Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4091: Giant island

In front, there is land. !

The five people, including the two sages, were very excited. This was either confused and returned to the starting point, or they had already crossed the sea. In any case, they were trapped in the sea.

“No!” said Jiushan Zun, suddenly, “This is not a land, but a big island.”


Ning Yanghao and Ningbian are all a glimpse, no, they are not able to see the end of their eyes. This is what the island is, and it is too big.

Ling Han began to explore the distance to the shoreline, which captured the end of the land.

Indeed, this is an island, not a continent, but it is nothing.

"No matter what, we finally got to a new place, looking for it, there may be a big secret here."

The remaining four are nodding. I don't know which ancestor built it, but when it comes to the ancestors, there must be a big secret.

Five people landed on the shore and took up the bones. This time they will use it, and then look for it on this huge island.

The island is the same color as the sea, **** red, and the air is filled with **** mist, which greatly affects the eyesight.


At the same time, the two sages showed the color of warning and stopped, as if they were enemies.

The fog is filled and nothing can be seen.

After waiting for a while, the two great people marched forward, but the pace was slow, just for a moment, Ling Han immediately sensed a strong breath, so that his cold hair was vertical.

Strong and strong!

It is no wonder that the two great people are exposed to the color of the alert. The fog here is extremely foggy, which greatly affects the eyesight and the sense of God. Who dares to mess?

You know, they haven’t known how many sacred corpses they have seen in the past days. Is it a sage and a dare?

Who wants to work hard to repair the water?

In front, there are gradually people appearing.


"Jiushan! Tianwu!"

At the same time, Jiushan Zun and Tianwu Zun called, and there was a voice in front, and both sides were relieved.

It was not an enemy, but a sage who entered this place together.


Ling Han and other three juniors also let go of their hearts. Both sides are heading towards each other. There is only one honorable person on the opposite side, but he has brought three juniors.

After seeing Ling Han, the three juniors were all showing the disgusting color. Western Tianyu always looked down on the Northern Tianyu. It was impossible to change their concept because of a cold.

On the contrary, the stronger the performance of Ling Han, the more the West Tianyu can't lift his head, the more they hate it.

"Jiushan, you are not good at the Jiuyang Holy Land, what are you doing here?" Hengyuan Supreme asked, with a bit of provocation.

"Do you manage it?" Jiushan Zunren said proudly.

"Jiushan, run to the Western Tianyu, do you dare to be so mad?" Hengyuan Supreme will pick the eyebrows.

The competition between Tianyu is so good that it is more than just between juniors.

"Why, do you want to fight?" Jiushan Zun is not at all embarrassed.

"Being out of here, the deity really wants to ask you about it." Hengyuan Zun faint.

"Then you have to line up." Jiushan Zun, laughing, pointed to the Tianwu Supreme.

Tianwu Zun, haha, smiled and started the round field: "Okay, well, now everyone is working together to explore the island together."

Hengyuan nodded his head. He also saw many saints all over the place. It was naturally full of jealousy. Even the saints should drink this hate. They are no different from those of the dish.

The three great people joined forces to find it on this big island.

However, the fog and the lords here are all affected, and they can't see how far forward they are. Therefore, they are not moving fast.

Two days later, they found nothing, but the team expanded a lot, because in the middle of the road they met several noble people and joined their juniors with the team.

Fortunately, the blood fog only hinders the eyesight and the gods, and does not have the effect of confusion. Therefore, the people have not lost their way. Although the efficiency is not high, they are steadily searching for one area of ​​the island.

The environment of the island itself has also changed. Before it was a flat mountain, it was gradually found that there were sharp stone pillars protruding and growing, as if to pierce the sky.

At first everyone did not agree, but walking, but found a pillar actually bloody, but already dried up.


The sages flew into the air, and when he landed, his hand was already a dead body.

"Oh, this is a sage!" After the sages checked, they were all shocked.

The sacred man was actually stabbed to death in a stone pillar?

They are also saints. If the murderer is still here, can they be spared?

"I don't know how many years have passed since I died." Jiushan Sayādaw said, "The divine essence has been lost. Otherwise, we should feel the pressure after passing through here."

"Yeah!" All the people are nodding.

"Is that the ancestors did it?" someone said.

This made all the people in silence silenced.

Being able to become an emperor, not only has the natural material, but also the heart is bound to be broad, which is tested by the heavens and the earth. Throughout history, which emperor did not suppress an era, let the martial arts appear in the top?

Here, the saints have countless corpses, and the sages are slaughtered like animals, hanging on the stone pillars, and the means are too cruel. It doesn't look like the way of the great emperor.

The problem is, who is not the great emperor, who can kill so many saints?

“Is it a quasi-emperor?” The saints frowned.

"Not very likely." His conjecture was immediately denied. "Which quasi-emperor will fight for the last leap, but if it fails, it will inevitably be transformed. Therefore, it must be said that a quasi-emperor can live for so many years and kill. With so many saints, this doesn't make sense!"

Indeed, there are too many sacred people here. It is not like an era. How can it span millions of years, and who can live for so long besides the ancestors?

Everyone is scratching their heads and wondering why they don’t understand.

"You can't care about it, keep moving forward!" said Jiushan Zun, Shen Sheng.

If this is arranged by a ancestral king, even if the ancestors turned the road, the means that can be left is to easily kill the sage, and it is estimated that the sage is not spared.

Such as the Tiandao fire, it can be saved for millions of years, once the spewing out, the saints will also be turned into ashes.

They continue to move forward, and they have not yet gone far, and they have met people.

This time, it is a saint.

The disintegration of the Donglin Emperor.

Like late nightmare, late in nature, late dreams are quite reserved. When you are late, you are very enthusiastic to come and greet Ling Han, so that other young people are shocked.

What is the situation, Ling Han is to fish the Dragon Gate, become the son-in-law of the Tetriarch?

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