Yongming did his part and immediately took a picture of the past.

However, this armored man was weak and outrageous. After a palm was photographed, it was directly destroyed, and the ghost was turned into nothingness, and the armor fell to the ground.

"But the level of the cast." Everyone said.

It turns out that the ghosts here are not all born in Dan.

This did not make everyone feel relieved. On the contrary, it became more worried.

The more diverse the strength of this ghost, the more likely it is to be a joint point in the underworld, otherwise where is this level clear?


There is always a strong courage, no fear, and move on.

Go and go, there are a lot of ghosts attached to the armor, the strength is a big gap, the low is only the foundation, the high can reach the birth of Dan, has not seen the real world or above.

This road is really long. They have been away for more than an hour. Even if they are on guard, they dare not go too fast. For so long, the distance to go out should be no less than a thousand miles.

Where did this go?

Ling Han knows that he is going to the end, he can communicate with the local veins, and the area of ​​perception is far wider than others.

Sure enough, after a while, the front finally reached the end.

Originally, this was a ground hole. Although it was quite spacious, it was able to accommodate a carriage. It was here, but it was wide open and amazing.

In front of them, there is a huge space, a thousand feet high, and a few hundred feet wide, and even more striking is that the front is actually two closed stone doors, and this space is the same height and width.

Oh, great, great and majestic.

For a time, everyone was convinced that they couldn’t speak.

Ling Han was also a little surprised because he only knew that he had reached the end, but he did not know that there was a door at the end.

What is behind the door? Is it connected to the underworld?

This time, even he is completely uncertain.

"Look!" Someone pointed to the front.

I saw at the foot of the gate, there is a stone in the faint glow, even if it is still far away, everyone feels comfortable.

Soul stone!

Everyone can be sure, that is the soul stone.

Sure enough, this gem is the ghost that moved here.

"Haha, I am coming!" Someone immediately leaped out and rushed toward the soul-raising stone.

Hey, he moved like this, and suddenly many people followed the leap and rushed toward the soul-raising stone.

Ling Han did not move because he sensed the danger and made his hair straight.

Brush, a cold light crossed, and then see those who rushed out and made two breaks, blood and internal organs flying together.


A lot of people didn't catch the light, only to see those people suddenly turned into two, but Ling Han was able to see clearly, it was a stone statue under the giant door suddenly shot.

It is only a stone statue, but it can be used to make a sharp knife, and at least ten talented geniuses will be divided into two.

What strength is this?

This can scare everyone, and those who have not yet rushed to the position have returned.

Fortunately, after the stone statue was completed, it did not kill it again, but it retreated to its original position and did not move.

"What is going on here?" Many people were exclaimed.

After a while, I heard Shi Yongming sigh: "The stone statue at the door is the guard. It was just one of them."


"We didn't even see any attacks. The few people died. Is this the difference in strength?"

"Oh, I am afraid that the real world is not so strong?"

"The spirit of the world!"

Everyone is speechless. If it is only the real world, then they use the cards. It is impossible to defeat the stone statues. However, they are still likely to steal the soul stone.

However, the words of the spiritual world... no drama at all.

No matter what card you use, it is a dead word.

Treasures are good, but life is gone, how to enjoy it?

“Contacting the family again, the situation here is far more important than what we imagined.”

"Maybe, there is a terrible treasure hidden behind this stone door!"

Many people's hearts are alive, they are excited, they have opened connectors, they have to contact family or sects. However, they soon discovered that they are not connected to the star network.

"You have to go back."

There is nothing to hesitate. If there is a stone statue of a spiritual environment, who can get the soul stone?

Moreover, this stone statue can be more than one, but a row.

Everyone turned and walked back, Ling Han also followed the big forces, but people were walking, but the gods were communicating with the local veins, running the atmosphere as tentacles, and grabbing the past toward the soul stone.

No one saw that the earth was already holding the soul stone into the veins, and then came to the feet of Ling Han in an instant.

He leaned down slightly, and as soon as he explored his hand, the soul-raising stone was floating out and he was taken into the spacecraft.


Ling Han showed a smile, which is really unconscious, no one knows.

He followed the crowd and did not walk out of the passage. Instead, he only walked a third of the distance. He was able to connect to the satellite network. Everyone quickly reported the situation. Ling Han also contacted Jiushan Zun, here. Maybe something hidden.

After listening to the Jiushan Supreme, let Ling Han not move for the time being, he will immediately come with the holy device.

Come with the holy device, hey, this is a domineering.

After making contact, everyone returned.

However, when they came to the grand stone gate, they were all stunned.

Hey, raise the soul stone?

I was just there, how can I be eaten by a dog?

Everyone must be mad, how can the soul stone disappear? There should be no one here to capture.

“Is there a real world here?” someone said.

Unless you come to a real world, you are eligible to live to raise the soul stone and escape. Of course, this must use the card, otherwise it will still be killed by the spirit.

Everyone looks at each other and looks for them in the crowd. However, there are always people who know each other. If they are excluded, they can be sure that no one here is a real world, and no one is a spiritual environment.

What is going on?

Ling Han is just a smile,

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