Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4371: Real ruin

I am back?

Who is this "w"?

I saw the door of the palace and there was a shadow coming out.

Really phoenix!

Everyone can see clearly. This is a phoenix. It is gorgeous and can't be described. However, this phoenix is ​​almost transparent and completely different from the entity.

"This is not a true phoenix, but a remnant of the true phoenix!"

Emperor Zize said, it is worthy of the golden generation, even if it is still quite calm at this time.

Ling Han also has the same feeling. This is not the true phoenix of the world in ancient times. It is too unrealistic, and it is absolutely impossible to be a complete soul. The emperor will die, and the soul will be assimilated by the heavens and the earth. This is inevitable.

However, the means of the Great Emperor, if it is only to retain the next bit of the remnant, is still very likely.

This is so terrible, it is still terrible.

The real phoenix actually kept a piece of remnant soul down, and the breath of the exuding sentiment was strong enough to reach the holy level!

Everyone is speechless and wants the true virgin inheritance?

People really have no hangs, how come?

"Sleeping for so long, I finally waited until today!" The true phoenix soul stared straight at the little red bird.


"Come on!" The real phoenix remnants of a phoenix wing, the little red bird can not fly out of control.

Ling Han wanted to take a shot, but he took a step, but felt a terrible breath to suppress it, let him vomit a blood, uncomfortable to describe, simply unable to shoot again.

"Help!" The little red bird screamed, how do you think this is not a good thing.

"Holding my will, I am the incarnation of my incarnation, what can I fear?" The real phoenix said, slamming, he turned into a light, shot toward the little red bird.

Like a mud cow into the water, this soul immediately fell into the body of the little red bird.

Seeing this, everyone still doesn't understand?

I don't know what kind of means used in the ancient dynasty. In fact, there is a remnant of the soul that has not turned to the heavens. I have been sleeping in this true phoenix temple for countless years, until now I wake up.

And he has spent so long years, the only purpose is to find a body that can carry his soul.

The little red bird is a descendant of Suzaku, with the blood of the beast, and the same poultry and the same fire system, naturally the best body.

It is no wonder that when the little red bird arrives, the nine palaces are opened, and it is effortless.

This is simply a pit!

It was at this time that Ling Han’s thoughts fluttered.

Why are there real dragons and true phoenixes in the Yuan world?

From the current situation, the Yuan world is like a microcosm of this big world. But the question is, why are there so many races in the Yuan world?

In the midst of it, is there a force in control and influence?

Look at the appearance of the four-legged snake, the little red bird and the remnant of the true phoenix. Do you have the same dragon, suzaku, and phoenix corresponding to the Yuan world? What is going on?

Ling Han can be sure that the Yuan world is not a secret world like the true phoenix nest, but a real world. There is an independent and complete heaven and earth road. Just from the level, the yuan world is too low.

Let the thoughts fly for a while, Ling Han quickly returned to God, is it time to think about these things?

Can be a true remnant of the soul, crossed over countless years, the power is up to the holy level, is this cold can fight?

What do you think, this is the arm of the car.

How to do? How to do?

Ling Han brow wrinkled, although the little red bird mouth poison, always spit, want to run when encountering difficulties, but since joining his team, it is his own.

He never looks at his own sufferings!

If the true phoenix enters the body, it is absolutely true that the soul of the ruin is taking the initiative, and the soul of the little red bird will definitely be annihilated. Therefore, the little red bird is equivalent to death, and the rest is only her body.


Just then, sudden changes.

Ling Han only felt that the flamingo in his hand was actually shining, the whole body was bright and bright, and then he shot himself in the sky.

Not only that, the spacecraft automatically broke open, and the bead that didn't know what came to it also flew up and ran with the flamingo rod.


At the Eight Great Elders, I saw that the other eight flamingo rods were completely out of control and floated into the air.

Then, the nine flamingo rods will be merged into one, and the mysterious beads are embedded in it, blending into a brand new stick, but unlike the original blush, now the stick is blue and scattered. A sense of warmth and coolness.

"True phoenix, I am the Lord, and follow you to the South to fight the North, but you can reincarnate for yourself, and ruthlessly kill your nine old brothers!" A phantom in the stick, this is a human form. Although it is the same as the remnant, it can be seen clearly. He has red arms and a flaming tattoo on his arm.

"Old ancestors!" Seeing this figure, the eight elders and the various fire-fighting people are excited. This is their ancestor, who has been enshrined in the temple of fire, who has not seen it?

But who can think of it, this ancestor is still not dead!

Hearing what he said, the Nine Great will seem to have been killed by the real phoenix, and the ancestors of the volcanic family left a hand, actually saved a remnant soul and recovered today.

It’s a grief that has spanned many years?

The remnant soul of the ancestors of the skin-like family held the stick and swooped toward the little red bird. The stick head glowed and the holy spirit boiled.

This is a holy device!

If the real phoenix is ​​in its heyday, then naturally, you don’t have to care. The Great Emperor just wants to let the saints die a few times, but now, there is only one soul left in the real phoenix, and it is more in harmony with the little red bird. The key moment!

The timing of the fire-fighting ancestors to choose the cause of the disaster can be said to be just right.

I saw the little red bird flapping its wings and making a light, which turned into an endless **** pattern. Hey, suddenly, the stick was shot, and the soul of the aging ancestors was also swaying like a candle in the wind.

After all, he was only a holy class in his heyday. Now there is only one soul left, and how many powers can he still be left?

The ancestors of the fire-fighting family are laughing! "The real phoenix is ​​really phoenix. I didn't expect it. You laid out hundreds of millions of years, but it is a failure. Your heart is definitely full of bitterness? Yes, I just want you." Try this taste of despair and betrayal!"

"Hey!" In a sigh, the red bird's body emerged from the soul of the real phoenix. It was obviously transparent. He looked at the ancestors of the fire-skinned family and shook his head. "Old man, you misunderstood me." ”

"Misunderstanding?" The aging ancestors of the fire-skinned family sneered. "Don't I see that you killed me and other nine people. Is this a misunderstanding? Fortunately, I have a hunch, and laid out in advance. Otherwise, it really only contains hate Jiuquan, no Revenge today."

The real phoenix resounded and laughed: "Hey heaven and earth, I originally wanted to create a rebirth of the fire, live the second world, and you were punished by the heavens, and suffered a fatal wound. Before dying, I laid down In the overall situation, I want to find someone with the same blood in the world, pass on my will, and restart the world."

"I didn't expect it to be an empty one!"

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