Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4106: Unlucky Liu Fang

Zhao Kun is also aggressive.

what's the situation?

How was he caught the bird? Moreover, if this is a beautiful woman, even though it is seen by outsiders, he is at most "shameful". But now it is a man, a man!

For a time, he had only one thought, that is, the innocence is gone!

God, don't be beautiful, as long as it is a woman, why is it a man?

Liu Fang was shocked and speechless. He swears that his orientation is incomparably normal. Suddenly, he makes a strange move to a man's stall, which makes him doubt his life.

"Disgusting!" The birthplace of the Donglin Emperor finally came out, and Tatma's spicy eyes.

"No, no, this is a misunderstanding!" Liu Fang said quickly, he was really embarrassed.

However, the voice just fell, hey, his clutches once again stretched out and pressed on Zhao Kun’s ass.


"Shameless! Shameless!" The face of the living Dan is red. "You all give me a roll, I don't welcome you here!"

"No, it's not like this!" Liu Fang's buyer is also green. This dinner is a good opportunity for him to meet other holy places and even the Teijin people, just to expand the circle of friends.

But if he was driven out of the dinner, then the other person asked, hey, because he touched the other man's bird and butt, he was driven away. Does this make him face again?

If it is a saint in the future, will it be called a saint?

That really wants to be named.

He looked at Zhao Kun, but did not expect Zhao Kun to retreat again and again, and kept a large distance from him, his face is more taboo.

"Zhao Kun, even you don't believe me?" He resentfully said.

Zhao Kun smiled, but he did not want to get closer.

How do you make me believe in you, touch my bird first, touch my ass, color, wolf, change, state!

The **** dog is already smiling and turned over. As a starter, it is naturally amazing, but unfortunately such fun can only be shared with Ling Han, otherwise it will be more happy.

Ling Han also shook his head. If the clay man used it well, the power would be more terrible than killing. Of course, only the **** dog would come up with such a yinful trick. This time, Liu Fang was really bitter.

"Don't stand here again, leave quickly!" The birthplace of the Donglin Emperor began to catch people.

He really didn't want to see Liu Fang again, let him sickly burst.

Of course, Liu Fang did not want to, and grinds his skin there, but this naturally has no effect. Two "hands-offs" have completely destroyed his image.

"Ha ha ha!" The **** dog smiled happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Liu Fang looked over, and his anger finally found a target for venting.

"Which horizontal, the Lord did not touch a man's ** and ass." The **** dog sunk.

Your sister, dare to say!

Liu Fang wants to kill, but the reason is still. This is the site of the Donglin Emperor. Killing people here means not giving Donglin the emperor face. This middle-aged man has no fear, but one person is not as strong as him. However, offending a tribe, will there be a place for him in the future?

He also sneered, saying: "It's as if you are qualified to go in."

The **** dog is proud, said: "Small Hanzi, we are going to three passes."

"Ha ha!" Liu Fang sneered, he knows what the three-level test under the Donglin Emperor's cloth is. In his opinion, it is impossible to pass it. The difficulty is too high, but it is self-deprecating.

"You have to get through three levels, I will cut off my head for you."

The **** dog looked at Ling Han: "Small Hanzi, this metamorphosis seems to look down on us?"

"Hey, have we all fallen to the point where we are despised by a metamorphosis?" Ling Han shook his head very well.

"You!" Liu Fang gnashed his teeth, he said in his heart, as long as the two dare to enter the real dragon, he will find them and kill them.

However, he did not say it, for fear that Ling Han and the **** dog were afraid, and dismissed the idea of ​​going to Zhenlongyuan.

"This man, take us to the Three Gates." Ling Han said.

Through the observation of the longevity of the Donglin Emperor, it is known that Ling Han and the **** dog and Liu Fang are not a group, which makes him relieved. Otherwise, think about the extension to a certain male department. The clutches of the palms made him goose bumps.

"Good." He nodded.

Just want to bring Ling Han and the **** dog to go to the so-called three levels, but he is a glimpse, and then asked Ling Han: "Dare to ask your name is Ling Han, or Ding Yi?"

"Yes, this is the second handsome man in the world, Ding Yi, the first is the world's first handsome Ding." The **** dog rushed to say.

That life Dan nodded and said: "Please wait for the two."

Hey, what is the situation?

Liu Fangyi, how can you not go through three customs? Do you want to cover up these two people, so take them to the dinner party?

This is too blatant.

Hey, what did the man say just now, Ling Han?

Is that cold in the northern sky?

No, the gap is too big.

"Sister-in-law!" A delicate voice soon passed over, and I saw a silver-haired little loli rushing from a distance, and the speed was amazing.

This is naturally the fluctuation of the gods, and the spread of the voice is far from the speed at which she runs.

Late night.

That life Dan heard the word of brother-in-law, scared to fall directly.


This little princess has only one sister, that is, the emperor of the Donglin Emperor, and the most talented wizard of the past million years, the future is not only a chance to become a saint, but even a shock to the throne.

Is the emperor married? God!

Of course, Liu Fang also knows about late dreams. This is the little princess of the Donglin Emperor, the sister of the emperor’s late childhood, and which one of the guests who came today did not know?

That's it, he just opened his mouth and looked at Ling Han like an idiot.

how can that be possible?

Is it not only the emperor, but also the third beauty under the stars, actually the name of the flower? And still marry him the most hated person?

No, no, he can't accept it!

Silver hair Lolly does not care how many people will be troubled by her own name. She is full of ideas for marrying late dreams, no matter how much.

"Sister, you can come late!" she complained as soon as she came up, and then grabbed a hand from Ling Han. "Quickly, don't let the sister take it away! Hey, you are really, yourself. The daughter-in-law must be robbed and not in a hurry, nor afraid of a grassland on her head!"

This little girl is too early to mature.

The **** dog suddenly came to the interest and said: "Little girl, tell the story of your sister and Xiao Hanzi."

"Hey, stinky dog!" Late night, fan fan nose, "People don't like dogs and dogs, they always smell it, hate it!"

The **** dog suddenly turned black and black, and from the moment he opened the ingenuity, he got rid of most of the dog's habits?

"Go, go!"

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