"But it's all too weird!" someone said.

Indeed, the sage's corpse, the corpse of the sacred, and the beautiful red-haired woman who is now sleeping, can't be reached at all.

"If she is not dead, wake her up, maybe she can know the beginning and the end of the matter."

This has won the consent of most people. Whether it is interested in red-haired people or more interested in the world, it is necessary to wake up the woman first.

"I am coming." A junior jumped out immediately, and he was completely fascinated by the Redhead.

The saint did not speak, and the sages acquiesced, and the young man walked toward the blood tree.

However, the strong players are all ready to shoot, it is too strange here, things can never be so smooth.

The young man still walked very slowly at first, but his footsteps quickly came over, and then he became faster and faster, became a running, and his face was also excited with excitement, so beautiful, if you can kiss a Fangze If you live less, you can live for a few hundred years.

However, just as he was about to rush, brushing, a branch suddenly moved and pumped toward him.

Very fast!

"Oh, bold!" One of the sages shot, oh, the glory flashed, intertwined with the Tao, turned into a sword, a sword in the past, the branches were cut off.

He is the elder of the young man, and certainly can't sit still.

The young man was shocked, but when the branch was cut off, he showed a proud color.

With the support of the elders, what is he afraid of?

Beauty, I am coming!

The obsessive color in his eyes is deeper, and he can't wait to get the red-haired person into his arms, pity and love.

Without speed, he speeded up and then lost consciousness.

In the eyes of everyone, the young man ran and ran, and suddenly it was torn apart. It seemed that an invisible peerless blade cut him into several pieces in an instant. Then he turned into a **** fog and disappeared. It’s complete.


"Thousands!" The former sage of the shot could not help but scream, this is not only his people, but also his blood, and he has placed great hopes on him, but the result is dying in front of him, even a piece of meat. Did not leave it to him.

- If the **** dog is here, it will definitely vomit: "How, if you leave a piece, do you still want to eat?"

He screamed and rushed toward the front. The sacred treasure was already a sacrifice. It was a long blue knive. The first time was a full recovery. The horrible sages were swaying and the world was eclipsed.

The sage was frowning, and he did not see how the young man died before, but he still extended his hand and resolved the pressure from the sage.

"Give the deity!" The sage was so angry that he smashed the past and annihilated the blood tree together with the red-haired.

"No!" This has made many young people exclaimed. Even a few of the sages are somewhat uncontrollable. Do you want to stop it?

The blood trees are not awkward, they don't care at all, but the red-haired people are different. It is so beautiful that they are all heart-warming.

The blood tree immediately launched a counterattack, and a branch of the branches was lifted and pulled toward the name of the sage. In fact, there was also a way to move, and the power was powerful.

It is incredible, although there are countless fairy medicines between heaven and earth, but the fairy medicine is only a big supplement, but it does not have any fighting power. At most, it is a poisonous gas, or it creates a fantasy and makes people confused.

And the ability to directly "hands", it must be the opening of the ingenuity, repaired into fine.

Once it is refined, even a woody creature cannot have a long life, and it is also subject to the limits of the martial arts realm. However, although this place is not clear how many years have existed, it is absolutely amazing.

So, why is this blood tree still not dead?


The blood tree is fiercely fighting with the sage. It is very powerful and does not lose the sage.

"Hey, a demon tree, dare to be fierce!" And there is a sage shot, killing the past to the blood tree, the sacred, time is very valuable, how can it be so empty, here for a long time.

The two great people joined forces, the situation is naturally different, and the blood tree is immediately suppressed. Winning is only a matter of time.

However, the sages are too slow to join the battle group.

Three dozens, this formed a qualitative change, and the blood tree could not hold it.

What is the key, it is rooted in this, and can not run around, naturally a great disadvantage, defeated faster.

But at this time, a terrible scene appeared, and the three saints suddenly fell apart, and then turned into a blood fog, leaving no trace of any trace.

by! by! by!

This time, everyone is straight and straight.

That is the three sages, second only to the sage's peerless powerhouse, actually died so silently, completely without a trace of defense, without a little bit of resistance, can this not scare?

Is the saint shot? Or... ancestors?

If there is a ancestral king here, then everyone adds up to a slap in the face, and the recovery of the empire is useless.

The emperor, invincible in the world, able to counter the great emperor, is not a soldier, but another great emperor.

The sages came out, and his hands were lifted. When he saw the heavens and the earth, he was suddenly drawn by him and turned into a silk thread. Don’t look at each thread as a fine spider, but if you cut it, you can guarantee it. The sages are instantly divided.

Suddenly, someone understood, exclaimed: "They are all killed by the word of the Tao!"

This will explain why the young people before, and the three nobles, have been silently disintegrated.

However, is there another saint here?

Everyone looked at the red-haired person, and then shook their heads. Don't say whether she is a saint or not. Even if she is not dead now, she is in an extreme state of seal. How can she shoot?

The strange place is too strange. Even the sages can die so silently, like the leeks are harvested, so that everyone is born with endless chill.

Obviously, this blood tree or this red-haired person is a taboo and cannot be touched.

The sages snorted, but he was a tribe. In this era when there is no emperor in the world, what is the fear of his hand? He strode forward, and the emperor hung over his head, in a state of recovery at any time.

He strode forward and can see clearly, and the heavens and the earth have become more and more complex, forming an intricate three-dimensional network.

The emperor was even more horrible, gently swaying, directly tearing the void, and the horrible energy poured out.

That is high level energy!

In the cold heart, the high-level energy is not in this space and time, but in the void.

However, this high-level energy is not so powerful, at most comparable to the energy of the first spiritual map he has learned.

However, the Emperor did not need to take the initiative to operate, and arbitrarily pierced the void, leading to high-level energy, which is naturally horrible.

"You, you see!" Someone suddenly said, pointing to the distance, the voice was shaking.

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