Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4112: Looking for players

Sure enough, this is the only town on the island, so most people will regard this as the first stop.

Of course, there are also people who are acute and cross the sea directly.

According to the people in the starting town, this is not going to work. There are terrible beasts in the sea. It is easy to overturn the big ship. It is even more trivial to eat a person.

Not waiting for a long time, Ling Han saw one of the players he was looking for.

"Sister!" Only the **** dog screamed and rushed out with enthusiasm.

It’s late.

This emperor is not a person, there is a man beside him, just to that stop, it seems that the void can not withstand his power, shaking.


Of course, there is also a silver hair loli, it is a late dream.

This little girl’s martial arts talent is really amazing. It’s only a decade old, but it’s already in the early days of life. It’s really the blood of the emperor.

In addition, the two servants of the hundred miles are also there.

"Walking the dog, what are you talking about!" The stalker immediately replied, his eyes were like a knife.

"Grandfather talks to his younger siblings, what is your mouth?" The **** dog did not mean anything.

The Baili car was originally full of killings for Ling Han and the **** dog. It was only forced to press it by the late nightmare. Now the **** dog has begun to provoke, naturally he can not tolerate it.

"Bold!" The two servants killed the first time and rushed to the **** dog.

"Cut, the dog can't pick up the two of you?" The **** dog smiled and didn't shun, and took out the clay man and pinched it.

Hey, hey, hey, the two servants will stand up with each other, and you will punch me with fierceness.

Anyway, the Emperor's level has treasures to protect the body, will not be controlled by the clay figurine, and after going out, everyone's memory will be smashed, so the **** dog does not mind revealing the secrets of the clay figurine.

Seeing this scene, the hundred miles of cars could not help but show their anger. Although this is only two servants, he is also humiliating.

Late nightmare is coming, and said: "Smelly dog, give me clay figurine to play!"

If the **** dog is willing, it is a pit goods. If the treasure falls into its hands, it is basically going to have no return, and it is a self-sufficient person. How can it be borrowed?

It quickly took the clay figurines up, a cautious look, for fear of being robbed by a late dream.

When the control went, the two servants fell to the ground and gasped.

"Small gas!" He snorted and pouted a small mouth.

Ling Han is a bit amazed. The people of this tribe are particularly slow. Before this little Loli looked like a ten-year-old or eleven-year-old, it’s been two years now. How is it still like this?

"Death!" At this time, the hundred miles of cars can not help but shot, a punch and bang, as if the sky will be smashed, power is extremely scary.

Ling Han naturally could not make the **** dog match, he jumped to meet, and the hundred miles of the car.


Under a blow to the bang, Ling Han was suddenly shaken off, but there was chaos and immortalization to resolve the impact. He naturally did not hurt the strength of the hundred-mile car, but no more than six days.

"Well?" The breeze brows up. Before that, he did have a fight with Ling Han, and he suffered a bit of injury. However, he thought that it was a treasure used by Ling Han. The real power could never match the emperor.

Under the bang, it proved his judgment. The strength of Ling Han was not as good as him. However, the other party did not know what means to use and easily dissolved the power he had eaten.

Is it a treasure?

The hundred miles of cars are a bit embarrassing. First, the clay figurine, and then the treasures of his hand, plus the treasures of this power, this guy has mastered a lot of good things, and his body is even thicker than him.

Who is the emperor?

However, any treasure has the limit of use, and the Emperor can't always be in power.


He killed it again, and it is a coup to have a free shot. There is endless power.

Ling Han has no fear, meets the battle, and the godsmanship runs, his combat power is also extremely powerful.


The two top geniuses fought fiercely, and everyone was frowning and fascinated. Both of them were too strong. If they were greeted, they couldn’t help even one blow.

Next, is it necessary to compete with such a genius?

A lot of people are shaking their heads. How can there be hopes for winning?

boom! boom! boom!

Because they can't fly, the two can only fight on the ground, but the land here is surprisingly strong. It is also amazing to say that the two great squadrons did not cause any damage.

The hundred miles have been waiting until the cold treasure of Ling Han reaches the limit, but he obviously can't wait until it is the power of the cold chaos, which has nothing to do with the treasure.

Therefore, although the battle is fierce, it is actually very boring. It is because you can't hurt me, and I can't hurt you.

After playing a game, Chi Mengyan came forward to persuade and stopped the two.

The road car naturally wants to give a late face, and then, the strength of the late night is even more terrible than him. It is not a good idea to not give people face.

He stood still, his eyes were a little gloomy, and the imperial son actually had people who couldn’t kill him, which made him unhappy.

"Little girl, are you interested in teaming up with us?" The **** dog has been sedulating on one side. Its goal is to be late, as long as the little girl promised, can she still escape?

This is the emperor, the fighting power is terrible, it must be a good teammate.

"You let me play clay!" Silver hair Lolita took the opportunity to bargain.

The **** dog suddenly showed a painful color. It was afraid that the meat buns would hit the dog, hehe, hehe, and the slippery.

Ling Han smiled and said to Yu Meng: "There is a need to compete in teams, at least five people, how, if we form a team, there will be only one person."

What, what?

A hundred miles of cars can't help but look cold, one less person?

Didn't you count me in?

Oh, but will you promise you later?

You are just a wild path, how can the emperor see you!

The car is full of confidence, although Ling Han is really enchanting, but the birth is too bad, and the horse can not be compared with him.

The late nightmare was only slightly indulged, and said: "Yes."


The hundred miles of the car suddenly sprayed out, feeding and feeding, you are the emperor, actually teamed up with such a people?

"Sister, you are not enough!" Late night is very dissatisfied. "It’s hard for people to lie to the clay figurine. As a result, you promised that this stinky dog ​​is playing tricks."

The **** dog is shocked. This little loli really wants to lie to its treasures. It really can't be underestimated. It looks so cute and lovely.

"Dream!" The car was busy and said, "We are teaming up, just five."

Late night is a faint smile to him: "Barry brother, please also call me the full name, I am not so familiar with you!"

In a word, the car was suddenly black and black, and even showed a hint of color.

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