Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4089: Blood wave

"Go." said Jiushan Zun, Shen Sheng.

The two great people are throwing out the bones, then set off and quickly leave the island.

After going out of the distance, I saw that the sacred corpse drifted over slowly, and it was really a ghost.

They are not paying attention to it. At least until now, this sacred body has only followed them, and it has not been against them.

Even if the two sages need rest, but how strong they are, under the rush, there is no way to know how far they can go, but the sea is also terrible, they have been doing it for three days. Still have not crossed the sea.

However, the weather on the sea has suddenly changed. There is a **** thunder flashing. That power can make the two sages also look. Because this reaches the holy level, the saints must also go all out, otherwise it may be Turning the road to the west.

Fortunately, the **** thunder is far away from the sky and has not come.

There is blood rain in the sky, which has no corrosive effect, but has a great negative impact on people's psychology, and produces endless frustration.

Ling cold is okay, the quality of Chaos Xiandan is too high, so that he can suppress such negative emotions, but Ning Yanghao and Ningbian are unable to hold back, and they are sorrowful, almost throwing themselves into the sea, but fortunately there are Tianwu Zunren, will The two directly stunned in the past.

Seeing that Ling Han is still calm and self-satisfied, Tian Wu Zun's love of the heart is even worse, but unfortunately, why Ling Han has been detained, otherwise, Ning Jia has this good news, the future out of a saint is a matter of nailing.

After another day, not only the blood and the rain, but also the wind on the sea.

This is not an ordinary wind. It can be seen that there is a sign in the air that is moving, and if it is blown up by such a wind, it is guaranteed to be torn apart.

The two sages did not dare to care. They put the two skeletons to one side. One of the sages concentrated on the boat, and the other supported the shield and resisted the horrible order.

If there is a big battle, the opponent is the equivalent of the teaching master. It should have been vulnerable. But it can’t stand the endless stream. This is amazing. The hundreds of thousands of lords are fighting the wheel, and the Sayādaw must be careful.

At this time, Ling Han did not even have the qualification to intervene, and he could only watch it.

However, idle is also idle, he took out the lotus, peeled off a lotus seed, and began to eat.

Others are certainly scared at this time, even if the top Tianjiao is also a big enemy, how can there be a refinery and medicine, and extract the road? But Ling Han is very human. The more he is in such a situation, the calmer he is.

Tianwu Zunzi looked in his eyes, and the regrets in his heart were heavier. He secretly decided that Ning Yanghao and Ningbian and Ling Han would be closer in the future. This door-to-door son-in-law could not recruit, and always have one more friend.

According to Jiushan Sayādaw, this lotus seed contains the secret of the law. It is most suitable for taking the cold and taking it now. It can be extracted from the heaven and earth and turned into a fairy road.

The lotus seed is eaten, the taste is not delicious, Ling Han said from the perspective of a professional food.

After a while, a miraculous force rose into the sea of ​​knowledge and turned into pieces of symbols.

This is the Tao, but Ling Han can not understand, can only be seen as a complex symbol.

He extracted these pieces and tried to combine them. Only when a complete rune was formed, a useful rune was parsed, that is, heaven and earth, which can be branded on the elixir.

Of course, he has to confirm the level of this road first. If it is too slag, he can't.

If the elixir is so big, how can it be wasted by the slag-level road?

Hey, a thunder, awakened Ling Han from the enlightenment.

In the sky, the blood-colored lightning is far and wide in the distance, and the wind and rain are all getting bigger in a flash. This gives the two great people tremendous pressure. They all play the attention of 120,000 points. They dare not have the slightest sloppyness. .

"Jiushan!" Tianwu Zun suddenly shouted, the voice is a little trembling.

What did the Sayādaw have not seen before, and the voice would tremble?

The Jiushan Supreme was originally concentrating on the wind and rain, and the words were seen in the oblique side. I couldn’t help but reveal the hustle and bustle. I saw that there was a **** wave in the distance, and this huge wave was as high as Thousands.

He glanced at him and shook his head. This huge wave didn't know the geometry. The left and right sides were not seen on the edge and could not be bypassed.

"You must resist!" he said.

The speed of this huge wave is too fast, and they will soon be caught up at their current speed. Therefore, it is necessary to harden this huge wave.

Tianwu Zun nodded, he took out a Yuding, floated on the top of his head, and then quickly zoomed in, just blocking the bones completely.

Hey, the stream is falling, this is the order of the order, can be said to be the most powerful guardian in the world.

This is the instrument of his life.

At this moment of life and death, Ling Han naturally did not have the thought of Tibetan Mastiff. He was prepared to take out the Chaos Tower and hand it over to Jiushan.

Although this is not a true emperor, the mother gold itself has great power, and it should be brought in the hands of a saint, and the power should be stronger than the general sacristy.

However, the Jiushan Supreme has already sacrificed the sacred rituals. After the nine-yang umbrella, the constant flow of power, this treasure is quickly revived, and a holy shrine is diffused, but it is not targeted at the bones. The people.

Not far away, the **** waves are approaching, you can see that the waves are densely packed with symbols, and even become a chain of gods.

"Prepared!" Jiushan Supreme Dad Road, Jiuyang Umbrella broke out in full power, rushing toward the huge waves.


The sacred sects screamed and shot a beam of light.

After this blow, the huge waves were blasted out of a hole with a diameter of about ten feet.

"Go through!"

"it is good!"

Tianwu Supreme rushed through the blood hole in the bones, and the waves smashed, and the speed was amazing. Fortunately, the boat was the sage, whether it was strength or resilience, it was first-class in the world, and there was no danger. Worn out from the blood hole.

Surprisingly, this side is calm and calm. There is no wind or rain in the sky. If you can't look back, you can see that the huge waves are moving away quickly. Who can believe this?

However, in the end, the danger was left. The two sages and Ling Han were relieved. The situation was really dangerous. The members of the sages raised their hearts.

Tianwu Zun will wake up both Ning Yanghao and Ningbian. There is no blood rain at this time, and they do not have to lie down.

"Hey, what's the front?" said Tianwu Zun.

Nine Mountain Supreme looked into the distance, and he could not see it.

The two great people can't see clearly, let alone the cold, and they can't see anything.

"Oh!" Suddenly,

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