Alien God System

Chapter 1123: Deputy commander

Down with Wu Fatian fascism, long live the people of Wujiapu? "

Lifting the curtain of the car, a handsome young man showed his head. After murmured twice, he suddenly laughed: Lord Wu Bao, what do these two sentences mean? "

Uh this...

He couldn't help but slapped twice, Wu Fatian suddenly felt dull, and bowed to the young man, saying: Enlighten the big young man, this...I don't know too much. "

Is it true? Although I don't know much about fascism, long live the people, etc., but the first five words, my son still knows the meaning. "

Jin Daoling scorned the corner of his mouth and sneered: Lord Wu Bao, this is your Wu Jiabao. It seems that the people underneath don't look at you very much, hahaha! "

Bowing down, Wu Fatian didn't speak, but his entire face was as angry as Hei Tan.

Then, the frame of Jindaoling was guarded by a group of masters, and the models drove into Wujiabao, all the way to the direction of the main mansion of the castle.

Wu Fa weathered his fists trembling, leading Wu Jianxiong, Sima Changfeng and others, and marched aggressively towards the gate of the city, but he had just entered the gate and looked at the wall corners with reactionary slogans everywhere. , Almost didn't make her mouth crooked.

Especially the recruitment advertisement of the Blue and White Club was posted all over the street, and it was hard not to be discovered.

The Blue and White Club, a real man's choice.

To find a job, come to the Blue and White Club, a good job and a good future.

The time to change fate begins with the Blue and White Club!


Come! "

Almost tearing his throat, Wu Fatian roared to the sky: What is going on? This Wu Jiabao is still surnamed Wu, why are the slogans of the Blue and White Society posted everywhere? "

Fort Lord, you are back, see Fort Lord. "

At this moment, the commander of several soldiers and horses rushed over in a hurry, seeing Wu Fatian's red eyes with anger, shaking with fright.

Wu Fatian glared at them, grabbing one of the leaders and shouting: What happened, and why did Wu Jiabao become like this? "

Castle Lord, this, this..."

The man stammered and it was difficult to explain for a while.

Wu Fatian glanced at them, then asked: Why are you just a few of you here? What about the rest? "

He... they all went to the promotion meeting of the Blue and White Club..."

Promotion meeting? What it is? "

Just... is a lecture to promote the concept of the Blue and White Club and recruit members of the Blue and White Club. "


Swallowing hard, the commander said tremblingly.

Hearing what he said, Wu Fatian was instantly silly. Not only was he stupid, but Wu Jianxiong and Sima Changfeng were also shocked.

How long did they leave Wujiabao? This Wujiabao was turned upside down, and even the commanders of the soldiers and horses went to participate in the recruitment of the Blue and White Fair.

Is this Wu Jiabao still named Wu? I’m afraid I’ve changed my surname to Chen.

Traitors are a group of traitors. "

With a violent wave of his hand, he threw the leader to the ground, and Wu Fatian waved his hand and gave Wu Jianxiong a big ear scraper.


Waste, look at how your subordinates guard Wujiabao? "

Yes, the castle master, his subordinates are negligent! "

He bowed slightly, Wu Jianxiong's face was full of embarrassment, and then he turned around and stared at the panicked Zhan Pengfei. With a crackle, he gave him a big ear scraping, and said angrily: waste, look. See how your subordinates guard Wujiabao? "

That... Commander, before I left, I was handed over to leader Shi Fenqiang, who knew he would..."


Before he could finish speaking, Wu Jianxiong had another big ear scrape and slapped his face fiercely: The old man has already said that his responsibility should not be pushed outside. Inadequate employment is your negligence. Zhan Pengfei, you let the old man very disappointed, and the castle owner very disappointed with you. "


The corners of his mouth flattened, Zhan Pengfei almost cried aggrievedly.

At this time, Shi Fenqiang hurried over with people in a hurry.

As soon as Zhan Pengfei saw it, his anger started from his heart, and the evil grew to the side of the courage. He strode up, not to say anything, and threw a big mouth.


This ear scraping was really loud, Shi Fenqiang didn't figure out anything. After turning around twice, he was instantly stunned: Commander, what do you mean? "

What do you mean? Humph! "

With a cold smile, Zhan Pengfei started to shake the pot: How did I tell you before I left? I said that in order to repay the friend of the castle lord, even if we shed our heads, sprinkle our blood, kill our lives, and die, we must keep Wu Jiabao safe for the lord of the castle. This is how you guarded me? You have let down the trust of the commander and the castle owner in you. Shi Fenqiang, what do I want you to do? "


With that said, Zhan Pengfei had already hit Shi Fenqiang's head with a palm, obviously trying to put him to death and let him carry the pot completely.

Shi Fenqiang was startled, his head was covered with cold sweat, but when the palm was about three inches near his forehead, he made a muffled sound, and Zhan Pengfei's fierce palm was firmly fixed by an iron claw. Living.

Zhan Pengfei was taken aback for a moment, then looked up, only to see that the person in front of him was not someone else, but his own enemy, Yang Feng was undoubtedly.

Don't blame the stone leader, during the period when the fort lord leaves the fort, the soldiers and horses are under my command, and I am responsible for everything. "

Haha, it really is you again! "

With a grin, Zhan Pengfei immediately ran to Wu Fatian and gave a small report: Castle Lord, you heard that, all of this is his disadvantage, and his subordinates think that he should be put to death immediately in order to emulate you. "

Wu Fatian looked gloomy and looked at Yang Feng.

Both Sima Changfeng and Wu Jianxiong immediately interceded and said: Castle Lord, we should first clarify the recent affairs before we talk about it, and we should not rush to punish them. "

Yes, our top priority now is to understand the development of the situation, not to hold it accountable. Wait for the matter to calm down, and then it will be fine. "

Hey, you two old things, protecting the calf is too obvious.

When the black pan was on my head just now, I said that I was not using people well and I had to take full responsibility. Now that Guo Pao is on Yang Feng, the two of you immediately said that you should not be in a hurry to pursue the blame, should you investigate it? You...

Zhan Pengfei's face was twitching, and his heart wailed.

Why is it always me who is unlucky? by!

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Fatian suddenly turned around and walked towards Bing Ma Si: You all come with me. "

When everyone came to the Soldiers and Horses Division, Yang Feng reported these two months to Wu Fatian and couldn't help sighing: I never expected that when Ge Hong massacred the city, Chen Jialuo would save the entire city, leading to Chen Jialuo. Now in the whole Wujiabao, the prestige is quite high. With this enthusiasm, Chen Jialuo wanted to recruit soldiers and entice the ignorant people to join the Blue and White Club. The number of our soldiers and horses was too small, and the clansmen and the nobles were forced by Chen Jialuo's **** and did not give support, so they had to swallow their anger. "

Then what are you going to do at the Blue and White Fair? "Wu Fatian asked again with a glint in his eyes.

Yang Feng didn't rush, and honestly said: This is my idea, we are not strong enough to be able to compete, so we have to outwit. I sent someone to pretend that we were bewitched by him, and took the opportunity to break into him, and only waited for the return of the Lord of the castle, the inside and the outside should unite and annihilate them in one fell swoop. "

Well, there are ideas, unlike some people, if something goes wrong, they won't do anything except to throw the pot. "

Determined to nod his head, Wu Fatian showed his appreciation: From now on, you are the deputy commander of Soldiers and Mars! "

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