Alien God System

Chapter 1206: Guards


Raising her brows, Yan Yurou couldn't help but smiled: "My father said, the people can do it, but it cannot be known. The right to interpret things like rules must be held in their own hands to better

Govern the people below, this is order. If the people below know the rules, they will exploit loopholes and disrupt order, making it difficult to manage. You make your own rules

Announcement, is this appropriate? "

"You are only afraid that the people below will exploit loopholes in the rules, aren't you afraid that the people above will deliberately break the rules?"

With a grin, Yang Feng said: "You set the rules, but you don't let everyone know the content of the rules. To put it bluntly, you are afraid of being caught by others when you break the rules.

, Will cause dissatisfaction of others. It is precisely because the rules are opaque that the arrogance and arrogance of power have grown. And under this high-handed authority, no one knows what day they will

Violating the so-called rules and having a different body and head, so he lives in fear all day. Gradually, people don't believe in any rules, but only in power. "

"But now, I write down the rules in detail, and everyone follows the rules. People have confidence in their hearts and they no longer worship power. Just like this time, Miss Yan is here

After reading through the General Principles of Penal Law in Ben Fort, if you are really sure that your guards are not a death sentence, you don’t have to come to me to determine anything. Our law will give them a fair sentence.

Decided. On the contrary, if they are really a capital offense, it would be useless to find me. I have given all the power of judgment in this castle to Sansiyamen, I can't get in! "

After listening, Yan Yurou nodded clearly and smiled: "You have delegated all the power. Are you afraid that one day, the people below will stand up to you and turn you back?"

"Don't be afraid, because there are rules!"

With a chuckle, Yang Feng continued: "The rules protect not only ordinary people, but also those in power. Everyone performs their own duties and must not cross boundaries. In one rule, each

In a world where people follow the rules, no one is afraid of losing something for no reason. On the contrary, the more power is worshipped, the more afraid of losing power. Because of lost

They have lost their support, and they don’t know what can protect their interests. That’s why they cling to power. "

Nodding slightly, Yan Yurou smiled, her eyes full of admiration: "Master Yang Bao, you are really the most little girl ever met..."

As he said, Yan Yu turned around softly, just about to compliment him, but saw his disheveled appearance again, remembering the two beauties in his room before, and his expression suddenly changed.

Han, contemptuously said: "Perverted man!"


Yang Feng listened to her tone, he should be in a good mood, with a complimentary tone, but suddenly he became abusive, and he was taken aback.

Then, Yang Feng looked down at his current messy virtues, and immediately understood what he said with a wry smile: "Miss Yan, you really misunderstood just now. I am actually a serious person.

. "

"Well, a decent person with two girls in one night, goodbye!"

Rolling her eyes, Yan Yurou turned around and left with a sneer.

Yang Feng stomped his feet with anger: "I'm really not that kind of person, why don't you always believe me?"


Why should I use old? And, why do I have to explain to her, what does she have to do with me? Is it because she looks like a jade cicada?

"Deng's disciple, fooling around with two women all night, he is not a good man at first sight, huh!"

Outside the main gate of the castle, Yan Yurou just left, she stomped her feet in anger, fire in her eyes, and she was no longer as cold as the iceberg beauty.

But soon, she frowned.

Hey, why am I so angry?

How many women do he sleep at night, what is my business? Me and him...

Her heart stagnated, Yan Yurou didn't think about it anymore, but quickly left here, this place that made her feel uneasy.

On the other hand, Yangjiabao is inside the Siyamen. At this moment, Lin Fei's pretrial trial is being broadcast live to the people of the fort.

After several senior officials of the Ministry of Justice exchanged their opinions, the Supreme Judge announced on the spot: "According to Article 25, Paragraph 3 of Yangjiapu's Criminal Law, Lin Fei and others have been sentenced.

Lin Fei was convicted of ten crimes including terrorism sabotage, deliberate murder, and sabotage of public security. Lin Fei was jailed for 300 years and executed immediately! "

"What, three hundred years? You want to keep us for three hundred years?" Lin Fei and the others were immediately shocked with a sullen face.

They came to catch the young lady home, and they must find the young lady immediately and take her back. If it is closed for three hundred years in this third-rate family territory where birds do not shit, the daylily will be cold.

When they go out, it is estimated that the young lady has a grandson, and she still catches a fart!

Lin Fei and the others are about to cry, wanting to resist the escape like this, anyway, these ants next to them are not their opponents, but Yang Feng's Saint Lanyin is their only shackle.

Let them be restrained, afraid of any movement.

"Come on, take them down!"

Finally, as the chief yelled, Lin Fei and the others were dragged away bitterly.

Yan Yurou looked at all this through the big screen in the central square of Yangjiapu, and laughed out loud.

Let you chase me again and be locked up here for three hundred years, see if you can still catch up, hehehe.

A world dominated by rules is not bad. In this way, I am not afraid that they will force the people here to let them go as a super family.

And who in the world could have imagined that a group of guards from a super-class family would be imprisoned on the territory of a third-rate family?

It is estimated that even if Dad wants to find them, he can't find them.

I have to say that Yang Feng is really a genius!

Yan Yurou secretly praised her heart, but soon, when she thought of the happy scene between Yang Feng and the two beauties, her face chilled again.

It's a shame, huh!

Feeling depressed again, Yan Yurou left Yangjiabao step by step, which surprised her and made her a little bit lost.

Yang Feng didn't know that Yan Yurou had left, but after putting on the clothes, he was ashamed to go back to see the second daughter of Wan Zining and went straight to the backyard of the trial. Sit leisurely

On the rocking chair, drinking tea.

After a while, Lin Fei and the others were brought to him.

Lin Fei and the others were taken aback for a moment, not knowing why, but soon as if they had caught a life-saving straw, they kept saying: "Master Yang Bao, let us go, we know we are wrong, and we will never dare to be with you again.

Yangjiapu went wild. It's been three hundred years, too long, we really can't wait, we can't wait for a moment. "

"There is no way, the three Siyamen sentenced it, and I can't do anything about it. We, Yangjiabao, is a place of government. If you break the law, you must be punished. Even if I am the owner of the castle, I cannot guarantee it.

If you do, it would be equivalent to tearing down the foundation of my Yangjiapu, no one will believe me anymore, but..."

Shrugging slightly, Yang Feng suddenly smiled and said: "In extraordinary times, there are extraordinary ways. Now my Yangjiabao is about to send troops out. At this time, all prisoners have the opportunity to be enlisted into the army.

Yes, for Fort. As long as you perform meritorious service on the battlefield, you will be spared your crimes. This is also an express provision in my Yangjiapu Military Conscription Law. How about it, do you want to join? "

"You let us fight for you?"

"Yes, as my guard, we will go to the battlefield together."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng said evilly: "Think clearly, fight a battle to avoid 300 years of imprisonment. With your strength, there will be no danger in the battlefield of this second-rate family.

It's a bargain. "

Uh this...

Looking at each other, Lin Fei finally nodded: "Okay, we will go to the battlefield with you, but you have to fulfill your promise and don't lie to us."

"It's absolutely, our Yangjiapu's express regulations are written, this is our credibility, don't be afraid, hehehe." With a grin, Yang Feng murmured.

With this group of generals and masters as younger brothers, after going out, they will become more prestigious, replacing Jin Wudi's second-rate family status, it is logical, hum.

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