Alien God System

Chapter 1211: Twelfth-Rank Space Spirit Tool

Jin Wudi's arrogance and dominance are famous throughout Jinling Mansion. Who dares to provoke all third-rate families?

But today, Yang Feng repeatedly and again lost the face of the Lord Palace Master, and even instructed his men to hurt the people of the Palace Lord.

That's right, these old foxes have already seen it. Without Yang Feng's signal, how could the person behind him put such a heavy hand and dared to directly injure Palace Master Jin's men?

The so-called hitting a dog to see the owner, although it was the guard that hurt, in front of the palace lord, it was equivalent to hitting the palace lord in the face.

But even so, our Palace Master Jin, who has always been arrogant and arbitrary, has nothing to do... forget it!

This shows what? Admit it!

Although in the eyes of the three-rate family patriarchs below, they still couldn’t see how strong the guards behind Yang Feng, especially Lin Fei, were, but they could see Jin Wudi.

Face and style.

Obviously, Palace Master Jin retired this time, confirming that his eyes were unattainable.

But Yang Feng, who has always been low-key in Jinling Mansion, is now uncharacteristically arrogant, and even the reason for the provocation of Jinling Mansion has been found.

It seems that the Lord Yang Bao is asking himself to have the capital to climb to the top, and gradually showing his fangs.

But will this sky change after all?

The old foxes looked at each other, lowered their heads tacitly, and closed their eyes lightly.

It doesn't matter if he kills you to death or life, it is none of our business to change the universe. We are peaceful and happy. Anyway, no matter how to change the top, we have to rely on the bottom of us

Does the family manage all places? Huh...

But they can stay calm for years, but Jin Wudi can't calm down. After all, Yang Feng's current spearhead is aimed at him, he can't hide, nor can he hide.

It was just facing Lin Fei and the group of powerful masters behind him, Jin Wudi didn't dare to act on Yang Feng, an unsuspecting apprentice before he could figure out the situation.

After taking a deep breath, after a moment of indifference, Jin Wudi burst into laughter and said, "Master Yang Bao is indeed a role model for all the third-rate families in Jinling Mansion.

With great military strength, even if I, the palace master, feel ashamed, hahaha...well, now that the whole palace is here, let's set off! "

"Yes, Lord Palace!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng nodded slightly.

Then, the whole army pulled out and flew in the direction of the Demon Cloud Cave.

All families have released their own spatial spirit weapons, like treasures such as Heiyun Tower and Jinyu Pavilion, which grow in the wind and float in the air.

Soldiers of various races entered inside one after another, arranged neatly and uniformly, like a space fleet, with more than one hundred ships, mighty and majestic.

Standing at the forefront, it is naturally the tenth-grade spiritual weapon of Jinling Mansion, and it is also the largest and most luxurious, just like a palace, and it will have face when flying out.

Yang Feng glanced in the distance, then looked at the sixth-grade flying spirit weapon inherited from Wujiapu in his hand. He couldn't help being a little shabby, and he couldn't get it out.

Originally Ge Hong had an eighth-grade spirit weapon, but it had been damaged when he attacked Wujiapu.

So now he only has these **** spirit weapons. Compared with his 30 million soldiers and horses, it is simply detrimental to his face and completely inconsistent with his aura of replacing Jinling Mansion.

Frowning deeply, Yang Feng hesitated for a while.

He came here today because he wanted to crush Jinling Mansion in all respects and plant an impression in the hearts of all the Patriarchs that he was capable of replacing Jin Wudi.

But now that the equipment is too shabby, this impression will be greatly reduced.

With the same wealth, will the bank give a loan to a Maserati driver or a bicycle rider? Those rich people show off their wealth every day, but they just want to give the bank a loan

The money gives me confidence, so superficial work is still very important.

If this kind of **** magic weapon is taken out, it will obviously destroy his image as a rich man, and he won't be able to accept the trust of those third-rate families.

"Fort Lord, this is for you!"

At this time, Lin Fei handed a slap-sized orb with purple thunder light all over his body.

Yang Feng was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him unclearly.

Lin Fei grinned and said: "Twelve-rank space, thunder, and dual spirit weapons, Lei Yuan Tianfeng, can pack 100 million troops, much better than their garbage spirit weapons."

"Huh? How do you know what I'm thinking? I have vision and a future, hahaha!"

Yang Feng's eyes lit up and immediately took it over with joy.

Lin Fei smiled and said: "Master Yang Bao, as long as you don't forget to promise us, a flying weapon that combines offense and defense is nothing."

"Don't worry, I'm the person who speaks credibility the most. After the battle is over, I will unlock the Lan Yin for you and let you free, and you will be considered as full of military service."

"Thank you Lord Yang Bao."

Nodded hurriedly, Lin Fei smiled like Hua'er, and then suspiciously said: "It's just Lord Yang, I don't understand one thing. With your strength, just a word can make the Jin family bow down.

Why should it be so troublesome if you are a minister? "

"Eh, you don't understand this. The world is so good, and people's hearts are hard to change. I'm not fighting for territory, otherwise I would have unified the spiritual world already. What I want is what people want, so it will be slow

Slowly and gradually. If the steps are too large, it will be disadvantageous, so a little bit of guidance is needed. "


Lin Fei was puzzled, but heard Yang Feng smile and said: "I just slapped you, don't you blame me?"

"Oh, it's okay, do you have to do a play? I often encountered this kind of thing in the family before. When the master is not easy to come forward, our slave will come forward."

"It seems that the leaders of the whole world still understand this, hahaha!"

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng let out a big laugh, and suddenly waved his hand to Jiutian, and then Lei Yuan Tianfeng flew directly into the sky and expanded rapidly.

Without much effort, it has become a towering mountain like Mount Everest.

Yang Feng was overjoyed on his face, and immediately flew in with the horses.

At the same time, Jin Wudi was sitting in the golden palace flying, and a group of flattering servants beside him kept flattering: "Palace Master, look at the fleet of Jinling Mansion

, It’s the most magnificent and magnificent of our Jin family, no one else can compare it, hehehe. "

"That's natural, am I the Palace Master, who dare to compare?"

Jin Wudi proudly raised his head, but suddenly, a cloud of shadow suddenly enveloped all the flying spirit weapons in the sky.

Everyone was shocked and raised their heads, and their entire faces were pale with fright: "Whose flying spirit weapon is that, it's so big!"

"It's the flag of Yang, it's from Yangjiapu!"

"No, it's the size of a spiritual weapon that is more than a hundred of us. It must be of a few grades. Does Yang Jiabao have such a deep background? They are all more than Palace Master Jin."

"More than surpassing, the palace of the Jin family is nothing compared to this behemoth, and it is not comparable at all!"


Everyone was chattering, screaming again and again, shouting like a group of mountain cannons that had never seen the world.

Jin Wudi looked up at this behemoth, his face convulsed.

Yang Feng, you want to replace the old man now and become the master of Jinling Mansion, right? Something of wolf ambition...

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