Alien God System

Chapter 1305: remind

Early the next morning, after Yang Feng had eaten breakfast, he walked straight to the Liang family courtyard with Bailang.

After learning that the Liang family worshipped the evil **** last night, Yang Feng had already decided to get in touch with the evil **** through them.

It just so happened that as soon as they came to the gate of Liang Mansion all the way to inquire, they ran into an acquaintance, who was not Luo Yinghao from yesterday?

Only at this moment, there were a few more attendants behind this Young Master Luo, his head kept low, acting only as promised.

Looking up, it was Simon Jinlian and his party.

About fifty or sixty, among them there are three or four powerful kings.

It seems that they have already handed over the video evidence in their hands to the son of this super-class family, and now they have to take advantage of the super-class family's edge to regain power.

"Brother Yang, I'm lucky enough to meet, I didn't expect to meet again here, we are really fate, hahaha!"

Luo Yinghao was very affectionate when he saw Yang Feng, laughed and clasped his fists.


How do you know... Oh, listen to what that little Nizi said. "

Yang Feng was taken aback for a moment. He met Luo Yinghao Pingshui yesterday. He probably hadn't reported his family. How did this kid know his surname Yang, but when he saw Simon Jinlian behind him, he knew everything.

Luo Yinghao grinned and looked at Yang Feng jokingly, "Brother Yang, did you have a nice day yesterday?

I wanted to pick a Fengyue work, but it turned out to be a memorial ceremony. I'm afraid I'm disappointed.

Little brother is different, I watched with great energy last night, hahaha! "

"People are not as good as the sky, bad luck yesterday!"

After spitting out a long breath, Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, and said: "Why, Brother Luo didn't have much time to get the record of the spiritual crystal, he went to Liang's house so soon, he really feels righteous.

Want to police the gang to eliminate evil and vindicate the Simon's family? "

With a dumb smile, Luo Yinghao didn't speak, only a deep light exuded in his eyes.

Yang Feng just glanced at it and it became clear.

Even if a member of this super first-class family has been dedicated to eradicating feudal superstitions, he wouldn’t be so active, and judging from his appearance, it seems that he doesn’t care about the Ximen family, so he suddenly came to Liang’s family for another purpose Up.

This time period, this knotty eye... Yang Feng seems to have guessed his purpose. Luo Yinghao took a deep look at him, then looked at the plaque in the Liang Mansion and said: "Brother Yang came to the Liang family mansion early in the morning. , What's the matter?

Could it be that after meeting Miss Ximen last night, suddenly heroism broke out and wanted to help Miss Ximen? "

Well! As soon as he said this, Ximen Jinlian's cheeks instantly turned red, and from time to time he looked at Yang Feng, a heart like a deer bumping into it.

The cousin next to her had a dark old face, and his teeth were almost bitten off with hatred, but it was only because Luo Yinghao, a superb family boy, was here, it was not easy to attack.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will directly fight Yang Feng on the spot.

Bai Lang stared at the big cousin and looked at the joke, feeling that at this moment, his head was actually covered with greenery, full of the breath of nature.

But what no one had noticed was that one of these attendants had eyes full of tears long ago, and he kept staring at Yang Feng, and he was about to drip out.

Yang Feng didn't care about this strong jealousy, let alone the ambiguity of Miss Ximen. Although Yang Feng had done all kinds of molesting and slurping with this little girl last night, he took advantage of it, but it did not mean that Yang Feng was going to give her a head.

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng said with a grin: "I have no relationship with Miss Simon, at most, it's only one side, and it's not much different from a passerby. Can you commit this trip to the muddy water?

I came here today for another purpose, maybe it is the same as Lord Luo? "


Consistent with me? "

After thinking about it thoughtfully, Luo Yinghao smiled and nodded.

Simon Jin Lian's face was pale, and his heart was lost.

"Brother Yang, since we are all here to find Liang's family, then please, how about going in together?"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yinghao made an inviting gesture, and Yang Feng nodded and walked side by side with him.

When he arrived at the gate of Liang's Mansion, Yang Feng reported his identity to the guards, and Luo Yinghao, the head of the Yunzhou Xiongfeng Mansion and the second-rate family patron, suddenly showed a strange look.

He really did not expect that Yang Feng was just a second-rate family.

According to his conjecture, Yang Feng is at least a super-first-class child like him. After all, whether it is Yang Feng's attitude towards himself, or Yang Feng's ability to swallow up the twelfth rank spirit soldier, this can be confirmed.

As a result... Luo Yinghao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile: "Fun!"

The Ximen family were all stunned, wondering why the Patriarch of this second-rate family could speak so equally with the children of the super-class family.

They almost thought Yang Feng was superb... "Palace Master Yang, my master invites you to come in!"

After a while, the subordinate who had gone to report came back and led everyone in.

Yang Feng nodded slightly, and walked in with Luo Yinghao grimly, and everyone else followed closely.

Only soon, Ximen Jinlian quickly stepped forward, pinched Yang Feng's thigh, and said angrily: "It's just a second-rate family, why are you so awkward?"

"Where am I?"

"You can't help but how dare you talk to Lord Luo, who comes from a super-class family?

I really don't know the style! "

Simon Jinlian rolled her eyes and reprimanded, and Yang Feng looked at her inexplicably: "How can I talk?

I just said it as usual, right? "

"It's because you talk as usual, that's why you are wrong."

There was a rough breath from his nostrils, and Simon Jinlian taught: "You are only a second-rate, Luo Gongzi is super first-class. When you see Luo Gongzi, you must keep your posture as low as possible. How can Luo Gongzi usually be him?"

"What's wrong with my head-up?

I look up to show my self-esteem, and my self-esteem will be respected by others.

Which is like you?

I don't know what dignity is, the head and waist pressure are so low, I want to go up and step on my feet after seeing it, but you are still a first-class family member.

It seems to be no different from the fourth-class untouchables in the third-rate family area in my house! "

"Eh, you..." Simon Jinlian's tone was stagnant, and she was so angry that she could not speak.

Yang Feng looked solemn, and solemnly said, "Don't blame me for not warning you. Your own destiny must be held in your own hands. Don't count on others.

Maybe when the time comes, I will be sold by others, and I will help others to count the money, a bunch of foolish people! "

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Simon Jinlian was puzzled and cursed anxiously.

Yang Feng ignored her and took two quick steps to get away from her.

Simon Jinlian wanted to catch up again, but a jade hand suddenly grabbed the sleeve.

Ximen Jinlian stagnated and looked back: "Yue'er, what's wrong?"

"He is reminding you that it is dangerous here, go quickly, Luo Yinghao is not worthy of trust!"

A green jade finger writes stroke by stroke on the palm of Simon Jinlian...

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