
Ling Han started to sweep the scorpion and said: "Oh, this layer of copper rust is indeed an old thing."

How smart is the **** dog, this is the ancestors of the pit people. After listening to him, he understands it. He immediately throws the dagger to the ground and then grabs the stall owner: "Well, you guys, dare to hang your dog!" ”

Hey, are you really a dog?

That hand-snapping smile, doing business here, is originally based on eyesight, your eyesight is good, you can not be cheated, or even leaking, but your own eyesight is not good, bought fakes, and who is it?

"Old black, don't have to be with him." Ling Han waved his hand.

"Hey, count your luck!" The **** dog retracted his hand. It and Xiao Han are now low-key. Otherwise, with its careful eyes, how could it be so easy to let go of someone who wants to hang himself?

Ling Han is looking for it at the booth, let alone the falsification ability of this stall owner is still quite strong. Everything is exudes an ancient atmosphere, but when you look at it with martial arts, it is actually something new. Old, but the craft is very good, the average person really can't see it.

He took a look back and took back his eyes. This thing has been faked, nothing to mean.

"Old, let's go."

"Oh!" The **** dog nodded, then glanced at the stall owner, warning.

They walked, but did not go far, Ling Han suddenly stopped.

"Little Hanzi, why?" The **** dog asked inexplicably.

"Go back." Ling Han looked a glimpse.

"Hey?" The **** dog was a glimpse first, then revealed the color of excitement. "Is there really a baby?"

"Bao does not know baby, but I did see it." Ling Han nodded.

"Go and go."

One person and one dog went back, but it was so hard. There were already other people watching it at the booth. They were two men, all very young, handsome and handsome, exuding a breath of temper.

One of them is a living place, but the other is a real world, and it is not as simple as entering the real world. It is the kind of perfection of the real world. When he was observed by Ling Han, he also turned back. At a glance, my eyes even hurt a bit cold.

Another Sheng Danjing also turned around. After seeing Ling Han, he was dismissive, because now that Ling Han has disguised himself, he naturally will not recognize that this is the hottest star celebrity.

Big black dog doesn't care so much. For it, baby is the most important.

"Let's let." It squeezed over, and then to Ling Handao, "Little Hanzi, come pick."

Seeing that the two "people" are coming again, the stall owner can't help but have some black faces. Are you coming to trouble?

Seeing the **** dog forcibly squeezing a position, the other two were slightly frowning. The man who was born in Dandong had a bad temper and immediately said: "What are you worried about, will not wait for us to come over again?"

"Why, I have been here for you. I have to wait until you are optimistic." The **** dog immediately retorted, involving the principle of the baby, it certainly will not give in.

What if the baby is taken away?

"Hey!" That life was angry and stood up.

"Small Hanzi, there is a position." The **** dog pulled, Ling Han took advantage of the position, and the hard life would squeeze out the birthplace.

I rub!

That life Dan suddenly became furious: "Who are you two, even Liu Fang dare to provoke?"

He thought that after his name was reported, Ling Han and the **** dog would definitely be "awe-inspiring", because he is the 76th person in the star network, which can be said to be incredibly strong.

But he immediately angrily found that Ling Han and the **** dog did not care about him, but looked for it at the booth.

The fruit of the red fruit is ignored!

"You are so bold!" Liu Fang's eyes spurt.

The young man has always been arrogant, and he is the top Tianjiao in the top of the star network. He is used to flattering and pleasing, and now he is so disregarded that he immediately has the impulse to shoot.

"Teacher!" The real world is to reach out and hold Liu Fang down.

"Sculpture brother, don't stop me, I have to teach them well!" Liu Fang said angrily.

"Don't forget the rules here!" The real thing said, he called Tu Yang.

Liu Fang is a glimpse, he is so proud, and can not be a saint's words as a whisper.

The sage is a law.

He waved his hand in hate and made up his mind. As long as he left the "market", he will definitely catch these two people and give a good lesson.

Tu Yang is a faint acquaintance. He said in a confession: "Whenever he buys something, he will fight for the price."

Liu Fang’s eyes are bright, and this is indeed a good way for a disgusting person.

Haha, they are from the Holy Land. Which one is not rich?

Fight with them, hey!

"Small Hanzi, which one?" The **** dog also asked the voice.

Ling Han has found the target. It is a **** Buddha. It is about a foot high. He told the **** dog with a voice of God. Then he said, "Don’t worry, I don’t think any guys have any brains. ""

"Yes, don't pick it, stare at the dog's ass, certainly not well." The **** dog nodded, then grinned. "The two little boys' bad stomachs are clear, but definitely we want to see If you buy something, they will fight with us and come to disgust us."

This kind of little trick is all good for the dog.

"Come, the dog is playing with them."

The stall owner is full of cold sweat. Today, I really see a weirdo. Four people are surrounded by his stalls, but they are all sullen. Are you playing a mime?

"That, how is this sold?" The **** dog suddenly picked up a mirror.

Your ancestors, you can finally scream.

The stall owner sighed, but his face was still weird. Didn’t you just say that it was a fake? I asked the price, is this deliberately whole? But there are also Tu Yang and Liu Fang on the side, and he can't call it too cheap.

"A thousand stones," he said.

"Yes, the Lord wants it." The **** dog nodded and did not bargain.

"Slow!" Liu Fang quickly stopped, "I am out of a thousand, and things are brought."

The **** dog turned his head and said: "Grandson, the dog lord has already talked with the stall owner about the price, what is your mouth?"


Liu Fang’s teeth, the anger in his eyes, was a bit more powerful. However, he still did not lose his mind. He could not do it here.

"The price is high, do you not understand this?" He pretended to be indifferent, and then asked the stall owner, "Do you say it?"

Definitely, who is the white money?

The stall owner nodded quickly: "Yes, the price is high."

He looked at the **** dog with some expectation. Come, don't hesitate, please increase the price.

"Small Hanzi, how do you like this?" The **** dog did not care at all, pointing to another thing.


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