Alien God System

Chapter 1236: Hongmen Banquet

Think twice?

With a raised eyebrow, Seventh Young Master glared at him fiercely: Old man, what do you mean by that, let the surname Yang lawless, this palace lord swallowed his anger? Where do you put the face of the house? "

Palace Lord, the old man didn't mean that. "

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the old man determinedly said: Lord Yang Jiabao is here to commit a crime, this case cannot be opened. Otherwise, other families will follow suit, how can I convince the people of Jinling Mansion? Therefore, Yang Jiabao must be severely punished. Even if you slaughter him completely, you can't make a compromise gesture to try to follow suit. "

The mansion will now send troops to conquer, why do you stop? "

Because the old man has a better strategy! "

With a wicked smile, the old man said gloomily: Yang Jiabao is a tough one, so we shouldn't be tough, so we have to capture the thieves first. Hold Yang Feng's servant first, and Yang Jiabao will naturally destroy himself. By then, all the gangsters in Yangjiapu will be slaughtered, and then the two wives of Yang Feng will be sent to the palace owner's bed. The rest of the family dare not have two hearts. I heard that the two ladies of the Yang family are very beautiful, Jie Jie Jie. "

Oh? Is it really beautiful? "

With his eyes raised, the corner of Qi Gongzi’s mouth appeared with a lewd smile, and then he looked at the old man and said: Since you made this idea, you can do it all. I’ll go and see some of the beauties I just got , Hahaha! "

With a loud laugh, the seventh son walked to the backyard with a grin, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After the old man bowed and bowed, he turned his head to look at the special envoy Li who had been trembling and kneeling in the hall, and his eyes flashed with coldness.

Come here, chop off the head of this servant and send it to Yangjiapu! "


Special Envoy Li was shocked and immediately stunned.

After another half month, a box was quietly placed on Yang Feng’s desk. A guard from Jinling Mansion bowed down in front of him respectfully: Lord Yang Bao, this is a gift from the Lord Palace Lord. I hope you don't dislike it. "

Give me a gift?

Yang Feng was taken aback, suspicious.

I just hit him, he would give me a gift? This is not his style!


Thinking like this, Yang Feng raised his hand to open the box, but he suddenly saw the head of Special Envoy Li staring with his eyes wide open, not staring at him.

Yang Feng squinted at the guard: What does this mean? "

I told Lord Yang Bao that this servant had been rude to Lord Yang Bao before. After hearing this, the Lord Palace Lord was furious, and directly let people chop off his head and sent it to Lord Yang Bao to calm the Lord Yang's anger. "

Respectfully bowed to Yang Feng, the guard said with a shy smile: Lord Palace said that there was no assistant from Lord Yang Bao, how can he have today's glory, Lord Yang Bao is in the heart of the old man of Palace Lord as both a benefactor and a benefactor. They are brothers, and they are always irreplaceable. Who dares to be rude to Lord Yang Bao, this is the end. I hope Lord Yang Bao will never listen to the villain, and misunderstand the Palace Lord. "

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng murmured: Palace Master is interested. "

Lord Yang Bao! "

Immediately afterwards, the man said again: The 20th of this month is the birthday of the palace lord, and the palace lord would like to invite Lord Yang Bao to the mansion to celebrate together. Moreover, the palace lord had promised Lord Yang Bao to share Jinling Mansion. This time the palace lord and his elders will publicly announce that they will officially cut dozens of territories and put them under the Yangjiabao category. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng smiled and said: I see, I will definitely go by then. "

Well, the little one retires, and he will return to life. "

Don't stay for dinner? "

It's hard to do, the small one still has official duties, Yang Bao's mind, the small one takes it and says goodbye. "

Well, go back with some local specialties, cucumbers and potatoes. Cherry tomato……"


With a twitch of face, the guard gave a dry laugh and left angrily.

Yang Feng watched his distant back disappear, couldn't help but smile and shook his head, looking at Sima Changfeng on the side: What do you think? "

Hongmen Banquet! "

I think so. "

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng couldn't help but smiled: It's just that it doesn't look like that fool's style. I thought he would come directly when he was angry. At that time, we will be able to revolt directly and fight against Jinling Mansion. Whether this war is moral or legal, we can stand up to it. After all, he did it first. However, he actually gave me a trick to invite you to enter the urn, and I saw him with admiration. "

Yes! "

With a long sigh of foul breath, Sima Changfeng said leisurely: First, kill the special envoy Li to calm the spirit of the castle master. Then he used the things of the year to draw closer to you, and then borrowed the land for you to entice you to go. This kind of gentle policy is not something that a fool can do. On the contrary, he is very smart in thinking. "

What does this show? It means that the fool knows that he has a bad brain, and he has found a good brain to help him make suggestions. "Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered: However, these are all leftovers from our previous play. Little tricks of carving insects, classmates, cut them!"

Lord, are you going? "

Go, of course. "

With a flash of brilliance in his eyes, Yang Feng settled down: I went to his Hongmen banquet, which is enough to give him face and benevolence. Kick him down next, no one can say that I am not. I am not usurping power and seizing power, I am asking for orders for the people and kicking out tyrants. "

Understand, I will arrange a guard for you. "

What kind of **** should I arrange? I will go to the meeting alone, so I don’t want to hurt others. "

Shaking his head with a smile, Yang Feng said indifferently: I am more comfortable handling things by myself. It depends on the situation whether I will be arrested or killed. In addition, I also promoted my heroic feat of going to the meeting alone. As the saying goes, the wind is depressed and the water is cold, and the strong men will never return once they go. A tragic hero is the easiest to get into people's hearts. "

To understanding! "

Sima Changfeng grinned and nodded.

Then, Yang Feng sent someone to tell his family to go out a long way and set off on the road. They didn't say what to do. Wan Zining and the others knew that Yang Feng had everything to do, so they didn't care.

As long as their men don't go to the right door.

It wasn't until ten days later that Sima Changfeng started the propaganda machine to advertise the Hongmen Banquet to the whole government, and according to Yang Feng's meaning, he was portrayed as a hero who is not afraid of death and has a bold art. Image.

In order to give the tyrant another chance, he stopped this perverse act of harming the people, and resolutely went out alone and spoke out his advice.

This couldn't help making the people who eat melons moved to tears, and they treated Yang Feng as a saint who sacrificed his life for justice.

Only the people around Yang Feng know that the boss is a bold person, and there is no risk of half a dime to go to Jinling Mansion this time. All the crises are just exaggerated by Sima Changfeng's propaganda agency in order to highlight the feat of the boss.

If ordinary people knew that Yang Feng could crush the powerhouses of Jinling Mansion with just one finger, wouldn't his heroic image collapse suddenly.

However, some people are really anxious after hearing this news...

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