Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4096: Shamelessness also has a limit

True to the world, this should be absolutely crushing.

Therefore, even those who are in the Jiuyang Holy Land are not optimistic about Ling Han, and think that he will die in this battle.

- In addition to Jiushan Zun, the Queen and so on.

They naturally know that Ling Han is still a master of the road, and he can use the power of the ground to help himself. Otherwise, if Jiushan Zun’s optimism and love for Ling Han will deliberately go to the cold?

Of course, like Lu Qi, he showed a happy smile. He hoped that this day has been a long time, but unfortunately he could not kill himself and let him feel a little regret.

Song Yu was exposed to the color of tension, and he couldn’t help but clench his fist. Seeing the ninth beauty under the starry sky cares so much about a man, suddenly many people are exposed.

The auspicious day's look is a little weird. She already knows that Ling Han killed Shi Yongming's things. Naturally, she is more optimistic about Ling Han's talents, but the key is that Ling Han is too irritating, and she is beginning to hesitate. This will not cause a great disaster to the northern Tianfu Buddhas.

Hong Tianbu strode forward, he does not need to rush into the sky, the Jiuyang Holy Land is constantly reinforced by the generations of the strong, if the real world level of combat power can not bear, then it is really to laugh at the big teeth It is.

"Go all the way!" he said faintly, and he finally shot.

Hey, he patted a palm, but the endless energy of the heavens and the earth rolled and turned into a white jade-like hand. You can see that there is a road of light, which is the world.

This is the power of the real world. It can ignite the heavens and the earth, and the power of the attack is qualitative.

Roll everything down!

Ling Han will not be hard to pick up, and he will start to expand. He will quickly open and then hit a hit with a sigh of relief and rush to Hong Tianbu.

"Hey!" Hong Tianbu's eyebrows split a mouth slightly, and also exudes terrible coziness, blocking the suffocating impact.

"Don't forget, my chances will not lose you!" He said proudly, the eyes of the ancient beasts can be said to be supreme treasures, far beyond his current realm. "Speak up, thank you, because you are Lost, in order to protect my life, this eye is really in control for me."

Said, Hong Tianbu's eyebrows shot a light, very fast, can not dodge, shot on Ling Han.

"Haha, let's die!" He rushed over and was shot by the eyes of the Taikoo beast. The body would be petrified instantly. He could easily reap the life of Ling Han as long as he made a simple blow.

Too simple, under the pressure of a big realm, how can you be a peerless arrogant, and keep you dead.

Oh, sure enough, as soon as the palm went down, Ling Han suddenly turned into blood rain.

Hong Tianbu took his hand and laughed, but at the same time he also had some regrets. This opponent can be said to have hated him for many years, but he was killed at once, so that he felt that he did not hate.

However, if you die, this is a past tense.

In the eyes of everyone, Hong Tianbu suddenly became stupid, and screamed at the air, and then revealed the color of the world.

Hey, are you proud?

Is this the Sirius Emperor's dragon ride fast? Is it a bit abnormal? It is still a shame!

Faced with this scene, the East Sea Sayādaw also revealed a touch of anger, how did Hong Tianbu not rely on this time?

In fact, he is also very optimistic about Hong Tianbu, and even moved his thoughts, to go to the main house to seek the holy medicine to heal Hong Tianbu, completely remove his hidden dangers - of course, he can not ask for the whole plant Holy medicine, but only a small part, it is still no problem.

But now, Hong Tianbu actually performed so badly that he was angry in his heart. Is this kind of sheep-eating guy necessary to cultivate?

However, after all, the sage is a sage, and his eyesight is naturally brilliant. The more he looks at it, the more he is wrong. Then he suddenly wakes up. Hong Tianbu is not a disease, but an illusion of Ling Han.

It’s so powerful that it can affect opponents across a big realm. Even he didn’t see it for the first time. He didn’t even see Ling Han’s shot. What is this illusion?

"Tianbu, can't be careless!" He spoke, shouting loudly, and while talking, a **** knowledge also entered Hong Tianbu's knowledge of the sea.

The Sayādaw is too strong, and this **** knows to enter the sea of ​​knowledge, and immediately destroys the illusion.

Hong Tianbu stunned and then woke up and couldn’t help but reveal the color of shame.

He took advantage of a big realm, and actually was affected by Ling Han?

A shameful shame!

Really, the real world is not able to make a sound, but it is confusing.

"Dead!" He screamed and slammed toward Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled slightly, and the illusion of black mans was launched. Do you have any preparations? This is the Xianxia that was obtained in the Black Heaven Temple. It can be seen by the Emperor in the eyes. Can it be worse?

Hong Tianbu immediately made another move and started the performance.

The East China Sea Savior still wants to shoot, but sees a palm of the hand suddenly swept over, there are endless rules of force, even he has to be careful to deal with, quickly retreat, naturally innocent and then resolved for Hong Tianbu.

Jiushan Supreme took back his palm and said faintly: "There is a limit to shamelessness!"

The East China Sea is full of enthusiasm, but he did intervene in the battle between the two juniors. If the original Jiushan Supreme did not know, then everyone could fool the past, but after being worn, his natural face was ugly. It is.

The key is that some people have also started the live broadcast of the star network!

He is a monarch of the Tang dynasty, actually intervened in the battle of two juniors, but also was dismantled in public and lost face.

He snorted and put his hands behind him. Now that he knows, Jiushan Zun has no intention of compromise, but knows that Ling Han has the means to stop the real world.

This is to create momentum for Ling Han.

Before Ling Han used to kill the living environment when he was casting it. Now in the birthplace, even in the late stage of Sheng Dan, it will be able to match the real world. This naturally makes Ling Han’s reputation famous, I am afraid many emperors Will the family run over and rush to the maid?

"Four ancestors!" Dihailan worried about authenticity.

"No problem!" Donghai Zunren put his hand in the pendulum. "The kid has only one illusion in the vertical direction. Although this can affect the step, the instincts of the stepper are still there. Counterattack, with the advantage of a big realm of heaven, you can easily kill the kid."

Listening to him saying this, Emperor Hailan suddenly showed a sense of relief.

The East China Sea lord paused and said: "And, Tianbu is also a genius, but also has the advantage of a big realm, the impact of the illusion on him will become smaller and smaller, until it disappears, at that time...hehe. ”

Needless to say, a real person can go all out, which Sheng Dan is alive?

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