Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4082: Sheng Dan late!

Ling Han smiled: "After knowing the truth, what is the feeling?"

The seed is speechless. He is now tens of thousands of regrets and puzzles. How can he get a strong life in the War Palace?

You are really suitable as a killer, this camouflage ability is invincible.

"In the beginning, you guys jumped up and down, now... send you on the road." Ling Han said faintly.

"Rain!" said the child quickly and screaming, "How can we be the same door!"

Ling Hanyi, then laughed: "You have a thick face, I think you also chose the wrong career, should not be a killer, but to do sales."

Hey, he punched and killed the seeds of the God of War.

He will remove the entire Temple of God of War, but now the strength is not enough, only one can kill one.

After the body was removed, Ling Han continued to enlighten.

Just half a day later, the last killer of Sheng Danjing also touched it. This naturally sent a person in vain. After Ling Han took it away, he began to enlighten.

One day, two days, three days, the time flies fast, so Ling Han is amazed that the killer of the real world has not appeared.

What is the chance to find? Still hanging?

Ling Han did not care, under his constant precipitation, the middle of the birth of Dan has been perfected by him.

Can break through.

In the later period of the birth of Dan, the avenue texture should be engraved on the elixir. The more the texture is engraved, the higher the grade of the elixir, and the stronger the warrior's strength.

The problem is that the Dan Dan is still unable to directly understand the heavens and the earth, and what is the etched texture?

Simple, high-level energy.

The use of high-level energy is inherently in heaven and earth, but the military under the real world will only use it, but it does not know the mystery of it. It is as if the ordinary person is very simple to control the gun, and there is no need to understand the construction principle of the gun.

Chaos Xiandan is built with the structure of ruining energy as the core. Therefore, it is very simple to "draw" the first texture. Just spur the elixir and let this structure emerge.

However, this process did not happen overnight. It took three days to complete, and on the chaotic fairy, a complicated texture emerged.

The core of the destruction of energy, the structure left after the stripping and twitching, can be said to be the embodiment of heaven and earth.

Chaos Xiandan shocked, swallowing a huge amount of secret power, a lot more than before.

Ling Han smiled, he has already entered the late stage of Sheng Dan, this power naturally gained soaring.

He punched a punch at random, and suddenly the power of terror was boiling.

"Sure enough, twenty-five heavens!"

Ling Han haha ​​laughed, but he just entered the late stage of Sheng Dan, but the original strength has surpassed the first person in the West Tianyu Sheng Dan such as Yi Yuanrong.

Of course, some of the holy places of the Taoist saints are also hidden, clearly stronger, but not even the star network account.

He did not return immediately, but continued to draw the texture of the heavens and the earth.

In theory, there are countless high-level energies. Isn’t it easy to repair the later generations? Because the size of the elixir is limited, you can draw so many textures.

However, because the size of the elixir is limited, the more attention should be paid to the texture of the heaven and earth, the higher the texture should be drawn as much as possible, otherwise it will affect the quality of the elixir and affect the height that can be reached in the future.

Generally speaking, only a dozen textures can be drawn on the elixir, so if there are nine patterns of Jindan, Yindan and Tongdan, it may be too small.

Therefore, Yindan is generally six-grain, and copper Dan is three-grain.

In theory, the three-grained copper can break through the real world, but when the bronze fairy base was built, it was able to enter the living environment. Such a lucky one is really pitiful, so there are very few three-grain copper.

Generally speaking, it is a six-grain silver dan, how can a genius be a nine-patterned golden dan, and if it is a three-color glazed dan, a nine-color glazed dan, then it can even reach twelve or eighteen patterns!

Ling Han is a chaotic fairy, naturally far beyond the nine-color glazed Dan, but he can not know how many lines can be achieved.

"In any case, it’s not enough."

Ling Han began to choose the second heaven and earth road pattern, it must be a heavenly fire, in the future it can evolve into the highest level of fire energy, fully qualified to occupy a place on the Xiandan.

However, when he began to draw lines, he was surprised to find that the pattern representing the destruction of energy only occupied a small area, but this guy was overbearing and robbed a large blank area nearby. , you can't draw textures at all.

By the way, do you still occupy the pits?

Ling Han tried several times and was helpless.

He understands, because the current destruction energy is still incomplete, and if it is in a complete state, the pattern formed should occupy such a large area.

According to this calculation, how many lines can he draw on his elixir?

If you are as ruined as the energy of the fork, then even nine will not arrive, at most seven.

Oh, let's do it. Anyway, as long as the pattern is high enough, the quantity is secondary.

Ling Han comforted himself.

He began to extract the heaven and earth road in the heavenly fire, because there has been an experience, this is naturally a light road, and compared to the destruction of energy, the heavenly fire is much simpler.

In just two days, he extracted a complicated pattern, imprinted on the chaotic fairy.

Two lines.

In the cold heart, can you extract the chaotic **** thunder and turn it into a road pattern?

To be honest, the chaotic gods and the mirages are mixed together. Although the power is big, it is also very wasteful. If it can be taken apart, it can be turned into two magical powers, and it is more flexible to use.

However, this is also a risk, because once he disassembles the two gods, but can not resolve the source, then these two gods will "dead" and disappear completely.

Ling Han just hesitated, decided immediately, continue!

Only by turning into your own understanding, that is what truly belongs to you.

He began to dismantle the chaos and thunder, extracting the source from the horrible thunder, because he has already been refining, so even if the **** is terrible, it is very docile and will not have a little resistance.

Ling Han was very cautious and resolved a little bit.

After five days, he is close to success.

However, Ling Han's forehead is also full of sweat, his spirit is highly concentrated, this can not have the slightest mistake, otherwise, his two magical powers will be ruined.

Fast, fast, fast...has become!

Ling Han reveals a smile. When he completely disassembles the chaotic god, the **** of thunder is divided into two, which is transformed into two intricate patterns.

One is chaotic gods and the other is the illusion of black awns. They are not one family. They are forced to be combined because of the combination of ten and ten.

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